Ask any question you want about Christianity

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Originally posted by answers
Right now I'm studying atheisim, so I'll have lots more stuff to post in the future. But next time I'll be asking the I suggest that you go out and study your atheisim books as well.

As far as I know, atheists don't have books - in fact they consider the need for a book to explain life a repugnant idea. Why can't 95% of the population seem to be able to disprove the other 5%? Why are they considered equal if the numbers are on YOUR side? I'm not sure how agnostics fit in, but since you seem to have evidence of god's existance I'll assume I'm on the other side of the argument for now.

So far in my life I've been used to convert one atheist to Christ. I pray that in the years to come, that number will be in the thousands.

Keep dreaming. True atheists and agnostics will never convert to theism, the people you are converting are probably adolescents who hate their lives and have done no rational thinking on the topic. You may consider them very small victories.

This also generates another fuming question I must ask - who are you to force your beliefs on others? It is people like you trying to preach your theistic worldview to the public that causes religious wars and evil to surface where there was only contentment.

God willing, I hope that you see what so many others have seen.

You cannot use your numbers as an argument as long as you continue to force your children to believe what you believe. You dont even give them a choice. I was never given a choice. I broke out anyway. I consider myself a better person because of it. I am never turning back to the Christian cult, because I can now see it for what it is, and nothing more.

Right now you are blind and in sin, but you feel free. It's one of the biggest lies atheists have believed, that Christianity is slavery and death to freedom.

Christianity will always bring evil into the world because its main doctrines force its followers to recruit others. The whole process seems like an ego trip anyway - competing to see how many people you can convert. It's a disgusting habit. A majority of Christians go through life without ever questioning their religion. How can you be sure something is right unless you question it yourself? What if a majority of these people decided to convert? You don't like that idea, do you? No, better get them before they get us. Animals. I suppose it's easier to preach peace and love instead of doing something to make it happen - like shut your mouth and let people be happy on their own.

The bible says that you are slaves to sin. And I'd like to know of anyone here that can honestly say they can stop sinning whenever they want to. Because you simply cannot. Therefore you are slaves to it.

You get your ideas of 'sin' from the bible. The weakness of your argument therefore lies in the bible. Now, since I don't have 95% of the world behind me and I don't have volumes of texts of excuses for my behavior, I won't win in a debate over the bible. But the fact that I can even come close really has to say something about the people who wrote it. (Note: PEOPLE, not god.) How can we be sure that the bible is the uncorrupted word of god? Actually, how can we prove it isn't completely corrupted by human vices? How can we prove a damn thing about it? Don't bother dumping another 100 pages of useless references, I want to see you argue this one yourself.

What kind of freedom is that? Once Christ enters your life, you are no longer slaves to sin, but slaves to God. I think I'd rather be a slave/servant to light, rather then a slave/servant to darkness.

But thats just me!

Then you are beyond reason, and I am obviously wasting my time arguing with you. You're too deep into the Christian cult to realize what it's doing to your mind. What is the driving factor to 'sin'? Natural ambition, natural guiding forces. You are in no way a slave to forces that come naturally, you are obeying your own reasoning to see that it is the right thing to do, if only at that time. And what does a slavery to god teach us? To restain, hold back, refrain from anything that we might have considered a good thing. That sounds more like a slavery to me.

As an agnostic, I am admitting that I do not have proof either way. However, from an objective standpoint, it appears to be more practical - if only for those few logical people in the population - to not be theist. Following any religion that can generate so much evil in the name of good and light is a ticking timebomb to society. You'll have to forgive me if I don't want to be a part of it.
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You have to prove the Bible first before you make all these extraordinary claims. And the fact reamins, that nobody can. Your Faith and religion is based on a book left up for interpretation. Faith is subjective. You have provided a lot of information in your post but most of it is from your own experience and perception. How do you try to argue this? Why do you try to argue this?

Here are my two questions that you have yet to answer:

Did you know that the Bible quotes Jesus telling his worshippers not to praise him but to worship God alone?

Why do you think the Jesus character and Horus were so similar?

The simple fact remains, unless you can prove the Bible then the rest is insignificant.

You have to prove the Bible first before you make all these extraordinary claims. And the fact reamins, that nobody can. Your Faith and religion is based on a book left up for interpretation. Faith is subjective. You have provided a lot of information in your post but most of it is from your own experience and perception. How do you try to argue this? Why do you try to argue this?

Here are my two questions that you have yet to answer:

Did you know that the Bible quotes Jesus telling his worshippers not to praise him but to worship God alone?

ANSWER: I haven't read about this yet, but I'll just try my best, theres a pretty big possiblity that I will not be totally correct, so I encourage you to look for answers from other people as well. Now...Jesus is the son of God. I don't know whether He did actaully say don't praise Me! I would like the verse for that one. But even if He did, it would still make sense. Because all things are for the Glory of God, and in everything a Christian does, he is doing for the glory of God. So it would make sense that God's son is trying to bring glory to His fathers name. And while doing this, He is bringing glory to His name, because He and His Father are one in that regard. It just shows you the amount of love that Jesus had for His Father. To be able to do miracles, and still give the credit to His Father, is great.

Now this is explaining the relationship between a supernatural God and His son, so it also makes sense if you are confused. :)

Why do you think the Jesus character and Horus were so similar?
ANSWER: Could you please post all the similarities, and context, and evidence in regards to this. I have not seen anything about it. Thanks

The simple fact remains, unless you can prove the Bible then the rest is insignificant.
ANSWER: I can prove that there is a bigger chance that God is real, and what the bible says is true, then evolution and what scientists say is true. I'll leave the decision up to you, but as I said before, I will start posting this evidence soon, just be patient, it takes time to do all this. But I promise you that the evidence will come soon :)
TBD you have some great points. Some of which I can debate with you, come I cannot. But right now I am studying everyday to be able to fully debate them. I think it is clear that you have a very strong view of Christianity. Your view includes the thought of Christians forcing there views on others. I cannot argue that this has not happened in the past. What I equate it to is this... Think of the Roman Empire. Under one emperor you can see piece and prosperity. Under another Emperor you see personal freedom revoked and persecution of anyone with different beliefs. This has been shown in variations of almost every form of government and every religion. It is hard not to judge the entire religion on the actions of few, or even masses. But every day we are flooded with encouragement to do just that regarding Muslim extremists and fundamentalists. We are taught to ignore them and relies Islam for the peaceful religion that it is. This is done nowhere in the world towards Christianity. In fact the Leftist media would have you embrace Islam and bury Christianity.

The perspective of persecution and pressure does not have roots in true Christianity. Christianity is the life quest of being Christ like and having true Agape love for everybody. This is the heart of Christianity. At this moment I am not fully equipped to argue the science of god (At least not all of it) there are people out there who can though. I will try and discuss some things with your further though. In these discussions I try not to use the Bible as my reference because without the belief in its truth it has no value. Some things I can argue such as how we know there is a god.. How we know that the death and resurrection is true. But over the next year maybe you and I can have some more personnel and serious debate. My goal in life is to know the Science behind Christianity. It has to be there. If it is true than scientifically it should make sense. The Bible says that you should question everything. To include your teachers. Jesus was our teacher. So even his word should be questioned. The bible also says to be prepared to answer all questions that are asked of you. And sadly today almost all Christians have only there faith as proof. This is unacceptable. So I am doing my part to question and learn. Now about this...

Originally posted by LIGHTBEING

Here are my two questions that you have yet to answer:

Did you know that the Bible quotes Jesus telling his worshippers not to praise him but to worship God alone?

IO believe that what you are refereeing to is when Jesus said Why do you call me good? Only the father is Good.

Jesus took this approach with many of the Jews that approached him. He Told them from there perspective the answer to the question they asked. For instance the woman at the well approached him as god. She asked him what she needed to do to be saved and he told her to ask and it would be hers. That is because she approached him as god.

The Rich man approached him and said Rabbi you are good. I have kept the law (which he did not) tell me how am I to get salvation. This man believed he was already justified through the law. Though he obviously could not have been. He could not have gone his whole life without coveting, or being obedient to his parents All of the time. If nothing else he was guilty of not loving his neighbor as he loved himself. If you truly love someone you give them what is important to you.

Because this man viewed Jesus as Good by human standards he could not be answered from the god aspect. Jesus asked him Why do you call me good? (A good teacher) Only the father is good. (God) this is something he tried to tell people they needed to repent (change there mind) about who god was. SO Jesus answered this man according to his belief. He told him to sell all of his belongings and give them to the poor. Then he would have treasure in heaven.

This is presented in the bible several times. Anytime someone went to praise Jesus from the perspective of Man, he would tell them to praise only god. But when people praised him as god he did not offer this same advice.
I haven't read about this yet, but I'll just try my best, theres a pretty big possiblity that I will not be totally correct, so I encourage you to look for answers from other people as well. Now...Jesus is the son of God. I don't know whether He did actaully say don't praise Me! I would like the verse for that one. But even if He did, it would still make sense.

Ofcoarse it would make satisfy you presupposition.

Because all things are for the Glory of God, and in everything a Christian does, he is doing for the glory of God. So it would make sense that God's son is trying to bring glory to His fathers name. And while doing this, He is bringing glory to His name, because He and His Father are one in that regard. It just shows you the amount of love that Jesus had for His Father. To be able to do miracles, and still give the credit to His Father, is great.

If all things are for the glory of God(the Father) then why do Christians worship their Messiah? I suppose your answer will have something to do with the Trinity. And how does the Bible support the Trinity exactly?

Now this is explaining the relationship between a supernatural God and His son, so it also makes sense if you are confused.

Oh, you must have been so enlightened that you can actually grasp the supernatural? :rolleyes:

That is one of my main problems with Christians. They attempt to understand and qualify themselves to explain the Supernatural when infact the Supernatural(if there is one) is the Unexplained.

ANSWER: Could you please post all the similarities, and context, and evidence in regards to this. I have not seen anything about it. Thanks

Haru “Horus” is symbolic of the Rising Son. Jesus is also symbolic of the rising son. Jesus was the son (sun) who died (set) on the cross by crucifixion and he will resurrect (rise) according to the Christians. When the son came down and apparently sets or dies into the darkness and he raises or resurrects back to life. It is the story of the Christian’s God Jesus.

What religious fanatics don’t realize is that if the sun shuts down that would be the end of life as you know it. This is what Egipt teaches about the sun: If I say I worship the sun, people say oh that’s sun worship. I know that. The reason why I say worship the sun, s-u-n and laugh at you who worship the son, s-o-n is because my sun is an obvious provider. If my sun doesn’t come up in the morning, we can chalk it. Jesus (the son) went to sleep 2,000 years ago, has not gotten up yet, and you all are still doing fine. Yet you are still waiting for your son to rise. If my sun doesn’t rise each day, it’s over for Jesus and you. Now with this reasoning, I can live without your son. Can you live without your son? Can you live without my sun? The answer is simply NO.

If you look throughout Egyptian history, you see that many of the characteristics of Horus existed long before 2,000 years ago, and parallels that of Jesus of 2,000 years ago. For instance it is said:

Jesus performed the miracle of turning five loaves of bread in one case and seven in another to feed the many multitudes of people.
This ties in with Horus who makes seven loaves of bread for Osiris to live by.

Yashua is in the desert and being tempted by the Devil, who said to him, “If he was the son of God, turn a stone into bread.”
The stone of the desert is symbolic of Set.

As the child Horus comes to the Earth, then enters matter or becomes flesh. He is born as the word of his father who becomes Seb, who consort is Nu whose other name is Meri.
Which is the same as Jesus coming down to Earth as the word of God in the flesh having and adopted father of Joseph (Seb) and Mary his mother.

Jesus said “I and the father are one. He that seeth me, seeth him that sent me.”
Horus is the father seen in the son.

Jesus claims to be the son in whom the father is revealed.
Horus was the light of the world. The light that is represented by the symbolic eye. The son of salvation.

Yashua is called the ‘Good Sheperd’ with the lamb or kid on his shoulder.
Horus was the good shepherd who carries the crook upon his shoulder.

Jesus is called the Lamb of God, the bread of life, the truth and the light.
Horus is called the Lamb of God, the bread of life, the truth and the light.

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
Horus is was baptized by Anupp the Baptizer.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the ‘House of Bread.’
Horus was born in Annu, the ‘Place of Bread.’

Jesus the Christ.
Horus the Krist.

The star in the east that indicated the birthplace of Jesus.
The star, as announcer of the child Horus.

The blind man given sight by Jesus.
The blind mummy made to see by Horus.

Jesus walking on water.
Horus walking on water.

THE LIST GOES ON AND ON. This is just to give you clear overstanding that the Jesus of your bible came from the Egyptian diety of Horus, and Christianity came from the various stories from Egypt. The story was just reiterated as most stories in your bible are. They are stories from old tablets such as the Enuma Elish, and the Giglamesh Epic. The names were just changed, in different cultures. In fact, the names of the bible aren’t even names, they are titles. For example the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in the bible is just the story of ANU, Antum, and Iyd in the Enuma Elish. The story of Cain and Abel in the bible is just the story of Osiris and Set in the Egyptian records.

source: The Body Parts Of God
by Kayti - Sent Hotep known as Shandra Stubbs
student of Egipt

The name Horus is mentioned in the Bible. If you look in Matthew 4:3 where you find the statement “the Son [huios] of God [theos]” referring to Jesus, in the Greek language, you will see Huios Theos. It is not that it is not there. It is just for those who will take the time to research and find it because they want the facts. The Greek word Huios is from the Egyptian word Horus or Haru.

Source: Jesus Found In Egipt

Probably the most obvious is the story of Osiris, Isis, Horus and Set, or at least their final positions, along with some of the surrounding icons. I will not repeat the story itself, but in the end, Osiris becomes the god of the heavens while Set is outcast as the evil lord of the underworld. Isis is the mother of Horus, who in tern becomes a living god in the form of the pharaoh. The associations of Osiris and the Christian supreme being, Isis as the Mother Mary Horus as Jesus and Set as the devil are obvious, and ancient icons depict Isis suckling Horus almost exactly as Mary would later be shown suckling the baby Jesus.

One of the main reasons why I don't believe in Christianity is because they stole ideas and stories from earlier religions and civilizations.

ANSWER: I can prove that there is a bigger chance that God is real, and what the bible says is true, then evolution and what scientists say is true. I'll leave the decision up to you, but as I said before, I will start posting this evidence soon, just be patient, it takes time to do all this. But I promise you that the evidence will come soon

Don't get me wrong. I'm not out to try to prove that God does not exist. But I do disagree with Christianity. And the evidence will never come. Unfortunately all your evidence will be bias and subjective. And please stop acting like you are the next prophet:D
if god does exist then why did i and a lot of others go through so much shit in northern ireland.
Originally posted by moonman

From the Christian perspective. Why did God create man?
Just watch the movie "Cast Away". You will see some similarities between the flat basketball named "Wilson" and the God's creation-- man. Too bad Tom Hanks is not god. :D

Welcome, Answers-

Stop making claims that Atheists are immoral people. I was Christian until about one year ago. Christianity is the gate to immorality in my eyes. I was a horrid disgusting piece of slime because i knew that God loved and would forgive me.

When I finally realized that Christianity is pure mythology, I became the most well-rounded person that I can think of. I no longer have any friends because I gave up on debauchery. God teaches us that we are granted this paradise of earth because he is so "good." Well, that is a terrible notion.

Yes, there are many coincidences in the Bible, and they seem very true, but most stories in the Old Testament have been disproven. Anyway, dont say that Atheists are bad people. When was the last time that an Atheist started a war or dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan?

I'm saying that Christians have a path of good or evil, and the seemingly good ones are often the worst ones.

My biggest greivance with this thread: Yes, you are 16, and I respect your goal, but you need to questoin your own beliefs when answering these questions. Do NOT become a "Whatsupyall" because you will burn in the Atheist inferno. Always take time to back up your claims with supportable evidence and do not answer with vague statements.

Thanks, dude
Just to add a perspective, I'm affraid Stalin was atheist and I'm sure have been agnostics who have been no better, and the evil of countless theists goes without saying.
Just to add a perspective, I'm affraid Stalin was atheist and I'm sure have been agnostics who have been no better, and the evil of countless theists goes without saying.

Very true, but dont make me list how many Holy Wars Christians have created. You have a point, but I think mine is more relevant.
I cannot stress how silly this Idea is. For some reason people take this and direct it only towards Christianity. In case you don’t know there is a Jihad right now against Americans, Jews and Christians from Muslim extremists. Does this mean that Islam is evil and wrong? Not due to these facts no.

You cannot judge something on the acts of corrupted Kings who worked with Corrupt churches who went as far as refusing to allow members of the clergy to marry due to financial strain!!!

You cannot judge Christianity due to the acts of Madmen and an easily swayed populace just as you cannot judge Islam on the Fundamentalist and extremists.

The War was over land, and selfish rulers who used their power to sway the church and confuse the populace. Not over religion. These are Holy Wars in name only!
I agree with your sentiment entirely, but not the reason for the holy wars. According to Barbara Tuchman (A Distant Mirror), the motivation for the holy wars was to rid Europe of marauding mercenaries left unemployed by periodic lulls in the 100 years war. Apparently, in their off time they would ride in huge arcs around the French countryside, threatening local lords with seige if they didn't get paid off. The French 'nobility' would pressure the pope into releasing enough money to hire the mercs and send them off to the middle east in order to get some peace and quiet - to build up resources for the next round of warfare with Britain. At that time, everyone was corrupt. Tuchman's description of this period of western history reads like hell on earth. I'm not a historian, but I was very impressed with this rather dense book and recommend it to anyone interested in this period, especially if you're down on current events.

Making generalizations about whether people of this or that belief system are moral, immoral or amoral is equivalent to racism and doesn't make for cogent discussionl.
Originally posted by Turduckin
I agree with your sentiment entirely, but not the reason for the holy wars. According to Barbara Tuchman (A Distant Mirror), the motivation for the holy wars was to rid Europe of marauding mercenaries left unemployed by periodic lulls in the 100 years war. Apparently, in their off time they would ride in huge arcs around the French countryside, threatening local lords with seige if they didn't get paid off. The French 'nobility' would pressure the pope into releasing enough money to hire the mercs and send them off to the middle east in order to get some peace and quiet - to build up resources for the next round of warfare with Britain. At that time, everyone was corrupt. Tuchman's description of this period of western history reads like hell on earth. I'm not a historian, but I was very impressed with this rather dense book and recommend it to anyone interested in this period, especially if you're down on current events.

Making generalizations about whether people of this or that belief system are moral, immoral or amoral is equivalent to racism and doesn't make for cogent discussionl.

I have never heard that before. But it makes sense. At this time EVERYONE was corrupt. The Pope and his church were one of the biggest problems at the time. Soo many wrong things have been commited in the name of the church that it is very understandable why people would be weary. Combine that with the fact that Most christians either do not understand the theology, or try and force someoen to feel horrible about who they are in order to trigger a conversion, and you have a bnearly lethal combination.

Christians need to realize that god is going to set things up. You need to be available to do gods work and things will fall into place. When someone is ready to hear that is when the spirit will work and bring things into their life. There is no need to have another inquisition in order to save souls. No one goes to hell by accident.
The topic is "ask any question about Christianity". So mine is why, every time I visit this board, people are flinging it in my general direction?
My first post here. Wee.

Originally posted by answers
Let me end my part in this thread by just saying that all you Atheists would make great Christians. You spend so much time trying to get answers, trying to find the truth. Yet your only problem is that you are on the wrong side. You come at Christianity with the desire to disprove it, when you could come at Christianity with the desire to believe in it. Until you approach Christianity differently, you will never see the truth that it holds.

To put this in practical terms: you read books that disprove Christianity, while I read books that prove it. Of course this will change our approach. Many of the Biblical questions that people have sent can be answered in any Bible commentary. You all seem to like taking things out of context. Maybe you should try reading the whole thing. Then reading a commentary, or Bible study, to find your answers, instead of looking in your Atheist books to just find more questions.

It's sad that I chose to look for answers in God's word, while you chose to look for the same answers in the words of scientists.

How does this apply to people (like me) who were Christians for most of their lives then de-converted?

But what has really confused me with Atheists is why they think Christianity is bad? Christianity preaches peace, love, joy, equality, and security, yet you all treat it as if it holds back all those good things. Is it because Christians are against cloning, or weird scientific experiments? Is it because they are simply different? Is it because they don't believe what you believe?

What is your problem with Christianity?

I used to have wonderful discussions of all aspects of my life with my family - not anymore. They think I am going to hell, and I can no longer discuss any religious topics with them because of that. That pisses me off.

I see my grandparents give money to "god", AKA "Pastor Bob" or some televangelist... money they can't afford to give. That pisses me off.

I see a dear friend of mine going through the horrible realization that their entire life was built around a lie... the same realization I had. That pisses me off.

No, Christianity isn't the worst dogmatic superstition to have, but it's still a dogmatic superstition.
Well ... when you get around, you get around

So mine is why, every time I visit this board, people are flinging it in my general direction?
Your omnipresence makes it very difficult for them to miss. ;)

Tiassa :cool:
How come the churhes of more recent years have become ritual in their practises, more than actualizing God in Man? How come Christianity makes a sphere of discrimination against people in Islam or Hinduism? How come James the Just was murdered and replaced (in popularity) by the one person who witnessed his death, Saul? How come James the Just is not given as much attention in the Bible despite being the one and only person in the time of the gospels that people should have refered to, by command of God, through Jesus. How come the name Nazarenes was dropped after the 6th century, when the name was the original name of the Christians, when so many joined Islam? How come there is enthasis on the Trinity and making Jesus the Almighty when he was his son and God in Man?

Answer these, intrested in your opnion. My address given. :p
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