Assisted Suicide!

KennyJC said:
I'm still waiting Adstar...

Kenny I did not come to these boards to prove anything. You will have to wait until Someone else proves it to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Kenny I did not come to these boards to prove anything. You will have to wait until Someone else proves it to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I thought you might say something like that.

In other words, you have no proof, otherwise you and all other theists would jump at the chance to show it to everyone. When asked to prove your dramatic views, you say you don't have to prove anything or that I have to find out for myself... But how many times do you see hardline theists (such as yourself) trying to scrape the barrel of science in order to twist it and fabricate it into somehow supporting your beliefs - Somehow trying to find proof for something that there is absolutely so proof to support. You can not avoid that.
Of course i will use a scientific analogy sometimes if i think it will help make the thoughts i have more easily understood. But knowing what i think does not prove God exists.

Of course there are a lot of people who try to prove God exists and there are a lot of people who try to prove God does not exist. But from what i have seen the only people who latch on to the supposed "proofs" are those that have already made their minds up on the matter. The supposed proofs are only used as a form of Justification for those who have already made their mind up. They are also a way to ease the way for those who are falling away from God or those who already believe that God must be and are coming to Him.

If i could prove God, then faith would not be needed. All the world would believe. No one will prove God exists but God Himself.

Revelation 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Avatar said:
Yes, all praise the great Cthulhu!

Know this. You do not mock me by posting this. You have mocked the Ancient Of Days. May you dream dreams.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adster, I think you misunderstand the point I am making. There could be a God, I never try to prove there isn't. The point I am trying to make is the specific motives you claim God has are based loosely on some scriptures you like to quote. Pasting them in bold and underline doesn't make them anymore true I am afraid as they were written by man. This post I am typing here now, is written by man. That means what I am typing could be complete bullshit, just as what you type. If there was anything found to be written directly by God then perhaps your claims could be justified, but for now you are following a man-made God.

Euthanasia is something which has to be considered by politicians, doctors, patients and psychologists (to affirm the patient is of sound mind). Therefor your beliefs in a man-made God should not be allowed to enter the debate. Unless you wish to base your views against euthanasia which are of the real world and not on what God may think about it.
KennyJC said:
Adster, I think you misunderstand the point I am making. There could be a God, I never try to prove there isn't. The point I am trying to make is the specific motives you claim God has are based loosely on some scriptures you like to quote. Pasting them in bold and underline doesn't make them anymore true I am afraid as they were written by man. This post I am typing here now, is written by man. That means what I am typing could be complete bullshit, just as what you type. If there was anything found to be written directly by God then perhaps your claims could be justified, but for now you are following a man-made God.

That’s your thoughts, nothing more nothing less. Just a series of statements and a conclusion based on them. You cannot prove that God does not exist but you insist on claiming that you know the scriptures i quote do not come from One whom you do not even know exists or not. All your statements are based on some kind of faith.

Euthanasia is something which has to be considered by politicians, doctors, patients and psychologists (to affirm the patient is of sound mind). Therefor your beliefs in a man-made God should not be allowed to enter the debate. Unless you wish to base your views against euthanasia which are of the real world and not on what God may think about it.

Man.... this is very frustrating. Ok let me say this clearly. I am not about trying to force any Government to pass any law for or against murder. The Governments of this world will do what they will do for whatever serves their current purpose. I could not give a rats ass what laws are instituted by satans lackeys on earth.

My message is to individuals who have the choice of taking part in murder or not taking part in murder. I am not here to "save the world". I know full well this place is headed for destruction, i am only here for the people who want to get off this madhouse would "Spiritually".

All Praise The Ancient Of Days