Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK

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Garry Denke

Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK

The Revelation of Jesus Christ , the last book of the Bible , says the Ark of the Covenant , the Ark of the Testimony , is below Heelstone , also known as Heel Stone , sometimes as Helestone , written as Hele Stone

The Heelstone ( Heel Stone , Helestone , Hele Stone ) is at Stonehenge , also known as Stone Henge , sometimes as Stonehedge , written as Stone Hedge , in England , UK , the State of Great Britain , United Kingdom

What should the Las Vegas odds be for the
Ark of the Covenant being at Stonehenge ?

Please , just the odds Please

Garry Denke
Well stone henge once got rebuilt from it's ruined state, it would pretty much make such a claim very unlikely since the stones although returned to their positions would have been excavated etc.
Stryder said:
Well stone henge once got rebuilt from it's ruined state, it would pretty much make such a claim very unlikely since the stones although returned to their positions would have been excavated etc.

Yup, and geophysics teams have been all over that area with radar to map out underlying rock, objects, and measure soil densities.

So odds? Zero.
Since the heelstone was put into place before Moses was alleged to have existed, wouldn't that imply that the Ark (if it exists) would be found elsewhere. Moreover, revelations is such a convoluted and subjective text, a dream sequence in fact, that it could hardly be used as a source of archaeological information. Very little of the bible has shown to be archaeologically accurate.

Given these points alone, I'm sure the Vegas odds would be a ten million to one... against. With odds like that, I'd give a dollar for the bet, but I won't make any plans for spending the money.
"Shame on him who thinks ill of it."


Lady of the Garter
Lady of the Thistle
Lady of Saint Patrick

At current birth/death rates, Global Warming will continue until Elisabeth Alexandra Mary ("Lis") excavates Stonehenge A-344 Heelstone Ark of the Testimony. Why? Because Jesus Christ isn't coming to save everyone from Global Warming until Heelstone Ark excavation day, at specifically Heelstone Ark exhumation hour. The Holy Ghost's campaign slogan is this: "If you dig it, He will come. And if you don't, He won't." Furthermore, Jesus Christ isn't coming to save everyone from Global Warming until there is a falling away from faith (already occurred), and the son of perdition claiming that He is God: I, The Holy Ghost; is revealed (already occurred). And finally, Jesus Christ isn't coming to save everyone from Global Warming until this universe's polarity reversal day, at specifically this universe's polar-flip hour, marking the end of this geologic age, occurs (whenever Lis wants). Therefore, Jesus Christ's coming to save everyone from Global Warming could have occurred over twenty years ago had Lis dug it (as agreed), could have occurred ten years ago had Lis dug it, can occur tomorrow if Lis digs it, can occur at anytime afterwards if Lis digs it. In short, no matter how much ice melts at this earth's poles (and at other earths' poles), I, The Holy Ghost (trashed by Roman Catholic Church), am not going to recharge this universe's magnetic field until Lis digs it. Jesus Christ, the prophets and saints, taught everyone all about this universe's polarity reversal day (Heelstone Ark excavation day), specifically this universe' polar-flip hour (Heelstone Ark exhumation hour), through Jesus Christ's three (3) day Crucifixion and Resurrection teaching, specifically at The Great Sabbath hour (Holy Saturday hour, Easter Even hour, Black Saturday hour). Universal polarity reversals, recharging of all magnetic fields, cause all photons (including this Sun and all stars) not to illuminate. This will be observable over a three (3) day phasing period, as taught by Jesus Christ, being pitch black at the specific Heelstone Ark exhumation hour. Instantaneity of gravitational 'waves' (exceeding Einstein's Speed of Light limit) will be confirmed by Astronomy Souls on all earths having telescopic instrumentation. Fear not. All photons (including this Sun and all stars) will regain illumination, and Jesus Christ will be here, as before. But not to be crucified, as before. Sounds like a big deal, I know: But to I, The Holy Ghost; it is just another day at the office. Universal polar-flips are cool (wear a coat). And fun (really). Stay at home, do not travel, stay put. Enjoy a vacation from work (too dark to work). Turn off all circuit breakers. Disconnect all power supplies. STAY HOME. Afterwards, tell everyone that Lis and Stonehenge A-344 Heelstone Ark of the Covenant caused this universe's polarity reversal on Heelstone Ark excavation day, and that Heelstone Ark caused this universe's polar-flip at specifically Heelstone Ark exhumation hour. Otherwise, the ID of Jesus Christ would be known, and Jesus Christ would be crucified again, by the media, et al. Simply say: "Heelstone Ark Reversed Global Warming! Thanks Lis!"

"Shame on him who thinks ill of it."

The Holy Ghost


This World's Overpopulation:

Population, and specifically, overpopulation, has become a neglected and even unpopular issue. Overpopulation is a serious problem getting worse every year: if we continue at the current rate, population will double to over 11 billion by 2035. Overpopulation is the root of most, if not all, environmental and many economic issues, such as timber overharvesting, loss of arable land, ocean depletion, food shortages, water shortages, air pollution, water pollution, flooding, plant and animal habitat loss, global warming and immigration.

The Last Judgment (First 7)

1. Abortion
YHWH Allah: "Abortion is now acceptable on this earth when solely desired by the embryo mother; There are too many souls on this earth, and many new developing earths need old souls."

2. Birth Control
YHWH Allah: "Birth control is now acceptable on this earth when solely desired by the male and the female; There are too many souls on this earth, and many new developing earths need old souls."

3. Death Penalty
YHWH Allah: "Death penalty is now acceptable on this earth when solely desired by the jurisdiction; There are too many souls on this earth, and many new developing earths need old souls."

4. Euthanasia
YHWH Allah: "Euthanasia is now acceptable on this earth when solely desired by the body's owner; There are too many souls on this earth, and many new developing earths need old souls."

5. Embryonic Stem Cell Research
YHWH Allah: "Embryonic stem cell research is now acceptable on this earth when solely desired by the embryo owner; There are too many souls on this earth, and many new developing earths need old souls."

6. Human Cloning
YHWH Allah: "Human cloning is now acceptable on this earth when solely desired by the donor(s): However; There are too many souls on this earth, and many new developing earths need old souls."

7. Marriage
YHWH Allah: "Marriage is not acceptable on this earth; As it is written in Matthew at 22:30, For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God on heaven."

Same for this earth's Solar System

The Holy Bible "Hebrews" 12:2

1. King James Version
YHWH Allah: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The greatest Jewish author of all time: Jesus; author of the Gospels and finisher of the Revelation. Proof that Jesus is the author and finisher of the faith: Gospels and Revelation; rests in seven (7) facts:

1. Matthew was an illiterate tax collector
2. Mark was an illiterate missionary
3. Luke was an illiterate slave physician
4. John was an illiterate fisherman
5. Jesus' numerous direct statements in Revelation
6. Jesus' specific warning about changing his writings
7. Jesus' the author and finisher of Hebrews 12:2

Moses five Books, Jesus five Books.

"Matthew, et al"

Matthew was just like Rocky Balboa (first Rocky movie) actually. Not much difference between them. The early 1st century Roman system for collecting taxes lent itself to excess, exploitation, and corruption. Consider the structure in 25 CE. The Roman government "bid out" the right to collect taxes in a region of the empire. Roman government would say, "We need X amount of revenue from this region of the empire." Wealthy people (mob bosses) would bid on the right to collect (shake down) taxes in that region. Anything they collected above the Roman government's demand was their profit (the take). The regional collectors often would hire managers (gangsters) in specific districts of the region (Zacchaeus) for the shake down. The man would have a specific sum he must collect in the district. Anything he collected above that sum was his (the take). These managers would hire local thugs (Rocky Balboas) in the district to do the actual collecting (Matthew). It was their job to actually collect (shake down) amounts assigned by their managers (gangsters). If they collected more than the managers requested, the amount they collected above what was required was theirs. It does not take a genius to imagine how Matthew, an illiterate Rocky Balboa, worked. The origin of Italian mobs such as Roman Catholic Church's "Holy Ghost" blasphemers is known.

"Matthew, et al" by author and finisher Jesus Christ.

The Holy Qur'an "The Cow" 2:248

After The Opening of The Cow (Ark), Osama bin Laden, et al, Gives it up.

1. Dr. Yusuf Ali
Allah YHWH: And (further) their Prophet said to them: A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark of the covenant, with (an assurance) therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. In this is a symbol for you if ye indeed have faith.

2. Dr. Zohurul Hoque
Allah YHWH: And their nabi said to them: Surely the sign of his kingdom is that there will come to you the Tabut in which there is Shekinah from your Rabb, and the best of what is left by the followers of Musa and the followers of Harun, the malaks bearing it. Certainly in that there is a Sign for you if you are Believers.

3. Dr. T.J. Irving
Allah YHWH: Their prophet told them: A sign of his control will be that the Ark shall come to you containing Serenity from your Lord, as well as some relics which Moses' house and Aaron's house have left behind. The angels will bring it; in that there will be a sign for you if you are believers.

4. Dr. T.U. Hilali-M. Khan
Allah YHWH: And their Prophet (Samuel) said to them: Verily! The sign of His Kingdom is that there shall come to you At-Tâbût (a wooden box), wherein is Sakinah (peace and reassurance) from your Lord and a remnant of that which Musâ (Moses) and Hârûn (Aaron) left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are indeed believers.

5. Dr. M. Pickthall
Allah YHWH: And their Prophet said unto them: Lo! the token of his kingdom is that there shall come unto you the ark wherein is peace of reassurance from your Lord, and a remnant of that which the house of Moses and the house of Aaron left behind, the angels bearing it. Lo! herein shall be a token for you if (in truth) ye are believers.

6. Dr. M.H. Shakir
Allah YHWH: And the prophet said to them: Surely the sign of His kingdom is, that there shall come to you the chest in which there is tranquillity from your Lord and residue of the relics of what the children of Musa and the children of Haroun have left, the angels bearing it; most surely there is a sign in this for those who believe.

7. Dr. G.W. Denke
Allah YHWH: Und ihr Prophet sagte zu ihnen: Wahrlich, ein Zeichen für seine Herrschaft soll sein, daß die Bundeslade zu euch (zurück-) kommen wird; darin ist Frieden von eurem Herrn und ein Vermächtnis von dem, was die Nachkommen von Moses und die Nachkommen von Aaron hinterlassen haben. Sie wird von Engeln getragen. Wahrlich, darin ist ein Zeichen für euch, wenn ihr Gläubige seid.

Muhammad 114 Surahs: The greatest Hebrew author of all time; Moses.

Allah YHWH of the Worlds

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Qorl said:
Garry Denke
Your observation are right.

Wow Qorl, you pretentious little fuckstick! You managed to read, ingest, cross reference and verify all of those links in just eight minutes!

Why don't you fuck back off to the ninth dimension? You know, I've never put someone on my ignore list yet, not even duendy, but you, well, I'm getting close. At least duendy believes what they believe 'cos they had a mondo trip and actually experienced something life changing, albeit pharmaceutical. You, are just a pretentious little shit.
Phlog' old man, perhaps that wouldn't be a bad idea until y'cool down a tad - this is the Silly Buggers Forum after all and patently the gentleman in question has chosen an arena perfectly fitting with that exact sort of description.

Easy to ignore, more constructive by far if it is. Just saying.
phlogistician said:
Wow Qorl, you pretentious little fuckstick! You managed to read, ingest, cross reference and verify all of those links in just eight minutes! Why don't you fuck back off to the ninth dimension? You know, I've never put someone on my ignore list yet, not even duendy, but you, well, I'm getting close. At least duendy believes what they believe 'cos they had a mondo trip and actually experienced something life changing, albeit pharmaceutical. You, are just a pretentious little shit.
Quite a vocabulary for a 5 year old...

Kindergarten homeschooled?
Mr Anonymous. We all have fun in our different ways. Qorl likes talking utter bullshit, and seeing what gullible naives agree with him. I like calling Qorl a pretentious little prick, or fuckstick, as is my whim.

As for 'Garry Denke' well, that's an anagram for 'Randy Greek' (Stryder, is that you?) 'Dark Energy', and 'Dyke Ranger'. At this point, I'm not sure which is most fitting.
phlogistician said:
Mr Anonymous. We all have fun in our different ways. Qorl likes talking utter bullshit, and seeing what gullible naives agree with him. I like calling Qorl a pretentious little prick, or fuckstick, as is my whim.

Ah well, I suppose one must do as one see's fit as one deems to do it. A shame, still. Thank you for your candour, won't trouble you again.
phlogistician said:
As for 'Garry Denke' well, that's an anagram for 'Randy Greek' (Stryder, is that you?)
'Dark Energy', and 'Dyke Ranger'. At this point, I'm not sure which is most fitting.
D'ark Energy

Giambattista said:
What does THAT look like? Do you own one? SEVERAL?

It looks like this;


and no, I don't have one myself.
phlogistician said:
You don't really think I'm five years old, do you?
Not at all, We are teaching Quintessence, the 'Fifth Element':

D'ark Energy in cosmology is a hypothetical form of energy which permeates all of space and has strong negative pressure. According to the theory of relativity, the effect of such a negative pressure is qualitatively similar to a force acting in opposition to gravity at large scales. Invoking such an effect is currently the most popular method for explaining recent observations that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, as well as accounting for a significant portion of the missing mass in the universe. Two proposed forms for D'ark Energy are the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, and Quintessence, a dynamic field whose energy density can vary in time and space. Distinguishing between the alternatives requires high-precision measurements of the expansion of the universe to understand how the speed of the expansion changes over time. The rate of expansion is parameterized by the cosmological equation of state. Measuring the equation of state of D'ark Energy is one of the biggest efforts in observational cosmology today. Adding a cosmological constant to the standard theory of cosmology (i.e. the FLRW metric) has led to a model for cosmology known as the Lambda-CDM model. This model agrees closely with established cosmological observations.

Michael Turner coined D'ark Energy after User: 'Garry Denke'.

Allah YHWH of the Worlds

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At first you state that you're only interested in the odds, yet you then post nearly 3 pages of links and interpretations of the Bible in favour of your theory. Hmmm.
Garry Denke said:

Em, Gary? Usually, not all the time granted but most, simply block quoting other peoples work, changing a term (in this case hyphenating the word Dark to D'ark) constitutes neither thought, consideration, or insight of any kind - its somewhat reminiscent of Bob Lazar's seminal work regarding Element 115 back in the late 80's. Simply taking the the principal description for how the Warp Engines onboard the USS Enterprise are supposed to work and substituting the term "Di-Lithium Crystal" for "Element 115" at every appropriate juncture doesn't constitute any form of either cosmological or technological insight whatsoever - just makes things sound more plausible to people who wouldn't know the inside of a physics book if they were bitten on the arse by one.

Literally, in this specific instance and returning to the matter in hand, the practice constitutes merely inappropriate hyphenation.

Further, the "fact" quoted from yourself in the above patently isn't true - Michel Turner has never used the term D'ark Energy. Nobody has Gary, only you.

Tiny details like this rarely bode well for a genuinely good idea.
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