are you pro or against circumcision?

Like that useful cleft palate that a your Father gives a quarter million children each year?

:m: Peace.
Yorda said:
If circumcision were useful, our Father would produce children already circumcised from their earthly mother's womb.
Rather, it is the true circumcision in spirit which is good for man.

Agggaha. Cough. If God didn't want us to have sex he wouldn't have made all forms (mostly) of living creatures in the form of male and female and have given them the appendages, urge and pleasureable sensations that go with it.
Yorda said:
If circumcision were useful, our Father would produce children already circumcised from their earthly mother's womb.
Rather, it is the true circumcision in spirit which is good for man.

And had we any need for clothes we'd be born covered in warm protective garments! heheh.
circumcision? Leave it to the adult to make the choice where body modification is concerned. I think it is savage and terrible to subject a child to such a thing.
Clockwood said:
Well yeah. If women think it is ugly, it may hurt your chances at having children and passing on your genes.

Lol, can you imagine it. Six months of courtship, touching eachothers faces, kissing softly, walking hand in hand in the park, sharing experiences, finally deciding to commit to eachother for the rest of your lives, excitedly expecting a marraige to be filled with children but then when you are both standing naked before eachother ready to consumate your marraige in the honeymoon suite she turns round and says ...

Yuck, what is that disgusting piece of flesh??? Children with you sonny? No way, you disgust me, get out of my life!

hahahaha - I do not think women are that shallow and if they are then it was a serious mistake getting involved with them in the first place.


Mystech said:
And had we any need for clothes we'd be born covered in warm protective garments! heheh.

Yeah, you're right.
But we have already been covered with warm protective garments, but now man has begun to think that he himself is the garment, because he forgot what he truly looked like! Truly, the garment we are clothed with is our body.

The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Genesis 3:21

Btw, what I said earlier was a quotation by Jesus in Gospel of Thomas (from memory) if you didn't know yet.

MacM said:
Agggaha. Cough. If God didn't want us to have sex he wouldn't have made all forms (mostly) of living creatures in the form of male and female and have given them the appendages, urge and pleasureable sensations that go with it.

Did I say that we shouldn't have sex? But in the end, we will not have sex anymore, because it belongs to the body, not to the pure spirit. Rather the sexual feelings still exist for the spirit for the same reason that the ground exist which we walk on. Without temptation, we can achieve nothing, but we should not fall for temptations. Without the ground, we can't jump.

goofyfish said:
Like that useful cleft palate that a your Father gives a quarter million children each year?

Yeah, but he gives them because of people's sins.

:m: Peace.
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Yorda said:
The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Genesis 3:21

Then why should be expect that the religious right is so offened by nudity and the public display of God's chosen wardrobe?

Btw, what I said earlier was a quotation by Jesus in Gospel of Thomas (from memory) if you didn't know yet.

And just who the hell cares. I sure don't. I want to know absolutely nothing about what the Bible says. I regret having ever even read it. A total waste of time and of good oxygen generating trees in its fabrication.

Did I say that we shouldn't have sex? But in the end, we will not have sex anymore, because it belongs to the body, not to the pure spirit. Rather the sexual feelings still exist for the spirit for the same reason that the ground exist which we walk on.

Without temptation, we can achieve nothing, but we should not fall for temptations. Without the ground, we can't jump.

Now you did rather fail or refuse to directly answer the question didn't you. Your response is mush mouthed garbled and meaningless poppy cock.

Yeah, but he gives them because of people's sins.

:m: Peace.

And you would know this how? This topic was about a biological and medical issue, not about the Bible and your belief in a God. You seem to support the view that our laws and constitution should enforce your views on all people. I dispise that arrogance and stupidity.
Yorda said:
Yeah, but he gives them [cleft palates] because of people's sins.

So, your God punishes a new-born child for the sins of someone they have never met?

:rolleyes: Niiiice.
MacM said:
Then why should be expect that the religious right is so offened by nudity and the public display of God's chosen wardrobe?

Because people misuse everything. God has given everything to us, even himself, but people have made curses of everything.

MacM said:
And you would know this how? This topic was about a biological and medical issue, not about the Bible and your belief in a God. You seem to support the view that our laws and constitution should enforce your views on all people. I dispise that arrogance and stupidity.

All I have ever done is to express myself. I don't want people to believe me, only if they themselves agree with me.

If you don't want to see something, then ignore it.

goofyfish said:
So, your God punishes a new-born child for the sins of someone they have never met?

:rolleyes: Niiiice.

People's sins reach everywhere, even to the innocents. It is the human himself who punishes with love, the higher self which lives in him.