Are you still discussing about the existence of a god in this age?

Sufi said:
I believe in Islam, the Koran and the teachings of RasulAllah.

Nice.. me too. But then again, I believe in Hinduism, Buddhism, the Bible etc. Although, I'm not so educated, I haven't read much about them yet.
Maybe you should try reading the Gitas, the holy books of Hinduism, because I think your thoughts match a little with them...

God is a being to be worshipped by someone else. If there is not their duality, then the concept of GOD falls. when you accept oneness, the concept god falls. you cannot call oneness as god. consideing oneness, there is no one else to call or consider him as God, any longer. But god will always be in your imagination as long as you consider yourself in duality, no matter how deep you know of the oneness.

I didn't know God was a being to be worshipped... I believe he's everything. So the concept of God doesn't fall for Me... because I don't see "God" as you. God is everything, so he is also oneness. If you want truth, never be for or against, this is the very source of duality, separation. One "becomes" all things...
Do you think... we'll all be like Jesus some day?

We become what we think, right? Is it true..? When we speak, we think about what we speak... the more we speak, the better we get... it becomes a feeling... we know what to say... it feels like someone is putting the words in our mouths, or that, I am just an instrument by which God who reveals himself through...

I am as you called "You" is an imagination in your mind.

Yeah. I am the only existence. I knew it... because children always "think" that people can't see them when they shut their eyes.
what768 said:
Nice.. me too. But then again, I believe in Hinduism, Buddhism, the Bible etc. Although, I'm not so educated, I haven't read much about them yet. Maybe you should try reading the Gitas, the holy books of Hinduism, because I think your thoughts match a little with them...

Believing in Mohammed and being a Mohammedan (pbuh) is really difficult. It requires believing all the rasuls and nabis who lived earlier to him, and requires "going even to China if the wisdom is there"...

what768 said:
Do you think... we'll all be like Jesus some day?

We will always be what we are today! We will never be what we are not today!
Believing in Mohammed and being a Mohammedan (pbuh) is really difficult. It requires believing all the rasuls and nabis who lived earlier to him, and requires "going even to China if the wisdom is there"...

Don't you think.... that all religions come from one teaching? which was told to people in different countries in different ways? Like in hinduism they built figures of God with four faces... and in egypt God was a pyramid.. with 4 sides. I really think that... being a real Muhammedan (pbuh) is the same as being a real Christian. And so on...

All religions talk about same things... they all say that we must believe just THAT religion... because there is truth in all of them... All religions talk about Love!

We will always be what we are today! We will never be what we are not today!

Yeah. Apollo said in the movie Rocky 3: "There is no tomorrow!!!!"
what768 said:
Don't you think.... that all religions come from one teaching? which was told to people in different countries in different ways? Like in hinduism they built figures of God with four faces... and in egypt God was a pyramid.. with 4 sides. I really think that... being a real Muhammedan (pbuh) is the same as being a real Christian. And so on...

All religions talk about same things... they all say that we must believe just THAT religion... because there is truth in all of them... All religions talk about Love!

Yeah. Apollo said in the movie Rocky 3: "There is no tomorrow!!!!"

It was always as it is today.

All the rasuls and nabis tried to explain the SYSTEM in life to mankind, that we are all one within essence. They each confirmed the others. Yet, none of them named their teachings until Mohammed (pbuh) confirmed all of them, said he was the last nabi and named all those teachings as Islam based on the truth of Oneness, which means Peace. Therefore the Koran says, at the sight of Allah, the religion is Islam, which means if we realize that there is not a god up there and understand the Oneness (Allah), then we came to realize that there is only one SYSTEM that operates in the universe, which we are all subject to, and in which we are all connected despite apparent separations. So there is only One power alone, one consciousness alone, one system and one religion in essence. It was so and it is still so. :)
Sufi said:
Believing in Mohammed and being a Mohammedan (pbuh) is really difficult. It requires believing all the rasuls and nabis who lived earlier to him, and requires "going even to China if the wisdom is there"...

We will always be what we are today! We will never be what we are not today!

Believing in Mohammed and being a Mohammedan (pbuh) is really difficult

Sufi......whats a Mohammedan?
Sufi said:
It was always as it is today.

All the rasuls and nabis tried to explain the SYSTEM in life to mankind, that we are all one within essence. They each confirmed the others. Yet, none of them named their teachings until Mohammed (pbuh) confirmed all of them, said he was the last nabi and named all those teachings as Islam based on the truth of Oneness, which means Peace. Therefore the Koran says, at the sight of Allah, the religion is Islam, which means if we realize that there is not a god up there and understand the Oneness (Allah), then we came to realize that there is only one SYSTEM that operates in the universe, which we are all subject to, and in which we are all connected despite apparent separations. So there is only One power alone, one consciousness alone, one system and one religion in essence. It was so and it is still so.

Most religions say that this SYSTEM, (Allah) power... whatever, is "God". Why do they call it God? I call it God also, because for me, God is not just something to worship. It's also all that which you just explained. I always thought that Allah was the God's name in Islam. But... God created the universe... it doesn't matter what we call it... all religions speak of it... and they usually say it's God... But God is the wrong word if it is like you said that the word God is just something that is used to worship... but why does it say that it is God who is the "best", which created the universe and stuff... and not the.... "oneness"? What does "Allah" mean? Really? But in hinduism they sometimes call the "Self" the same as the "Supreme Being".
what768 said:
Most religions say that this SYSTEM, (Allah) power... whatever, is "God". Why do they call it God? I call it God also, because for me, God is not just something to worship. It's also all that which you just explained. I always thought that Allah was the God's name in Islam. But... God created the universe... it doesn't matter what we call it... all religions speak of it... and they usually say it's God... But God is the wrong word if it is like you said that the word God is just something that is used to worship... but why does it say that it is God who is the "best", which created the universe and stuff... and not the.... "oneness"? What does "Allah" mean? Really? But in hinduism they sometimes call the "Self" the same as the "Supreme Being".

For a comprehensive reading about what "ALLAH" means as explained in the Koran, please go to the following link and read the book Mohammed's Allah online for free:

I believe you will love it :)
surenderer said:
Sufi......whats a Mohammedan?

Let me tell you a story about it to explain what is a Mohammedan...

Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) is the ancestor of Mohammed Mustafa (pbuh). As might be known, Prophet Ibrahim is well-known for his generosity (kerem). He would not ever eat alone without someone sharing his meal. One evening after he prepared his dinner as usual, he noticed that there was nobody to eat with him. He was all alone and he prayed his lord, saying "Oh Rabbi! Please, send me a guest to share my meal as I haven't got anyone to join me in my meal.."

And Prophet Ibrahim's prayer was accepted at the sight of Truth (by Janab Haqk). Before long, he heard someone calling from outside: "Is there someone inside?"

Jumping out of his place, Ibrahim opened his door: "Welcome," he said upon seeing an old man outside. "Come in, please! Sit down for some food, let us eat together!"

The old man stepped in and then they sat to eat together. Saying "Bismillah," (in the name of Allah) Prophet Ibrahim took a slice off bread. And the man too reached to the bread and cut off a piece.

"Oh, no," said Prophet Ibrahim. "Don't you say 'Bismillah' before you begin eating! You should mention the name of Allah! Mention the name of Allah who gave all this food for us!.."

The man, so old with a beard down to his belly, said "But, I do not know your lord. Who is he?"

Prophet Ibrahim said, "This is unacceptable! How can I share my food with someone who does not recognize ALLAH and denies Hu!"

Those words broke the old man's heart. "OK then," he said. He stood up and walked out...

After the old man had left, Prophet Ibrahim received a revelation (wahy) by ALLAH, right away:

"Oh Ibrahim! (Don't you see) I have been allowing my servant live for more than a hundred years, though he only denied me so far. I have not driven him away from my door even once (I have not stopped providing him with food)... How could 'you,' only a servant of Me, send him back?"

Ibrahim jumped out of his place all at once and rushed to the man, saying "O! Come! Even if you do not know Hu! Come back! I was warned by my Lord because of my attitude toward you. "

The man asked "What happened that you changed your mind?"

Ibrahim repeated what he had been informed, and begged the man "Please, for Allah's sake, come on, sat with me and share my meal."

The old man asked, "Is this what your Lord talked to you?"

Ibrahim answered, "Yes, my Lord said so."

Then the old man said, "Your Lord is really a great and an exalted Lord. Then I believe in your Lord..."

They then sat at the meal and ate together...

We are descendants of Prophet Ibrahim. We are descendants of Mohammed Mustafa. We are followers of Mohammed. We are Mohammedans.

Mohammedans meet people with grace regardless of their belief, religious order or path they follow. So, let us love people and welcome them warmly despite any naming they bear in the eyes of people...
Sufi said:
For a comprehensive reading about what "ALLAH" means as explained in the Koran, please go to the following link and read the book Mohammed's Allah online for free:

I believe you will love it

Thanks, Sufi... I like it.

Umm... can I ask a question? ...When we spend time with someone we love, why does it feel like we're in paradise... as if we were One with everything?
I can't be with anyone, but... Do you think I can be with "Allah"? But how can I feel as much love as if I am with a person I love? I'm sorry... I don't expect you to know...

When I've said that I "believe" in "God", I always got a negative attitude... because they did not understand what I meant... they did not see God as I did...
I talked about "Allah"... all along. But can I "believe" in Allah? Because he's not God... there is no God... what can allah do to help me.......

What should I do? The right thing... what is it? If I do the right thing... does it really make... everybody... happy?
what768 said:
Thanks, Sufi... I like it.

Umm... can I ask a question? ...When we spend time with someone we love, why does it feel like we're in paradise... as if we were One with everything?
I can't be with anyone, but... Do you think I can be with "Allah"? But how can I feel as much love as if I am with a person I love? I'm sorry... I don't expect you to know...

Do you know whom you really love in your beloved?

No one is loved except “the ONE” only in everything that you love.

It is impossible trying to love many people; yet, it is the greatest of delights to love the ONE with many appearances.

When I've said that I "believe" in "God", I always got a negative attitude... because they did not understand what I meant... they did not see God as I did...
I talked about "Allah"... all along. But can I "believe" in Allah? Because he's not God... there is no God... what can allah do to help me.......

The names are not important. What is important is the concept behind the name, and the understanding that this name refers to. You accept the oneness of all that is and know in your heart that there is no god out there, there is only the One alone. So you already believe in Allah :) Believing Allah means embracing the wholeness of all that is without seeing a separate god out there. /there is not a god out there who might accept or refuse your intention of belief :) you believe and get its fruit.

What should I do? The right thing... what is it? If I do the right thing... does it really make... everybody... happy?

Happy is that [person] who attained the Truth and could devote himself to It.
even to make a small rocket or robot...humans work for years , they derive formulas , work on equations , disscuss with each other , organise debates...then atlast they made one rocket or robot...and even they are not sure weather this small machine will succeed or not.......have they ever wounder without there help , there mind....this huge universe is doing all work at right time and with 100% mathmatical precision...the earth is at right distance from sun(not few meters here or there) , its protected by ozone at right distance , right amt o oxygen , our organs are accurate and rightly placed...and much much much which our mind cant even think........who is doing all this work with mathmatical precision....u? no he is one and only one supreme power "GOD" or "ALLAH" or "LORD KRISHNA"...u can call him by any name...he was one , is one and will always be one
Do you know whom you really love in your beloved?

No one is loved except “the ONE” only in everything that you love.

It is impossible trying to love many people; yet, it is the greatest of delights to love the ONE with many appearances.

I know. In all that I love, I love "my Self", and when I love myself, I love everything! (I mean the "higher self", the One, not the personal self) Even when I do something to make another person happy, I still do it for myself, because my happiness comes from another persons happiness. That is, if I am One with this person, if I have recognised this person in "myself". Because that which we don't love is just that which we haven't found in ourselves. One is the "center" of everything, so everything and one carries this essence within them, as their own center, their self. Nothing can push aside God, the One...

There's only one person I've loved in my life, but we have been "separated" so that I would find the One, the true "completion". I am 2, separated - not 1.
"I" don't want to love a person, because when I do, it separates me from oneness. I want to be close, but our bodies are in the way, because "matter" separates us! The oneness is unreachable for me as long as I love someone in this world, this way. I know I should love everyone but I don't, I just want to give all my love for one person, who doesn't even want it. And when I do that, I have no love to give for others or myself. I bet love can be as bad as hate sometimes. But I guess it's not real Love then. Because a certain "thing" or power can't be evil, it only depends on how we use it, or what we think about it.

Why.. do I want something that is impossible? Is it impossible to become one with everything? It feels like I could be One with someone I love, but I really can't! I can do nothing in this world, everything has a resistance which restricts me from coming back to paradise! The nature takes advantage of the attraction in everything, just to make new people to the world. So that they would grow up like everyone else, with the same problems and who then again put new children in the world... what's the point with that?

The earth loves all life here, that is why it draws them towards it, just like two people who love one another, want to become one. But they never become one... it's impossible in this world! So why must there be matter, which restricts the earth and everything else from falling back to paradise, to oneness? Why... "because without it, the creation is not possible", the voice says... the point is that we would by our own free will do the right thing.

Hmhm... sometimes it really feels that what I speak are not my own words. I would never say anything like this... I just receive the words, from a kind of source, they are given to me, because I listen. Hee hee, maybe I just listen to myself.
rahul_sharma said:
the earth is at right distance from sun(not few meters here or there) , its protected by ozone at right distance , right amt o oxygen , our organs are accurate and rightly placed...and much much much which our mind cant even think........who is doing all this work with mathmatical precision....u?

I don't get this... I know the earth is at the right distance of the sun... but it's just one planet, there are lots of planets which are not at the "right" distance of the sun... so of course there must be some planets where life can be possible!

I really believe that too... that krsna and jesus and so on are one and the same, everything is...
SnakeLord said:
Rent a room, then you guys can all be 'one' together.

Who are you calling "guys" anyway...... btw, matter resists, so it doesn't "matter" how great the attraction is, we'd still not become one. Two things can't be at the same time at the same place in this world, so the bodies would just die, like a star which has great gravity, draws the matter into oneness and destroys the star, exploding like a supernova
like a star which has great gravity, draws the matter into oneness and destroys the star, exploding like a supernova

That's cool, but it didn't happen in my latest experiment:

I got a tea bag, some hot water and some milk. I put them together, and now they're one. They have decided to be called "a cup of tea". I'm kinda glad there was no explosions though.

So... rent a room.
what768 said:
Nice.. me too. But then again, I believe in Hinduism, Buddhism, the Bible etc. Although, I'm not so educated, I haven't read much about them yet.

Maybe you should. Then you'd realize that these religions are mutually exclusive.
That's cool, but it didn't happen in my latest experiment:

I got a tea bag, some hot water and some milk. I put them together, and now they're one. They have decided to be called "a cup of tea". I'm kinda glad there was no explosions though.

So... rent a room.

Tee hee... =) but.. it's not fair 'cos you're using liquids, they only seem like they become one, but the atoms (which the liquids are made of) and those even smaller, they don't become one. I know it's deceiving. You know what happens when we try to break atoms, or make them become one... boom! Nothing can push aside the oneness that holds everything together. Only the oneness can be one.........