Ask me questions about the Universe that usually don't get answered.

Pincho Paxton

I have the real theory of everything. I am willing to answer questions like...

What is time?
Where did we come from?
How did the Universe begin?
What happens in certain Quantum Experiments?
How do you get something from nothing?
Is there a God?
What is a Black Hole?
How do Galaxies form?
Is there a multiverse?
What is Dark matter?
What is Dark Flow?
What is Gravity?
What is magnetism?
Why does the Universe expand?
What happened before the Big Bang?
What is a singularity?
What was there before the singularity?

I will give you the answers, but you might not understand them. but do I cheat? No. I base everything on a single formula +1 +-1 =0. Don't ask for maths. :lol:
Why do persons who pose as erudite scholars on the cutting edge of scientific knowledge choose anonymous forums as platforms to launch their ideas?
BTW here area few toughies already answered, just to save people asking them



Why do persons who pose as erudite scholars on the cutting edge of scientific knowledge choose anonymous forums as platforms to launch their ideas?

Because science is not close enough to the truth for the Theory Of Everything to be accepted as truth. So it will always end up in pseudoscience, it will have nothing to do with Relativity, the Big Bang, or a singularity. It will break mathematics down to such a simple formula that it is hard to imagine how it works to evolve higher mathematics. But it quickly evolves into higher mathematics, and it quickly evolves into physics, and eventually life. The person who comes up with the idea will need an artistic, 3D visual imagination, and the brain area of an artist takes over the brain area of the mathematics. This person is me.. a sort of new Da Vinci, with no knowledge of mathematics, but an understanding of physics from nature. I am the one who is hard for mathematicians to understand, and maths is hard for me to understand. Yet the Theory Of Everything is a natural phenomenon, and I think that the 3D artist wins in the visualisation area.
Because science is not close enough to the truth for the Theory Of Everything to be accepted as truth. So it will always end up in pseudoscience, it will have nothing to do with Relativity, the Big Bang, or a singularity. It will break mathematics down to such a simple formula that it is hard to imagine how it works to evolve higher mathematics. But it quickly evolves into higher mathematics, and it quickly evolves into physics, and eventually life. The person who comes up with the idea will need an artistic, 3D visual imagination, and the brain area of an artist takes over the brain area of the mathematics. This person is me.. a sort of new Da Vinci, with no knowledge of mathematics, but an understanding of physics from nature. I am the one who is hard for mathematicians to understand, and maths is hard for me to understand. Yet the Theory Of Everything is a natural phenomenon, and I think that the 3D artist wins in the visualisation area.

maybe you just need to be more determined

Well I've been posting for 7 years. I've been studying every day in those 7 years. I have learned a lot. Not enough for me to ignore Wikipedia I admit. But I know how to translate Wikipedia to my theory most of the time. What I really should do is finish my computer simulator.. that is where my lazy maths brain falls down.
Just a few possible answers to the questions presented in the OP...

What is time?
A measurement of change.
Where did we come from?
An egg.
How did the Universe begin?
With a bang or a Word, depending upon your philosophy.
What happens in certain Quantum Experiments?
Particles collide at relativistic velocities.
How do you get something from nothing?
Is there a God?
Yes or No. This question one can only answer for oneself.
What is a Black Hole?
A region of space we cannot see.
How do Galaxies form?
Very slowly.
Is there a multiverse?
In the minds and imaginations of string theorists and science fiction writers, it is a certainty. For many others a possibility. For some a useless question. And for the rest, not relevant to surviving the day.
What is Dark matter?
Matter we cannot see.
What is Dark Flow?
Something someone just made up.
What is Gravity?
That which made the apple strike Newton in the head.
What is magnetism?
A more or less uniform alignment of the angular axises of rotation of atoms within a number of different material structures.
Why does the Universe expand?
Because we believe it does.
What happened before the Big Bang?
Someone blew up the balloon or lit the firecracker.
What is a singularity?
The aftermath of a divorce.
What was there before the singularity?
A couple.
+Is there a multiverse?

In the minds and imaginations of string theorists and science fiction writers, it is a certainty. For many others a possibility. For some a useless question. And for the rest, not relevant to surviving the day.
I assume you are in the "possibility" camp but please let me know if not :).
I assume you are in the "possibility" camp but please let me know if not :).
I am am a camp not mentioned... Not!

Though I have an extensive science fiction library, I am not partial to String Theory, though some related issues I find intriguing. I tend toward a classical interpretation of GR and SR, though worm holes and such remain, to me in the realm of science fiction.

I am of the personal opinion, that if there is more than one universe, any other than the one we currently experience is beyond our ability to understand and what limited time we have would be better spent trying to solve what we have yet to fully understand of the universe within which we now reside.

One of more than enough to deal with. Except, when we drift off into dreams.
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I am am a camp not mentioned... Not!
I wouldn't have guessed that you would be one to be mysterious so I take it your answer is "And for the rest, not! relevant to surviving the day."

Did I get it this time, lol?
I wouldn't have guessed that you would be one to be mysterious so I take it your answer is "And for the rest, not! relevant to surviving the day."

Did I get it this time, lol?

Actually that bit was intended to include the majority of folks in the world more concerned with today's meal, than the abstractions of science. I am fortunate that I am not in that group.

I just don't really believe that contemplation of the existence of some other reality, serves to further our understanding of this one. Dream of the things we can see, touch and test.
I've got a question for you:
why are you still here and still promoting your insupportable drivel?