Are you there God?'s uh, Sciforums.


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
VitalOne has agreed to an experiment testing the God hypothesis. The creation of this project is documented here. The origin:

Spidergoat said:
Why don't you pray (sincerely) for my understanding of God's existence? We will see if that works. I promise to be honest and tell you if God turns me religious.

VitalOne said:
You really want me to try to do that? You realize that manifesting someone becoming religious is almost like mind control right?

spidergoat said:
It seems like a good test. I volunteer.

Enmos said:
Try it on me too.

VitalOne said:
Really? This should be fun, anyway what would happen is you will feel more and more compelled to believe its all true all of a sudden, of course you will struggle with your mind trying to cancel it out, but the feeling of believing its all true will become very very strong

First I have to change my intention so that it becomes very very desirable, once that happens simple intense concentration upon the desire will cause great results


So, if either I or Enmos, known atheists, suddenly admit belief in God, sometime after VitalOne declares the prayer to be finished, it will be proof that prayer works. It will also be a miracle. I agree to be receptive of suggestion (not actively working against the prayer), and honest about my beliefs. VitalOne has a good chance. I own a bible, and some Elaine Pagels books about Gnostics. Also one volume of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's essays on Jesus, and the Book of Morman.


Discussion questions:

Couldn't VitalOne pray for all atheists? ...or is that too ambitious?
How long will it take?
Should I rename this thread, "The God Delusion...contagious?"
If it works, is it really proof of God or just very improbable?
If it works twice, is that doubly improbable?
How could you all forget the fundamental rule of Christiandom making this test totally obsolete? Thou shalt not test thy God?
How? Can mind overcome matter so that genetics no longer rule the subconscious? Is that even possible>?
I think this should be interesting but let me bring up the point that Vital also made, and thats that god only helps those who helps themselves, so he now has a wonderful copout, he can say that he prayed for you, but that you didnt convert because you didnt help yourself convert. So in a sence if you are not trying to become a christian you never will become one.

But lets see, Im interested.
How could you all forget the fundamental rule of Christiandom making this test totally obsolete? Thou shalt not test thy God?
I don't feel that I'm tempting God "Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah" (Deutronomy 6:16)

Rather I am simply manifesting a desire, just the way Jesus describes to, rather I am testing my own self (I'm not directly asking God to fulfill a desire)

How do we know VitalOne will pray? what proof is there?
I'll tell you when the manifestation (prayer) has begun, I didn't correctly think out the intention yet

Correct intention destroys craving, desperation, insecurity, the intention has to be highly desirable

I think this should be interesting but let me bring up the point that Vital also made, and thats that god only helps those who helps themselves, so he now has a wonderful copout, he can say that he prayed for you, but that you didnt convert because you didnt help yourself convert. So in a sence if you are not trying to become a christian you never will become one.

But lets see, Im interested.
Well there will definitely be some effect, just depends on how well I frame the desire and how much concentration I put into it, if it doesn't then I have failed
I am a buddhist.
Are you really a BUddhist? I don't think you are...I sincerely believe in Gautama Buddha, but I don't think you you really believe in heaven/hell, Brahmas, ghosts, devas, spirits, reincarnation, reality is an illusion, faith in Gautama Buddha is good, the effect of karma?

Anyway regardless of if you really are a Buddhist I suggest the fastest path to full perfection in this lifetime is to destroy all your insecurities, develop a high concentration ability (there's this book called the Power of Concentration with good exercises in it), and maintain constant rememberance that all problems simply exist as feelings, impulses, etc...and nothing more

He seems sincere. It's the honor system.
I am sincere, but I have one question, what exactly am I manifesting? Is it that you all should "fully believe that God really exists"? I have to get the correct intention down

Oh yeah there should be some type of deadline for results, I say give it at least one month from when I start the that ok?
Pray that God turns me on to your logic system, so I will realize the error of my atheistic ways, and believe.