Assisted Suicide!


charles cure

the supreme court is preparing a decision on the legality of Oregon's assisted suicide law. although arguments against the law hinge on doctors in Oregon giving patients overdoses of drugs calssified as controlled substances and therefore regulated by federal law, lets put that aside for a moment and examine the larger issue.

even if there isnt a constitutionally sanctioned "right to die", do you think there should be?

is it a violation of the sanctity of human life or is it the ultimate manifestation of personal control?

is euthanasia the same as suicide?

what do you think the religious position is or should be on this issue?

its out there lets discuss it.
The religious should concern themselves with compassion, and making someone live in pain with a terminal illness isn't true compassion. I think Oregon's law is very carefully worded to prevent any possible abuse.
It is only a matter of time before euthanasia is legalised. It is one of the few remaining taboo's, but we will get used to the idea eventually. Ethics change quicker than you might think - How many of societies daily tasks do you think would have one day been frowned upon? Nevermind the now legalised abortion..

For the innevitable influx of small minded theists posts with "life is sacred" etc... I would like them to think of every situation such as people living lives not only in complete agony, but have no independance, quality of life or dignity.

As an agnostic I would like control over my own fate. I do not want the religious right to control my fate just because my beleifs are different from them.
"even if there isnt a constitutionally sanctioned "right to die", do you think there should be?"

No. But people who want to die and a re prepared to murder themselves or organise someone else to murder them will find a way. The state will do what the state will do.

is it a violation of the sanctity of human life or is it the ultimate manifestation of personal control?

It is both.

is euthanasia the same as suicide?

Yes. Murder is murder no matter what the fancy name is used.

what do you think the religious position is or should be on this issue?

leave it up to God to end lives.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I really enjoy a theists slack use of the word "murder". By definition, this is not suicide.

What about smoking, or eating food that is bad for me. That could define suicide. Does 'God' frown upon that too?
God frowns upon any activity we engage in that damages out bodies. Our (Christian) bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. People know that smoking causes damage and can lead to cancer so yes it is a form of self-murder. I would say it is on par with playing Russian roulette.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If someone is 90 years old, has terminal cancer, can't walk and is bedridden. won't eat or drink then would you think they should have the right to die with the assisted suicide drugs? Anyone that's in a terminal conditon and is suffering should have the right to decide, if they are coherent, if they want to be helped in dying. I just want a handgun left by my bed if I were in that sort of condition if I couldn't get assisted suicide.
Adstar: Is the dying person not asking for mercy? To be frowned upon when asking for mercy would be the ultimate kick in the teeth dont you think?

EDIT: If someone out of love concedes to someone's wishes to assist bringing the end to that suffering i.e. to cut the time short for the benefit of the person they love, who are we to say that that loving act is invalid?


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The catholic church has determined that some animals have souls. Should any vet that performs the act of euthanasia on such animals should be prosecuted for murder?

On the flip side. Since the existence of the soul has never been proven by science should we feel free to perform euthanasia whenever we feel like it (with consent of the owner of the body whose life is in question).
Adstar said:
God frowns upon any activity we engage in that damages out bodies. Our (Christian) bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. People know that smoking causes damage and can lead to cancer so yes it is a form of self-murder. I would say it is on par with playing Russian roulette.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

There was a time when we didn't know it damaged our sacred temples. It was only when science proved that it did. But then again we can't trust science can we? That is the work of satan. Afterall, science did come up with the crazy idea that we humans evolved from apes... can you imagine that? :D
I love how christians are sooo concerned with people before and after they are alive. What happens while you are actually alive? They couldn't care less. Compassion... Love... a Christian craves not these things!
It's another case where the state ignores the fundamental right of the atheist not to have to live (or in this case - to die!) by any religious code.
How can cristians be so sure of what they are saying is from God. I am amazed.

Surely if suffering is only left of a life, for example terminal cancer, then do with humans as we do with our pets. What a perverted idea to keep someone massively suffering and no hope of a cure alive becuase "God" sais so. How do those who speak thus "know" that that is the will of God. Surely a good God does not want massive suffering in his name.

It is humane to end life when there is predicted only suffering left. If we are an image of God, then surely God wants what is humane, not what some self apointed ambassadors of God says.
Afterall, science did come up with the crazy idea that we humans evolved from apes
Don't you study biology in schools any more?
No scientist has ever said (Darwin included) that humans have evolved from apes. We all are apes and have a common ancestor.
Apes divide into two families: Hominidae and Hylobatidae. Humans (homo sapiens) are a part of the Hominidae family together with gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans.
Streamline said:
How can cristians be so sure of what they are saying is from God. I am amazed.

Surely if suffering is only left of a life, for example terminal cancer, then do with humans as we do with our pets. What a perverted idea to keep someone massively suffering and no hope of a cure alive becuase "God" sais so. How do those who speak thus "know" that that is the will of God. Surely a good God does not want massive suffering in his name.

It is humane to end life when there is predicted only suffering left. If we are an image of God, then surely God wants what is humane, not what some self apointed ambassadors of God says.

Remember that discernment is a process that requires time and effort and oft we get confused especially on highly emotive issues such as 'Assisted Suicide'.
On the one hand we believe (for those that believe) that God has the ultimate say over life and death and we resist arrogance and pride by steadfastly holding this belief which we do to honor God. On the other hand we know 'God is Love' and for those that live in love, it makes no sense to allow someone to suffer needlessly when they have no quality of life and have themselves requested mercy.

Remember ... 'All things are permissable, just not everything is 'beneficial' and it is the 'beneficial' thing that we must be most careful to discern correctly.

If a man honors his friend by helping him when mercy is asked for, it is a matter of conscious for that man and his friend. If both are agreed, then so be it. The man can act in love towards his friend and the friend can receive the mercy that he has asked for. Both benefit.
If a man's conscious will not permit him to help his friend for 'whatever' reason, then the dying friend would not be acting in love by insisting that his well friend assist his death. Insistance would benefit neither man.


Avatar said:
Don't you study biology in schools any more?
No scientist has ever said (Darwin included) that humans have evolved from apes. We all are apes and have a common ancestor.
Apes divide into two families: Hominidae and Hylobatidae. Humans (homo sapiens) are a part of the Hominidae family together with gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans.

That would be sarcasm on my part, as it's a quote theists always use.
On the one hand we believe (for those that believe) that God has the ultimate say over life and death and we resist arrogance and pride by steadfastly holding this belief which we do to honor God.

Why then do theists use medicine and go to see a doctor? Why do they scream murder when doctors pull the plug on a vegetable being kept alive by a machine?

Gods will is already being tampered with by medical science without the aid of euthanasia. Whats the difference I ask?
KennyJC said:
Why then do theists use medicine and go to see a doctor? Why do they scream murder when doctors pull the plug on a vegetable being kept alive by a machine?

All theists? Some theists? Who knows. Each must do what they do to maintain a clear conscious in the presence of their God.

Gods will is already being tampered with by medical science without the aid of euthanasia. Whats the difference I ask?

How do you know that medical science is not a gift from God?


God frowns upon any activity we engage in that damages out bodies.

We drive cars and get into accidents that damage our bodies. Many have jobs that cause high blood pressure, which damages our bodies. The list is endless, and I seriously doubt you're not on it.
If someone out of love concedes to someone's wishes to assist bringing the end to that suffering i.e. to cut the time short for the benefit of the person they love, who are we to say that that loving act is invalid?

Your god, that's who.

Since you endeared the term 'racist' to me in another thread, perhaps I can return the favor for you with the term 'hypocrite.'