Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK

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Communist Hamster said:
Bye, enjoy your treausre hunt.

Yeah, toodles Garry. Don't accidentally swallow you're own leg or anything whilst your at it... ;)
Garry Denke said:
They didn't. I did. Are all book titles that don't match the author's name all lies to you? If so, throw away your physics textbooks. (not a bad idea actually because those books need to be rewritten)

I would prefer to believe a Physics book that can be tested for it accuracy over something that's only defense is a bunch of people sharing a delusion and is filled with falsehoods.

That's right. This is about Vegas/London currently booking Even-Odds for my ark of my testament 4ft [1.2m] below my sardine stone at my rock collection, my hedge. Don't believe me? Fair enough

So you are basically suggesting that some Mythological artifact is located somewhere because Vegas (Bookies) are giving you Good Odd's. Well it's like this Gary, They will give you good odd's while their isn't any chance of it being proved or disproved, because while they do so, they get to keep your cash (place it in a bank and of course gain interest on it, or use it in payouts to people that have won bets).

Now you could try to get people to pay into this too, however you're all going to end up out of pocket at the end of the day (I'm just hoping you didn't bet your entire family fortune on this particular conspiracy/delusion, as they aren't very compassionate men for dealing with a persons folley, they will take your house if they "own" your house.)

As for the Queen, I don't know why you try to drag her into this conversation topic (it just increases the concern of how delusional you truly are).

All the Arch crap should be noted for what it is...
What is an Arch-ive?

"Archives refers to a collection of records, and also refers to the location in which these records are kept. Archives are made up of records which have been created during the course of an individual or organisation's life. Records, which may be in any media, are normally unpublished, unlike books and other publications."

Continued at:

This basically suggests that you are hunting around for a collection of records hidden in some delusional location. Just to point out, the Bible as you know is many books all bound together as one, in fact you could suggest is an Archive. (even though it does contain a great deal of fiction)

With that in mind you could suggest your searching for something thats right under your nose. As for Heel stones, perhaps such testiment was CARVED into one for some monumental building or Religious house be it very "Masonic". (Correct me if I'm wrong Skinwalker, but isn't that what the Egyptians did?)

All I can say is if I bet against anything being found at stonehenge (Other than a bunch of hippy druids doing fun things with lichen and mistletoe), I would be greater in pocket and less in debt.
Communist Hamster said:
Bye, enjoy your treausre hunt.
Mr Anonymous said:
Yeah, toodles Garry. Don't accidentally swallow you're own leg or anything whilst your at it... ;)
Stryder said:
All I can say is if I bet against anything being found at stonehenge (Other than a bunch of hippy druids doing fun things with lichen and mistletoe), I would be greater in pocket and less in debt.
All I can say is Play Play Prospect Play

Bye Bye Bye
ps. Happy Birthday!

Page 1, The Old Testament (the Father)
Page 2, The New Testament (the Son)
Page 3, The First Testament (the Holy Ghost)
Page 4, The Last Testament (the Spirit)

Bind Them Together as One Physics Book:

YHWH Allah of the Worlds
the Beneficent, the Merciful

The Old Testament "the Father"
The New Testament "the Son"
The First Testament "the Holy Ghost"
The Last Testament "the Spirit"

Distribute the One Physics Book and Play:

(Konzert Nr. 3 Es dur
für Horn und Orchester)

(Scroll to "Listen")

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (born Johann
Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus Mozart)
(January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791)

Happy Birthday!

Garry Denke
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Stryder said:
I would prefer to believe a Physics book that can be tested for it accuracy over something that's only defense is a bunch of people sharing a delusion and is filled with falsehoods. So you are basically suggesting that some Mythological artifact is located somewhere because Vegas (Bookies) are giving you Good Odd's. Well it's like this Gary, They will give you good odd's while their isn't any chance of it being proved or disproved, because while they do so, they get to keep your cash (place it in a bank and of course gain interest on it, or use it in payouts to people that have won bets). Now you could try to get people to pay into this too, however you're all going to end up out of pocket at the end of the day (I'm just hoping you didn't bet your entire family fortune on this particular conspiracy/delusion, as they aren't very compassionate men for dealing with a persons folley, they will take your house if they "own" your house.) As for the Queen, I don't know why you try to drag her into this conversation topic (it just increases the concern of how delusional you truly are). All the Arch crap should be noted for what it is... What is an Arch-ive? "Archives refers to a collection of records, and also refers to the location in which these records are kept. Archives are made up of records which have been created during the course of an individual or organisation's life. Records, which may be in any media, are normally unpublished, unlike books and other publications." Continued at: This basically suggests that you are hunting around for a collection of records hidden in some delusional location. Just to point out, the Bible as you know is many books all bound together as one, in fact you could suggest is an Archive. (even though it does contain a great deal of fiction) With that in mind you could suggest your searching for something thats right under your nose. As for Heel stones, perhaps such testiment was CARVED into one for some monumental building or Religious house be it very "Masonic". (Correct me if I'm wrong Skinwalker, but isn't that what the Egyptians did?)
I would prefer to believe our One Physics Book (above) by demonstrating its accuracy through Order(s) of the great Queen Lis' gravitational 'waves' test. Why you and others here oppose running our One Physics Book test, by and through the great Queen Lis, is beyond us. Why do you oppose the great Queen Lis' One Physics Book test, Stryder? Is it because Jeremiah the prophet is Ezekiel the priest? The great Queen Lis, Hilkiah the high priest (Jeremiah-Ezekiel's father) and Buzi (Jeremiah-Ezekiel's mother) will test our One Physics Book for accuracy. Our text is accurate, Stryder, not one letter of it untrue. Is yours? Are instantaneous gravitational 'waves' explained to the 't' in your Physics book? The great Moses of Tejas authored texts Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy explaining them. Accurate to the 't' in our laboratory. The crucified and resurrected Jesus of Nazareth authored texts Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Revelation explaining them. Does their recording and archiving therein make them liars? Both teach our One Physics Book's universal polar-flips through resurrections. And if it were not for Muhammad of Mecca's 114 surahs (recitations), only realised and fully understood in their original form (Arabic), the great Moses of Tejas' and Jesus of Nazareth's physics would remain unknown. But thanks to Muhammad of Mecca's Arabic numerals (which English use), both of them are. Watch the great Queen Lis' One Physics Book test, Stryder, and afterward, believe instantaneity of gravitational 'waves'.

Mormon's Three (3) Witnesses

Mormon's Eight (8) Witnesses

:) Hand of Morman
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What the hell? This guy seems detirmined to mix up pseudo-archaology, monarchism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, gambling, and physics. He makes less and less sense with every post.
Communist Hamster said:
What the hell?
The hell? It's a Chinese Communist New Year's Day Communist Hamster...

Garry Denke' Druid Pagan Wiccan D'ark Energy quantum:

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon,
and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."

D'ark Energy quantum = e^2*z0
D'ark Energy quantum = [(1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s)^2] * (3.767303134... x 10^2 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3)
D'ark Energy quantum = 9.6705527(59) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

D'ark Energy quantum = e^2/e0*c
D'ark Energy quantum = [(1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s)^2] / (8.854187817... x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3) * (2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s)
D'ark Energy quantum = 9.6705527(59) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

D'ark Energy quantum = e^2*u0*c
D'ark Energy quantum = [(1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s)^2] * (1.256637061... x 10^-6 kg-m/A^2-s^2) * (2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s)
D'ark Energy quantum = 9.6705527(59) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

"For they are the spirits of 7^7 devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings
of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day..."

1) temperature: [(D'ark Energy quantum*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.2909537(19) x 10^31 K
2) electric current: e/[(D'ark Energy quantum*G/c^5)^1/2] = 9.8151428(37) x 10^24 A
3) mass: (D'ark Energy quantum*c/G)^1/2 = 6.5916805(34) x 10^-9 kg
4) amount of substance: [(D'ark Energy quantum*c/G)^1/2]/M = 1.6605388(62) x 10^-24 mol
5) length: (D'ark Energy quantum*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.8936673(50) x 10^-36 m
6) luminous intensity: [(D'ark Energy quantum*G/c^5)^1/2]/a = 2.2369094(91) x 10^-42 cd
7) time: (D'ark Energy quantum*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.6323517(22) x 10^-44 s

Happy 7^7 Chinese New Year's Day!

Garry Denke' D'ark Energy

Happy Lunar New Year's Day!

Giambattista said:
You don't understand, because you haven't cleared your Chakras, honey!
It's all Chinese to me, Shakta, it's all Chinese to we.

:D 'ark Energy quantum
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Communist Hamster said:
What the hell? This guy seems detirmined to mix up pseudo-archaology, monarchism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, gambling, and physics. He makes less and less sense with every post.

Additions to this list: Druidism, Paganism, witchcraft and quantum physics.
Giambattista said:
You don't understand, because you haven't cleared your Chakras, honey!
That was to be said in my most gravelly, Sylvia Brown-esque voice!

Garry Denke said:
It's all Chinese to me, Shakta, it's all Chinese to we.

:D 'ark Energy quantum

Who was Shakti Gawain?
Garry, I'm not usually the one to start rattling this off, but you really need to seek professional medical help. As what you are spouting out is just complete riddles of delusion. You might feel the world is a very ordered place for your brain to work out, however it's only you that see's it that way.

I suggest until you've stablised yourself (Stop drinking alcohol, Smoking pot, even cigarettes or doing any other form of drugs) to stop reading any material that relates to any forms of Conspiracy, Religion (which is the biggest psychologically destablising literature on the entire planet) or Science. (Leave science to those that can dispose fiction from fact.)

In fact print out this thread in it's entireity, underline or circle your entries and take it to your Local Doctor, I'm sure they will help you find the right course of action to take before you either hurt yourself or others around you, if you truly seek answers in the world you won't want to do any of those things that are in italic font and will do as I ask (Save your sanety before it's too late).
Giambattista said:
That was to be said in my most gravelly, Sylvia Brown-esque voice! Who was Shakti Gawain?
She be a California Babe, but dammit, Babe be a Marin Married.

At this rate the Christ Jesus will never be coming.
Stryder said:
I'm not usually the one to start rattling this off, but you really need to seek professional medical help. As what you are spouting out is just complete riddles of delusion. You might feel the world is a very ordered place for your brain to work out, however it's only you that see's it that way. I suggest until you've stablised yourself to stop reading any material that relates to any forms of Conspiracy, Religion or Science. In fact print out this thread in it's entireity, underline or circle your entries and take it to your Local Doctor, I'm sure they will help you find the right course of action to take before you either hurt yourself or others around you, if you truly seek answers in the world you won't want to do any of those things that are in italic font and will do as I ask.
This your thanks for helping Qorl JC get laid?

"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

:cool: Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan
Stryder said:
(Stop drinking alcohol, Smoking pot, even cigarettes or doing any other form of drugs)
(which is the biggest psychologically destablising literature on the entire planet)
(Leave science to those that can dispose fiction from fact.)
(Save your sanety before it's too late).
Quit busting our balls and fix your quantum of action.
Ranting about your drug problem gets you no where.
Great Queen Lis' Church of England kicked your ass.
Centre your 'horseshit physics' on Her Real Physics.

The Catholic Church

ps. follow italics
Stryder, you are still listed as moderator of this forum. And the 'trashcan' is but a mouseclick away.
May I suggest:
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