Are you still discussing about the existence of a god in this age?

TheERK said:
Maybe you should. Then you'd realize that these religions are mutually exclusive.

I know they are exclusive "too"! But they are more alike than unlike, in my opinion at least. that's why we call all of them religions, 'cos they're alike!
what768 said:
that's why we call all of them religions, 'cos they're alike!

Wrong. We call them religions because they speak of the supernatural. This doesn't mean that they are remotely similar.

Also, it doesn't matter how alike they are; if they claim to be absolute truth, then they are mutually exclusive.
We are one ALREADY. Nothing is amiss. We have all been and wee will all be one, no matter if we realize it or not.. No one can be separated. You are fooled into thinking that we are separate and we need to come together to be one, just because you are fooled by your perception instruments. They are limited in capacity, they can only perceive a small section of all that is available; so they misguide your thoughts when you depend on them and pass judgements depending on your perception.

Imagine that your 'eyes' were able to observe the world from a subatomic dimension, then you would be able to see that there is nothing separate and nothing is amiss. There is not emptiness between you and anything. All that is, is an unseparated, undivided wholeness. NOW and ALWAYS... Many are appearances but there is only One alone.

You may still be fooled into thinking that this means that all is connected. No. Connection is also a deception based on the assumption of separateness.

Suspend your belief in your perception tools, just think to comprehend... and close both eyes to see with the oter 'eye'. Observe the One within in all faces, then your world will completely alter.
TheERK said:
Wrong. We call them religions because they speak of the supernatural. This doesn't mean that they are remotely similar.

Also, it doesn't matter how alike they are; if they claim to be absolute truth, then they are mutually exclusive.

There are not many religions though there are many different believers.

There is only one single SYSTEM operating in the universe that is organized by the basic wholeness and that we all are subject to, which was tried to be explained to mankind by its perceivers, the prophets and the spiritual masters...
Everything is one, but that doesn't really matter to me if I "feel" like I'm separated. Everything in the material world is separated. Like hot and cold, like man and woman. We feel that we're not whole because we identify ourselves with our body which material, and separated from its material complementary half.
I know it's "illusion", but illusions are reality if we never wake up from them.

In the material world there can't be two things in the same place at the same time, like male and female, that is why they are split in two. The oneness has not split itself; this world is a perception. Like two mirrors, and the oneness is in the middle of them to give them an existence. But they're both just (mirror) images, and they have no life without the one.

What should we do to realize and truly understand the oneness? I think we should try to understand ourselves, we should always try to do the right thing. That which we ourselves see as the right thing. That way we obey the "law" of oneness, and later we will see that there is nothing but the one.

It seems like nothing matters if it's not true for myself. Even if something is TRUE I can't accept it because I have yet not found the truth in myself.
Everyone should believe in themselves. People can't accept the Truth because someone else has given it, they must find it themselves first.

It's like this with free will. If God would send us to paradise, we could never stay there, we would sin because we have not found God by our Own free will.
It's like this with a Child who is learning to walk. The Father can't just carry the Child all the time (like he "carries" the animals) otherwise it will never learn to walk by itself. Neither should the Father leave the Child alone, otherwise it will never learn to walk by itself. The good Father is that who watches over the Child and gives a hand when the Child "falls".
I wont speak for anyone else, but you guys are really starting to bore me.. you just waffle the same incomprehensible garbage post after post.

Jusy my two cents, take it, leave it or shove it up your oneness.
SnakeLord said:
I wont speak for anyone else, but you guys are really starting to bore me.. you just waffle the same incomprehensible garbage post after post.

Jusy my two cents, take it, leave it or shove it up your oneness.

:( Sorry, you don't have to read it, I'm just speaking to myself. But I won't speak about it anymore if you don't want me to.
Sorry, you don't have to read it

The oneness forces me to.

Actually you're right, I don't have to read it - but where's the fun in that? I prefer to read garbage than not read it and never get to leave witty snide remarks.
SnakeLord said:
The oneness forces me to.

Hehe, maybe...

SnakeLord said:
Actually you're right, I don't have to read it - but where's the fun in that? I prefer to read garbage than not read it and never get to leave witty snide remarks.

Yeah, it's cool. Just hope you don't say it to "those who have no humour".
Yeah, it's cool. Just hope you don't say it to "those who have no humour".

Yeah, I hate those kind of people. There was one of 'those types' in the bible. Some kids called him "baldy" so he cried a river to god to sort it out instead of merely shrugging it off. god being the mean old bastard that he is, concurred with the man and had the kids ripped to shit by bears.

Seems a sense of humour cannot even be found in omnipotent deities. The bible mentions wrath, anger, hatred and detest a good few gazillion times but not once does god so much as crack a smile. Go figure.

Bears...? I've heard that too, there's such weird stuff in the bible, some of them make me laugh! In my opinion, you propably shouldn't take it so literally. God is supposed to be good, so propably the bible wasn't talking about god in that part. (although it claims to be the word of god)
SnakeLord said:
Yeah, I hate those kind of people. There was one of 'those types' in the bible. Some kids called him "baldy" so he cried a river to god to sort it out instead of merely shrugging it off. god being the mean old bastard that he is, concurred with the man and had the kids ripped to shit by bears.

Seems a sense of humour cannot even be found in omnipotent deities. The bible mentions wrath, anger, hatred and detest a good few gazillion times but not once does god so much as crack a smile. Go figure.

Oh contraire... God does laugh - at you.

Psalms 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.​

BTW, did you notice that the two she bears "tore" them but did not kill them?
Sounds like bad scratches to me.
God does laugh - at you.

That's his right I guess, after all - he's god.

Alas, I couldn't really care. I'd laugh back, especially at the fact that he invented pubic lice.. That must take some serious level of humour - but he's non-existant, so in effect I'd be laughing at nothing.

As you felt some bizarre need to quote some text from a book, I'll quote some different text from a different book...

Mark Twain's 'The Fly': Let us try to think the unthinkable: let us try to imagine a Man of a sort willing to invent the fly; that is to say, a man destitute of feeling; a man willing to wantonly torture and harass and persecute myriads of creatures who had never done him any harm and could not if they wanted to, and--the majority of them--poor dumb things not even aware of his existence. In a word, let us try to imagine a man with so singular and so lumbering a code of morals as this: that it is fair and right to send afflictions upon the just--upon the unoffending as well as upon the offending, without discrimination.

If we can imagine such a man, that is the man that could invent the fly, and send him out on his mission and furnish him his orders: "Depart into the uttermost corners of the earth, and diligently do your appointed work. Persecute the sick child; settle upon its eyes, its face, its hands, and gnaw and pester and sting; worry and fret and madden the worn and tired mother who watches by the child, and who humbly prays for mercy and relief with the pathetic faith of the deceived and the unteachable. Settle upon the soldier's festering wounds in field and hospital and drive him frantic while he also prays, and betweentimes curses, with none to listen but you, Fly, who get all the petting and all the protection, without even praying for it. Harry and persecute the forlorn and forsaken wretch who is perishing of the plague, and in his terror and despair praying; bite, sting, feed upon his ulcers, dabble your feet in his rotten blood, gum them thick with plague-germs--feet cunningly designed and perfected for this function ages ago in the beginning--carry this freight to a hundred tables, among the just and the unjust. the high and the low, and walk over the food and gaum it with filth and death. Visit all; allow no man peace till he get it in the grave; visit and afflict the hard-worked and unoffending horse, mule, ox, ass, pester the patient cow, and all the kindly animals that labor without fair reward here and perish without hope of it hereafter; spare no creature, wild or tame; but wheresoever you find one, make his life a misery, treat him as the innocent deserve; and so please Me and increase My glory Who made the fly.

It might not be relevant, but it's certainly more interesting.

BTW, did you notice that the two she bears "tore" them but did not kill them?

Oh... Well that makes it all better.