Astronomical Architecture of Great Pyramid


440 Royal Cubits (20.632 inches per Cubit) per base side of the Great Pyramid of Giza, 280 for the height, so two base sides, 880, divided by 280, equals Pi, and the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid is half a nautical mile, so it's a reduction of the dimensions fo the Earth by a factor of 43,200, derived from the rate of precession, 72 years per 1 degree of 360 degrees.

The ancients measured the radius of the Earth, according to the rate of precession, by measuring one side of a hexagon which is circumscribed by the circle of the Earth, and subdivided this length by 7,200 for the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid, and therefrom, the length of the royal cubit.
Is that what they did, or is that just the way it works out? (assuming your calculations are correct in the first place)
The ancients measured the radius of the Earth, according to the rate of precession, by measuring one side of a hexagon which is circumscribed by the circle of the Earth
They got the size of the Earth by either:
A) figuring it out from the precession (how, exactly) or
B) measuring one side of a hexagon that circumscribed the Earth (how did they get the hexagon and its size?)
Try to stay consistent...:shrug:
440 Royal Cubits (20.632 inches per Cubit) per base side of the Great Pyramid of Giza, 280 for the height, so two base sides, 880, divided by 280, equals Pi, and the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid is half a nautical mile, so it's a reduction of the dimensions fo the Earth by a factor of 43,200, derived from the rate of precession, 72 years per 1 degree of 360 degrees.

The ancients measured the radius of the Earth, according to the rate of precession, by measuring one side of a hexagon which is circumscribed by the circle of the Earth, and subdivided this length by 7,200 for the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid, and therefrom, the length of the royal cubit.
how many frikken times are you going to rehash this garbage?
i mean, like 6 threads aren't enough?
For the architects and engineers out there, who have wondered how the Great Pyramid was surveyed with such precision, this is undoubtedly news to them, so just sharing.
Oli, the ancients measured the 72 years/degree rate, and triangulated 60 degrees for the measure of the distance of one side of the hexagon which is circumscribed by the circle of the Earth, and so, measured the radius of the Earth, quite simple really.
Yeah right. And they got the length of the hexagon from...?
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By triangulating a star's position to where it would be after 4,320 years (60 degrees) of precession, the length of the line between those two points was known to be the Earth's radius length, and so, then was subdivided by 7,200 for the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid.
By triangulating a star's position to where it would be after 4,320 years (60 degrees) of precession
Triangulating to where it WOULD be? Err, no. You triangulate from known positions, not speculative ones. Keep trying.
Okay, so this is some "ancient gods were aliens" thing? If they knew where the star was going to be then surely they would have known (or been given) the size of the Earth without going through all the geometry palaver.
This isn't engineering, or architecture. I've done enough of both to say that with some certainty.
Pseudoscience please, mod.
That remark, coming from a guy that has
I wasn't surprised that science corroborates the Bible,
on his website is verging on irony, methinks....
To the mods at sciforums, pseudoscience is science, and science is pseudoscience, pretty funny.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Bing! Bang! Boomerang!
I had a strange Lucid dream which I held the Eye of Knowledge levitating around pyramids. I was struggling with an army when I decided to continue do what I was doing. I magically opened flaps in pyramids walls with the eye of knowledge key. These pyramids were of another planet near caves.

the Eye of Knowledge:
yes, but in constructing any triangle, you will always find mathematical constants. i.e a triangle will always have 180 degrees from its acute angles.

just a point. I do think previous civilizations must have been as advanced as us at some points.

in a 100 million years from now, there may be nothing left from our civilization to say that we were here and possessed advanced physics, even the pyramids will have long turned to dust by then.

Science can accurately carbondate previous animate objects, but I think aging our earth is still mostly guesswork.