Ark of the Covenant

The hypothesis that the ark functioned as a capacitor is not entirely without merit, however a single simple alteration in the design (if the lip of the box was covered with gold connecting the inside with the outside of the box, or if the lid of the ark was completely covered in gold) would render the box nonfunctional as a capacitor. Without actually examining the ark the theory remains pure conjecture.

Even allowing that the ark did function as a capacitor most of the myths regarding its 'powers' do not follow from this possibility. For one, it simply would not hold all that much power. I won't bother with a precise calculation but from this reference one can see that even a capacitor the size of the ark would not hold much of a charge (additionally so considering that only the box itself and not it's interior space would function as a capacitor):

The unit of capacitance is a farad. A 1-farad capacitor can store one coulomb (coo-lomb) of charge at 1 volt. A coulomb is 6.25e18 (6.25 * 10^18, or 6.25 billion billion) electrons. One amp represents a rate of electron flow of 1 coulomb of electrons per second, so a 1-farad capacitor can hold 1 amp-second of electrons at 1 volt.

A 1-farad capacitor would typically be pretty big. It might be as big as a can of tuna or a 1-liter soda bottle, depending on the voltage it can handle. So you typically see capacitors measured in microfarads (millionths of a farad).

To get some perspective on how big a farad is, think about this:
To store one AA battery's energy in a capacitor, you would need 3,600 * 2.8 = 10,080 farads to hold it, because an amp-hour is 3,600 amp-seconds.

If it takes something the size of a can of tuna to hold a farad, then 10,080 farads is going to take up a LOT more space than a single AA battery! Obviously, it is impractical to use capacitors to store any significant amount of power unless you do it at a high voltage.

One can easily determine that the ark was no where near the size of 10,080 cans of tuna which is the size required to hold the charge of a single AA battery.

It would not be quite enough to go slaying entire armies with now, would it?

Greeting's,I just wanted to post in reference to the ark and it's power ,I believe a missing element can be found in the Song of Solomon Chapter 3 verse 10.Talk about conductive a little moisture.:confused::rolleyes::cool:
Literally, who, where, what was the Ark of the Covenant? What happened to it? Where do you think it is now? Allegorically, what does it mean to you? Some say it's in Axum, Ethiopia. Others say France. Do the town names "Carcasonne," "Arques," "Arcadia," mean anything to you? Let's discuss.
There you go again...picking syllables out of modern european words and trying to correlate them to ancient events.

The hebrew word for ark is why dont you go looking for 'aro' or 'ron' in the index of your atlas?

There you will find the final resting place.
There you go again...picking syllables out of modern european words and trying to correlate them to ancient events.

The hebrew word for ark is why dont you go looking for 'aro' or 'ron' in the index of your atlas?

There you will find the final resting place.

Gee thanks a balloon would be nice and a little nitrous oxide in would be a nice gift but don't forget the myrrh that will do it for the Gold.And a far as the rest of what you had to say if anything ,I know the answer .:shrug::bawl:: ::D
Literally, who, where, what was the Ark of the Covenant? What happened to it? Where do you think it is now? Allegorically, what does it mean to you? Some say it's in Axum, Ethiopia. Others say France. Do the town names "Carcasonne," "Arques," "Arcadia," mean anything to you? Let's discuss.

The Ark of the covenant according to the scriptures was to represent God's presence (If I'm not mistaken). Likely it was destroyed at somepoint.
The Ark of the covenant according to the scriptures was to represent God's presence (If I'm not mistaken). Likely it was destroyed at somepoint.

Hi Saquit,Allegorically speaking it is where it has always been in the darkest night a small light inside our heart of hearts the sound of a whisper singing in silence not in the rushing wind not in the fire but the still small voice the essence of all in all which without nothing can be the real world without end the forever Om !It cannot be destroyed we only do that to ourselves.The outer geographic s of it are not to be toyed with.Peace:)
There you go again...picking syllables out of modern european words and trying to correlate them to ancient events.

The hebrew word for ark is why dont you go looking for 'aro' or 'ron' in the index of your atlas?

There you will find the final resting place.
M*W: This is a very old resurrected thread. In 2003, I was in another place and of another understanding. I now know that there was no literal "ark." However, there is a constellation Argo (which refers to the many connotations of the word "ark." Everyone of the "ark" stories (Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, the ark of bulrushes Moses drifted in...) are all myths. The only ark that was a forerunner to all the ark myths is the Constellation of Argo.
Nobody 'knows' diddley whether there was a literal ark or not.
M*W: You're nobody's diddley squat, but I read everything I can find on the subjects I write about. You don't understand what I write about, because you obviously are a very ignorant person who doesn't become educated before running his big mouth.

Greeting's,I think in so far as typology is concerned that all formats of the higher and lower arcana are correct in their place ,even if the constellation Argo no longer exits at least academically, it is obsolete as it is no longer one of Ptolemy's original list of constellations and no longer recognized, except in the myth the symbols of our essence .Though back to my first statement which concerned a reference to The Song of Solomon,chapter 3 verse 10 which I see as correlating with the creation that is manifestation of the ark archetype arcana that proceeds from Genesis and on through Apocalypse all in all the cradle still Rocks ,Deep into Deep a clear light shines:)Continuity rules!:cool:
You don't understand what I write about..
I understand that its profoundly spurious, vague mumbo jumbo...most of the time. :p

Do you really think that the words ark and arcadia have some meaningful historical parallel...relative to the ark of the covenant???

Do you have any idea how fast you'd flunk out with that kind garbled logic in a real university history class???
Really yes I do only in reverse as when I took their exams I was rated a four year degree of comprehension of the academics but when I gave them my test they failed completely so no balloon.Vague ,garbled maybe if you do not listen or look without a preconceived answer to begin with.I am always willing to learn something I don't know and anytime you can present me something other than a condescending flash of cold sparkles feel free to teach.Pax
I understand that its profoundly spurious, vague mumbo jumbo... most of the time. :p
M*W: That's because you don't understand it. Most of my posts are based on the work of scholars who have researched this subject (astsro-theology).

Do you really think that the words ark and arcadia have some meaningful historical parallel... relative to the ark of the covenant???
M*W: Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, Arques, France, Arcturus (Adam)(King Arthur), arcadia all have the same root word, but do not all necessarily have a connection. However, the original meaning of the "ark" derived from the Constellation Argo. I am not saying these words are etched in stone. What I am saying is the specific words/names/titles were all based upon myth.

Do you have any idea how fast you'd flunk out with that kind garbled logic in a real university history class???
M*W: I am no longer concerned that I might flunk out of a univerity class. What I can tell you is that the classes I teach on this subject are filled to the gills with adult students wanting to learn more about astro-theology.

Just because you find what I teach to be profoundly spurious, vague mumbo jumbo," only proves that you don't do much reading on the subject of astro-theology. So until you are able to discuss this topic from a place of knowledge and understanding, there is no point for you to continue posting on this thread.
I believe the ark was a metaphor for trying to look to far ahead of yourself that you forgotten about what's happening today around you. Like trying to peak into the future to see what will happen, it really can't be done and you could get into problems today by doing so.
how convenient that looking for proof of god gets you smitified. my post is probably satan's work though, trying to shake ur faith. cos that's all lucifer has time for you know. fucking god's shit up.