Assisted suicide/right to commit suicide

Who should have access to assisted suicide?

  • Anyone with a durable death wish should have access to assisted suicide.

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • only seriously ill people should have access to assisted suicide.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • noone should have access to assisted suicide.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • suicide should be illegal.

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


Worship me or suffer eternally
Valued Senior Member
I accidently stumbled upon a newsgroup where suicidal people share painless/easy methods to commit suicide. Not just old people that have health problems, but also young people.

So a question occurred to me..... under what circumstances should assisted suicide be allowed with help from a professional? What do you think? and why?

Personally I think that anyone with a durable death wish has the right to an, if needed, assisted, painless death. After all it is their life so they get to decide for themselves.

Some might say that it should not be allowed because it is selfish... in this case: Is not having the feelings of some people hurt more important than the right for a person to choose to end his own life?
Sure why not. If the proper care has been given and the person still wants out..
However, I'm not saying it is a solution to their problems of any kind.
under what circumstances should assisted suicide be allowed with help from a professional? What do you think? and why?

First of all the person should be examined by professionals to determine if they are mentally sane. Then they should find out if the person is really dying of something that cannot be cured or has no hope of a cure being found soon. Age has no bearer because many young people have terminal illnesses that won't be helped and they just fade away. Brain dead people should be taken off all machines after at least 3 doctors declare them brain dead. Three doctors should also have a final say about who will be assisted or not. To me, when you are going to die of a terminal illness , you can get medications that if taken all at once, will kill you. I think people should be allowed to do that and not put the burden onto others to help them die. I only think assisted suicides should be done with very strict controls and oversight by doctors and government officials.
First of all the person should be examined by professionals to determine if they are mentally sane. Then they should find out if the person is really dying of something that cannot be cured or has no hope of a cure being found soon. Age has no bearer because many young people have terminal illnesses that won't be helped and they just fade away. Brain dead people should be taken off all machines after at least 3 doctors declare them brain dead. Three doctors should also have a final say about who will be assisted or not. To me, when you are going to die of a terminal illness , you can get medications that if taken all at once, will kill you. I think people should be allowed to do that and not put the burden onto others to help them die. I only think assisted suicides should be done with very strict controls and oversight by doctors and government officials.

^ is what I meant.. :p
as someone who has tried to commit suicide because of depression i am a HUGE suporter of public services (including the police) being about to help.

euthanasia on the other hand is a compleatly different topic, i am a suporter of the rights of terminally ill pts not to be basically torchered untill they die. cancer for instance is a hugely painfull disease and no one should have to go through that pain for nothing IF THAT IS THEIR CHOICE.
i know if i was seriously ill, and i had made a will before i became sick, saying, i want to be put to sleep peacefully, i would want my wishes to be carried out,

i dont anyone should live in pain all they're lives, and its nicer more humain to just put that person to sleep
Ok so... the general consensus in the comments seems to be that people should be forced not to commit suicide, because at a later day they may regret it. But isn't this the persons own responsibility? and what if the person genuinely wants to die, and it isn't just a temporary thing, while still being a young and healthy person?
Ok so... the general consensus in the comments seems to be that people should be forced not to commit suicide, because at a later day they may regret it. But isn't this the persons own responsibility? and what if the person genuinely wants to die, and it isn't just a temporary thing, while still being a young and healthy person?

Huh ? I think you misunderstood.. (also look at your poll).
Yes I said comments, not poll.

But the way I interpreted the comments they match the votes..

We are merely saying that it has to be made absolutely clear that a person doesn't make any rash decisions with respect to his/her life.
Most people that want to commit suicide are not in a rational state of mind, they need help.
If all help fails though, I'd say it's fine to off yourself.
But preferable in a controlled environment, other people don't have to become a victim of your decision.
no its not, (i dont think it is anyway) why is it illegal, if you want out of tis life then you should be able to, and not worry about the repercussions on your family

Ok, in England and Whales it is not anymore officially a crime to commit suicide.
But it still is in many parts of the world including the USA.
no its not emo, suicide is an emotion, some people are desperat to die and some should!!

Then again sometimes people get very distraught or depressed over something that overwhelms them for a brief period of time and that isn't worth taking your life over. We all get down and out at times and even feel suicidal but can pull ourselves out of that feeling but alas some of us need some help, especially young people who don't see any alternatives to their dilemmas. Being helpful to those in dispair is always a very good thing to do because someday that person could be YOU!;)
Then again sometimes people get very distraught or depressed over something that overwhelms them for a brief period of time and that isn't worth taking your life over. We all get down and out at times and even feel suicidal but can pull ourselves out of that feeling but alas some of us need some help, especially young people who don't see any alternatives to their dilemmas. Being helpful to those in dispair is always a very good thing to do because someday that person could be YOU!;)

i am dispairing today
I think only seriously ill or suffering people should be granted access to assisted suicide.

However, personally, I am not supportive of suicide in any way and I do not understand it.