So much mythology, so little reason.
Pause for incoming rant...
First they must convince you that you are so evil that excrement is more righteous than you are, simply because it can never sin. Amen? Then they will try and convince you that you should really be killed, right now, on the spot, because you have made some mistakes in your life and because you are not perfect. You know, all it takes is just one little mistake and you are worthy of death and eternal condemnation!
Then if they can pull all of that off they will try to convince you that your own mind is so flawed and so evil and so incapable of ever seeking or finding the truth that you must come to them and only them for the truth. Each of them, in their pride, thinks that they know and have the truth, yet no two of them can ever fully agree on what that truth actually is.
They have been known to kill even their own Christian brothers over these little disagreements about the truth. Most of them will at the very least condemn anyone, even other Christians, to hell if they do not agree with them.
After you have been stripped of all self-worth, self-confidence, common morality, and reason, they will teach you and attempt to rebuild you into their own particular brand of truth and teach you to condemn everyone else who disagrees with you to hell, as well. They care about you until you disagree with them, then they will drop you like a hot potato. They only truly love those who agree with them. Everyone else is a threat!
They replace reason with non-reason since reason is thought to be evil and prideful. Perhaps, in reality, they just fear reason because it can interfere with their almost total control of another person's emptied mind.
Fortunately, no one on this forum, bless their heart, is like this!
Relax! I am talking about all those other Christians, not you!