Are you an angry atheist?

I'm probably one of the most easy going people you'll ever meet. I can get fairly frustrated with assholes and idiots, but I usually just avoid them.

And yes to coffee.
"Are you an angry atheist?"
I am when I lose a fiver, miss the train or suchlike. Or when people start idiot threads.

"If you're an atheist, are you easygoing"
You got to change your evil ways < baby
Jean and Joe and who knows who
You got to change < baby

Anyway . Why you get mad about loosing a fin? The train yeah , No I don't know , time thing? Who do you get mad at ? I guess I am lucky that way . That is why I found Happiness . I wish everybody could instead of having to wait until you are almost dead and look back and see if you were happy . Well being Happy is way way better
I'm pretty easygoing about burning people alive for witchcraft, beating gays to death, murdering abortion doctors, proliferating the ignorance of creationism, raping altar boys, and discouraging the use of contraception among the third world poor.


I am easy going about the stuff you said Spidy . Changing it all is part of the work in life and lucky artists get to lead the charge. I think that is great , Better than painting flowers , of course my wife would not think so. She paints flowers.

It is what it is . What you gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come for you
This gay atheist also cooks, fixes computers, enjoys musical comedies and long walks on the beach.


Oh dear God.. musical comedies and long walks on the beach? Really?


I like classical ballet..

It's my secret shame.:bawl:
Have you ever heard of the word inclusion ?
Yes, I have.

Inclusion in education is an approach to educating students with special educational needs. Under the inclusion model, students with special needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students. Implementation of these practices varies. Schools most frequently use them for selected students with mild to severe special needs.

But it typically takes a patient teacher for these positions - and I am neither a teacher nor am I patient.
Yes, I have.

But it typically takes a patient teacher for these positions - and I am neither a teacher nor am I patient.
That use to up set me , since I sneaked out of special needs class in the 4th grade . Unincluded my self so to speak. Falling threw cracks . A lot of people do and hide there short comings . Coming clean helps . Facing Fear . Most people on this thread appear to be easy going . Yeah With that !!
Why would you think that? Seriously!

The way one behaves on a daily basis, the thoughts one entertains, the feelings that one has, the things one does surely have to be closely related to one's convictions about self, God, the Universe and everything.

To say that there is no (relevant) connection between one's daily mental and emotional states, actions, and the convictions about self, God, the Universe and everything
is to say that human reason and intention are irrelevant and that we are basically like machines, preprogrammed and with no measure of control over our lives.
The way one behaves on a daily basis, the thoughts one entertains, the feelings that one has, the things one does surely have to be closely related to one's convictions about self, God, the Universe and everything.

To say that there is no (relevant) connection between one's daily mental and emotional states, actions, and the convictions about self, God, the Universe and everything is to say that human reason and intention are irrelevant and that we are basically like machines, preprogrammed and with no measure of control over our lives.
No it's not like saying that at all.

Whether you believe a god created humans or evolution created humans has nothing to do with your temper. It's insulting to think so. People reach an inner calm through religion or through scientific knowledge. Or both.
I resign my envolvement in this discussion from here on out. Blood is dripping out of my eyes in frustration. I'm sure that answers the OP's question LOL!