Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK

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Book at Even-Odds

Communist Hamster said:
At first you state that you're only interested in the odds, yet you then post nearly 3 pages of links and interpretations of the Bible in favour of your theory. Hmmm.
This "Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK" thread, Communist Hamster, is currently 1 page. Vegas make book at Even-Odds. London make book at Even-Odds. We showed you why. Historical records (page 1 herein) and core samples (1656, 1985, 2004) never lie. Cartridge brass and live oak (Denke: 1656, and Denke: 1985) and gold (AML: 2004) core samples from 4ft [1.2m] below Heelstone evened the Odds. Not much of a theory any longer, Denkes' and AML's core samples barcoded. This begins page 2 of the "Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK" thread.

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Mr Anonymous said:
Em, Gary? Usually, not all the time granted but most, simply block quoting other peoples work, changing a term (in this case hyphenating the word Dark to D'ark) constitutes neither thought, consideration, or insight of any kind - its somewhat reminiscent of Bob Lazar's seminal work regarding Element 115 back in the late 80's. Simply taking the the principal description for how the Warp Engines onboard the USS Enterprise are supposed to work and substituting the term "Di-Lithium Crystal" for "Element 115" at every appropriate juncture doesn't constitute any form of either cosmological or technological insight whatsoever - just makes things sound more plausible to people who wouldn't know the inside of a physics book if they were bitten on the arse by one. Literally, in this specific instance and returning to the matter in hand, the practice constitutes merely inappropriate hyphenation. Further, the "fact" quoted from yourself in the above patently isn't true - Michel Turner has never used the term D'ark Energy. Nobody has Gary, only you. Tiny details like this rarely bode well for a genuinely good idea.
Michael Turner coined D'ark Energy after User: 'Garry Denke'.

YHWH Allah of the Worlds

Garry Denke said:
This "Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK" thread, Communist Hamster, is currently 1 page. Vegas make book at Even-Odds. London make book at Even-Odds. We showed you why. Historical records (page 1 herein) and core samples (1656, 1985, 2004) never lie. Cartridge brass and live oak (Denke: 1656, and Denke: 1985) and gold (AML: 2004) core samples from 4ft [1.2m] below Heelstone evened the Odds. Not much of a theory any longer, Denkes' and AML's core samples barcoded. This begins page 2 of the "Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK" thread.


Dont tell me how the forums work, asshole. I mean 3 pages of bullshit and links to more bullshit that had to be scrolled through in 1280*1024 resolution.
Communist Hamster said:
Dont tell me how the forums work, asshole. I mean 3 pages of bullshit and
links to more bullshit that had to be scrolled through in 1280*1024 resolution.
Why does Communist Hamster in a small cosy converted duck house in the middle of Scivillage lake interested in Fay Ray say that,,,,,,,, etc are bullshit, O, wait a moment, we see your point, none of them are communists like small fluffy red and heavily armed secret agent Communist Hamster, the Revolutionary Rodent of CHU (Communist Hamster Union). Fair enough then, we apologise. Have a nice day.
I'm assuming y'don't speak Russian Garry, because the above in association with miss anonymous would literally be a statement declaring my wife a cunt.

Would there be any particular reason for doing that Garry?
Cast lots (lot)

Warning - This is not a pornographic web site; however, some of the hyperlinks do link to other web pages that display explicit anatomical illustrations and even medical photographs of human sexual organs, human childbirth, and various other sexually explicit images or writing that some may find personally disturbing or offensive. Please exercise discretion in following any links to other web sites. Any sexually explicit words and pictures are primarily intended to verbally underline and graphically illustrate the fact that Dr. Anthony Perks' new theory that Stonehenge may have been designed to symbolically represent the vulva of an "Earth Goddess" when viewed from the sky, is supported by much circumstantial evidence.

Tip: Avenue Penis. Bet: Even-Odds.

Gold ark (2.5c-1.5c-1.5c), gold table (2c-1c-1.5c), gold altar (1c-1c-2c), gold candlestick, gold breastplate, gold ephod, gold censer: All; inside brass altar (5c-5c-3c). Inside Tip: Moses the Bookmaker; "Cast lots".

Cast lots (lot)
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I'm perfectly capable of viewing male nudity, without all this stonehenge mumbo-jumbo. Is it better that way? Just remain ignorant?
phlogistician said:
Mr Anonymous. We all have fun in our different ways. Qorl likes talking utter bullshit, and seeing what gullible naives agree with him. I like calling Qorl a pretentious little prick, or fuckstick, as is my whim.

As for 'Garry Denke' well, that's an anagram for 'Randy Greek' (Stryder, is that you?) 'Dark Energy', and 'Dyke Ranger'. At this point, I'm not sure which is most fitting.

Sorry Phlog, you should know by now if I want to get up your nose I'll do it with my online Pseudonym quiet proudly. Admittedly you should probably try not to use Profanety to express your views about how useless a persons "sockpuppet" is, it's one of those things you expect in a forum and I'm suprised you aren't use to it by now considering the years you've been here.

Admittedly some of these Inane "sockpuppets" I feel only enter this forum because their main Identity absolutely has no give when it comes to anything supernatural, Paranormal or involving alien probes and an unidentified persons rectum. So they invent their "sockpuppets" to just increase the undermining of anything thats discussable further, unfortunately though their presence seems to unbalance not just the woo-woo's, but the skeptics too.
Garry something missing from all bibles:

"This story could be based on actual events. In certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely fictitious."

[Ripped with a slight edit from]

Also an old saying:

"Too many cooks, spoil the broth" - Unknown

In the case of anything Biblical too many people adding their favourite flavours to a literal recipe, tends to make it over fruity with an explicit warning to Nut allergy Suffers as it might contain traces of nuts.
Well Stryder, we agree on something for once. That we both smell sock puppet.

That said, I don't feel I have to treat a false persona that graciously!

One (1) Poster "For"

1. Garry Denke, Quintessentially D'ark Energy (77 posts)


One (1) Poster "Against"

1. Qorl, Qorl JC (408 posts)


Seven (7) Posters "sockpuppets"

1. Stryder, Cybernautic Hologram (3,936 posts)
2. phlogistician, Registered User (1,596 posts)
3. Neildo, Registered User (1,961 posts)
4. ylooshi, Registered User (13 posts)
5. Mr Anonymous, Тем временем = влагалище! (957 posts)
6. Giambattista, Dork (631 posts)
7. Communist Hamster, Revolutionary Rodent (1,240 posts)

Thanks Y'all,


Ps. Skinwalker's Eight (8)
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Thankyou for quoting my profile but I fail to see what it has to do with your theory. It would appear that you are trying to undermine my credibility, or insult me.

How convinient that everyone who disagrees with you is a sockpuppet, non?
No Ham - I don't think that's quite what he's meaning. He's arranging the respondent's in some form of order to type with regard to his initial question, like a bookie when marking up a form sheet for a race.

He doesn't want a discussion, he wants us to give the odds.

phlogistician's observation that his "real" identity is Dark Energy is essentially correct - it's why he's refferencing us continually in terms of both our user names and titles - his is telling us litterally he is Dark Energy an anagramm of Garry Denke.

Any question you ask him, he's actually giving you the answer, but you're expected to have to figure it out from the clues...

Dear Lord, I so can not abide these omnipotent types.... :rolleyes:
You might of percieve my post being somewhat Critical of Biblical Material, however I believe it to be very justified considering you mention in one posts:

1. Matthew was an illiterate tax collector
2. Mark was an illiterate missionary
3. Luke was an illiterate slave physician
4. John was an illiterate fisherman

However that would be oxymoronic in the sense that each of those named was suppose to have written a book in the bible scripture. Namely if they can't read or write, how could they write scripture? Obviously resulting in the Bible being a lie based purely on your own evidence.

Religion itself isn't what this is about though, This is about some delusion that something from the past thats suppose to answer everything is under stonehenge.
For years Stonehenge suffered from Tourists defacing it, destroying it and taking bits home with them. Generating such a delusion about it holding something significant could potentially add to such malicious visits to the site.

It's a historic monument and is protected as such, especially from those that create such "Treasure hunting" rumours.
They are alleged to have written their corresponding books, but there is not a shred of evidence that they did. Indeed, the earliest book, Mark, is nearly always accepted by biblical scholars to have been written ca. 70 CE (although there are many who disagree). The last book, John, is generally thought to have been written ca. 100 CE.

Their dates are arrived at because of literary devices and events mentioned or not mentioned in them. None of the so-called gospels say within in them, "written by Mark, John, etc.", nor would this alone be significant since each of the names assigned to the gospels are extremely common to the period.

Beyond Garry's delusions and/or speculations, there is no evidence that what he says is even close to being true. He's alleging that objects that probably never even existed are secreted in places such as below the heelstone. A stone probably put in place long before the alleged existence of these objects and certainly long before the owners of these alleged objects would have been likely to transport them to the British Isles.

Indeed, if such objects did exist, they would have been discovered long ago during the very extensive archaeological examinations of the site.
Stryder said:
You might of percieve my post being somewhat Critical of Biblical Material, however I believe it to be very justified considering you mention in one posts: (titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost books here) However that would be oxymoronic in the sense that each of those named was suppose to have written a book in the bible scripture. Namely if they can't read or write, how could they write scripture?
They didn't. I did. Are all book titles that don't match the author's name all lies to you? If so, throw away your physics textbooks. (not a bad idea actually because those books need to be rewritten)

Stryder said:
Religion itself isn't what this is about though
That's right. This is about Vegas/London currently booking Even-Odds for my ark of my testament 4ft [1.2m] below my sardine stone at my rock collection, my hedge. Don't believe me? Fair enough:

Ask my Lady the Queen

Lady of the Garter
Lady of the Thistle
Lady of St Patrick
Lady of Merit
Lady of Companions of Honour
Lady of Bath
Lady of St Michael and St George
Lady of Royal Victorian Order
Lady of the British Empire
Lady of Commonwealth
Lady of Royal Family

It's like this Stryder - it does not matter what you think,
it all comes down to what Lis thinks, so ask the Queen.

(sounds very harsh, sorry, but quite true)

With Hamas winning the Palestinian election, the only hope now for peace is to dig up my ark of my testimony 4ft [1.2m] below my sardine stone at my rock collection, my hedge. Tribes coming home:

Tejas purchased by Moses

Lord God Almighty
SkinWalker said:
They are alleged to have written their corresponding books, but there is not a shred of evidence that they did. Indeed, the earliest book, Mark, is nearly always accepted by biblical scholars to have been written ca. 70 CE (although there are many who disagree). The last book, John, is generally thought to have been written ca. 100 CE. Their dates are arrived at because of literary devices and events mentioned or not mentioned in them. None of the so-called gospels say within in them, "written by Mark, John, etc.", nor would this alone be significant since each of the names assigned to the gospels are extremely common to the period. Beyond Garry's delusions and/or speculations, there is no evidence that what he says is even close to being true. He's alleging that objects that probably never even existed are secreted in places such as below the heelstone. A stone probably put in place long before the alleged existence of these objects and certainly long before the owners of these alleged objects would have been likely to transport them to the British Isles. Indeed, if such objects did exist, they would have been discovered long ago during the very extensive archaeological examinations of the site.
SkinWalker's Eight (8)

Did you fix any of your links yet?
Have you asked the Queen yet?

Texans are the Seven Spirits of God
Six Flags over Texas and One Flag:

All twelve tribes are now gathered and ready to move. We are waiting for the Sovereign Revelation Queen to take action. The cloud, our sardine stone, covers our tent of our congregation. Moses is not able to enter into our tent of our congregation. When the cloud, our sardine stone, is taken up from over our tabernacle, the children of Israel will go onward in their journey. But if the cloud, our sardine stone, is not taken up, then they will journey not, till the day that it is taken up. So again we are waiting for the Sovereign Revelation Queen to take action. Wheresoever our Ark goes, all the children of Israel go.

Buzi Mother of Jeremiah-Ezekiel
Watch our Universal Polar-Flip:


Seven Spirits of God
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