As an Atheist what do you teach kids?

You just made up a story YoYo. Much like a thiest. You postulating god does not exist is just as bad as stating god does. Reality is interesting in what sense? In the sense of us not understanding in its entirety the nature of reality correct? Leaving much room for inter. and speculation inferred from common knowledge.

Did i make up a story? What story is that? That I don't know for a fact what the origin of the universe and life is?

If you claim you know what the true reality is, then you must prove it to me.

All I'm saying, is that I don't know and that god is very improbable:
Your opinion is based on organized religion so its of little use to me. I dont believe in organized religion. I do however believe in god based on logical reasoning. If you claim to have a better sense of logical reasoning in regards to the origin of reality and existance I would like to hear it because I'm not exclusive to this belief system if something makes more sense I'll easily ascribe to those beliefs.

However if you are going to claim you dont know as your insulting someone for there belief in god, it's suspected at best, that you have deeply lodged psychological problems. If you want to present an argument, or expose flawed lines of logic - I'm sure you can do it in a way that's not making fun of there realities frame of reference. Not everybody even has the mental capacity to have no frame of reference. I just see you and certain people ascertaining that if god exists that spaghetti monster must exist and you fail to see that god and the spaghetti monster is same thing to people who believe in god like me. It just seems like you desperately seek logical reasoning to believe in god (hence you making so much topics about religion and discussions in lieu of you not believing) but it doesent seem your there yet. So what you do, is attack anybody(everybody) to the extent of them letting you know every little reason why they should believe to see if it withstands the vigorous standards you uphold in determining if god exists or not. Some people believe in god just because they are aware that the question of whether god or not exists in the first place, as weird and backwards as that may sound to you.
Your opinion is based on organized religion so its of little use to me. I dont believe in organized religion. I do however believe in god based on logical reasoning. If you claim to have a better sense of logical reasoning in regards to the origin of reality and existance I would like to hear it because I'm not exclusive to this belief system if something makes more sense I'll easily ascribe to those beliefs.

Listen dude. I'll repeat myself one more time and then it's over. You keep saying the same nonsense over and over again just reworded.

I don't claim to know the origin of reality. If you claim to know it based on logic and reason, I would very much like you to prove here what no man has ever been able to prove before.

I posted a link before. In that thread you should try and refute that God is highly improbable.

However if you are going to claim you dont know as your insulting someone for there belief in god, it's suspected at best, that you have deeply lodged psychological problems.

I don't know if this piece of shit text even deserves an answer. Where did I insult you? All I said was that I don't believe or claim I know the truth about reality. I posted a link to a thread where I show you why God is highly improbable. If that's insulting to you, I think you should try and refute it.

If you want to present an argument, or expose flawed lines of logic - I'm sure you can do it in a way that's not making fun of there realities frame of reference. Not everybody even has the mental capacity to have no frame of reference. I just see you and certain people ascertaining that if god exists that spaghetti monster must exist and you fail to see that god and the spaghetti monster is same thing to people who believe in god like me. It just seems like you desperately seek logical reasoning to believe in god (hence you making so much topics about religion and discussions in lieu of you not believing) but it doesent seem your there yet. So what you do, is attack anybody(everybody) to the extent of them letting you know every little reason why they should believe to see if it withstands the vigorous standards you uphold in determining if god exists or not. Some people believe in god just because they are aware that the question of whether god or not exists in the first place, as weird and backwards as that may sound to you.

If you think I seek logical reasoning to believe in God, I suggest you present it to me. That would be the right thing to do. Save my godless sodomite soul right?
And no my "opinion" is not just on organised religion. It's on every single watered down piece of magic belief from anybody, who thinks he's so f****n special that somehow he figured out everything there is to know about the origin of everything. Also it's not just an opinion. It's a piece of logic that shows why your beliefs in a creator is highly improbable. So improbable in fact, that they might as well be ignored.
And no my "opinion" is not just on organised religion. It's on every single watered down piece of magic belief from anybody, who thinks he's so f****n special that somehow he figured out everything there is to know about the origin of everything. Also it's not just an opinion. It's a piece of logic that shows why your beliefs in a creator is highly improbable. So improbable in fact, that they might as well be ignored.

This kid YoYoPapaya has serious problems. He joined 03-28-11. He's been here 16 days and has only participated in like 7 topics and he has over 520 posts mostly in religious subfora insulting people about god. This kid is shunned from the world putting his anger out on those who believe in the god he so desperately seeks as to making it his mission to remove peoples beliefs in a ultimate frame of reference for reality. You have no belief to contrast; what difference does it make to you.

Apparently ALOT.
Last edited: what does everyone teach their kids?

My kids went to church at a very young age with grandparents. They went to a daycare/preschool that was based in a church. I'm an atheist. My son quit believing at a young age (probably about 10). My 13 yr old daughter still believes. She is at Youth Group right now in fact.
I think a God belief is a very personal thing. I'm not making that choice for my children.
@ 420Joey: You can shout and scream all you want. I don't have anything against religious people. Some of my best friend are religious and my wife is christian. What I do have something against is little virgin boys like you that goes on a forum to take on the big bad atheists and when you see that logic works against you, you go crazy and start spewing nonsense ad hominem attacks. Please go back to the church choir where you belong.
This kid YoYoPapaya has serious problems. He joined 03-28-11. He's been here 16 days and has only participated in like 7 topics and he has over 520 posts mostly in religious subfora insulting people about god. This kid is shunned from the world putting his anger out on those who believe in the god he so desperately seeks as to making it his mission to remove peoples beliefs in a ultimate frame of reference for reality. You have no belief to contrast; what difference does it make to you.

Apparently ALOT.

So, lots and science, cosmology, and also information about the human condition comes out in religious threads, not to mention honing arguments against universal negative, which even led me to the Theory of Nothing and to God disproofs as a side benefit.

Yoyo is cool, man, cool. I like him.
Your being dishonest. You tell your religious best friends that god is dead like you do here and all the other bullshit you spew? Your logic is becoming even more flawed, just stop spewing this nonsense. Get a clue, really. You are the only one spewing ad hom attacks and now you've run to hiding under the guise that you never insult religious people. It's so easy to get worked up online, no? 528 posts in 16 days?? Over 450 of your posts is in the religion subfora, your a joke. How about telling your "religious best friends" what your hobbies are you faceless coward.
So, lots and science, cosmology, and also information about the human condition comes out in religious threads, not to mention honing arguments against universal negative, which even led me to the Theory of Nothing and to God disproofs as a side benefit.

Yoyo is cool, man, cool. I like him.

You are obviously oblivious to what he does. He prances around the religious subforum because he likes to feel as if he knows something by trying to have others conform to his beliefs which are just as baseless as the ones he attacks.
You are obviously oblivious to what he does. He prances around the religious subforum because he likes to feel as if he knows something by trying to have others conform to his beliefs which are just as baseless as the ones he attacks.

and you take it personally...why?? :shrug:
How can something that never existed be dead?

Ask Papaya he was the one that made the statement. Your supposition of god not existing and thus not being able die is something that I agree with. God in your frame of reference cannot exist for you may just be god. ;) Who knows. I certainly dont, eh. Maybe you do.
Your being dishonest. You tell your religious best friends that god is dead like you do here and all the other bullshit you spew? Your logic is becoming even more flawed, just stop spewing this nonsense. Get a clue, really. You are the only one spewing ad hom attacks and now you've run to hiding under the guise that you never insult religious people. It's so easy to get worked up online, no? 528 posts in 16 days?? Over 450 of your posts is in the religion subfora, your a joke. How about telling your "religious best friends" what your hobbies are you faceless coward.

In fact I do. I have lots of debates with my religious friends. None of them are childish little brats like you though. I can actually have a grown up conversations about things with them. I'm sure you've heard about those.
In fact I do. I have lots of debates with my religious friends. None of them are childish little brats like you though. I can actually have a grown up conversations about things with them. I'm sure you've heard about those.

Sure, I believe you. Congratulations your not a faceless coward afterall I'm sure you insult your religious friends and tell them that god is dead. I'm sure that woulden't warrant a clean uppercut to your chin. I retract the statement. Your religious friends, sure are tolerant huh? You may learn something from them. Why is religion so important to you if you dont believe and dont have anything to contrast the belief with? You never awnsered the question.
LOL, I'm just wondering why it upsets you.

Am I saying something that upsets you? How could you tell I'm upset. I feel more sorry than I feel anger towards him. He just strikes me as a thiest nubjob desperately seeking people to conform to his baseless belief.