Are you an angry atheist?


Registered Senior Member
Some atheists are easygoing about other people's views. But some aren't. If you're an atheist, are you easygoing or are you one of those angry ones?
"Are you an angry atheist?"
I am when I lose a fiver, miss the train or suchlike. Or when people start idiot threads.

"If you're an atheist, are you easygoing"
it usually depends on their experiences. it's easy to be easygoing about anything where you've been relatively not affected by it. those who know more about it would probably have more negative reactions.

i've never heard of an angry atheist or angry theist over religion. there are those who have poor opinions of a type of religion or non-religion. theists tend to consider any negative opinion of their religion or beliefs as others being angry. again, that's a way for them to not have to look at the reasons for their opinions and just focus on the person instead. this is classic.

i've especially never heard of an angry theist because of atheism. that's because atheists are not trying to convert anyone and theists don't have to deal with that. there is nothing really for them to be angry about except when limits are placed on them.

that's a misconception and 'easygoing' is not really the best term. theists generally aren't easygoing about other's views, otherwise they wouldn't be out to convert others.
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I'm pretty easygoing about burning people alive for witchcraft, beating gays to death, murdering abortion doctors, proliferating the ignorance of creationism, raping altar boys, and discouraging the use of contraception among the third world poor.

I'm a nice athiest.
I help old ladies across the road and everything.

But then I'm not gay or female or any of the other sections of society that the god botherers have a downer on.

Lucky me.
Dee Cee
I wonder what fascinating topic Kellisness's next thread will cover...

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More of a sad atheist, when I see what religion can do to people.

Not saying that religion always does bad things, or that I get sad to the point of depression. But getting angry doesn't help. It's more of a shaking head type response at some people's thinking process.
More of a sad atheist, when I see what religion can do to people.

Not saying that religion always does bad things, or that I get sad to the point of depression. But getting angry doesn't help. It's more of a shaking head type response at some people's thinking process.

I see it as natural selection. Like those churches that do the whole snake thing, where they pick up rattle snakes and let them bite them and pray to God for a cure. I see that as natural selection at work. Weed out the stupid people.:)

Saves me having to mow them down at another time in my car or with my supermarket trolley.

I see it as natural selection. Like those churches that do the whole snake thing, where they pick up rattle snakes and let them bite them and pray to God for a cure. I see that as natural selection at work. Weed out the stupid people.:)

Saves me having to mow them down at another time in my car or with my supermarket trolley.

theists are the majority. christianity is one of the most popular religions. you don't have to be stupid to promote fundamental religions, just dishonest. it's a perfect cover.
Some atheists are easygoing about other people's views. But some aren't. If you're an atheist,... are you one of those angry ones?

Hardly. Do I get irritated at times by various things? Who doesn't?

One's religious belief, or lack thereof, is, at best, unrelated to one's temper.
Some atheists are easygoing about other people's views. But some aren't. If you're an atheist, are you easygoing or are you one of those angry ones?

So lemme get this right. Some people are angry. Some are jolly.

What the hell does atheism have to do with it?

i go with the facts, and the facts on this whole god thing is missing.
the universe is a big place and for someone to state with assurance of something they know nothing about is lunacy.