Are theists afraid of atheists?

Simon Anders
I have never met a Mormon who scared me.

Mormons are intensely scary. The level of mindless obedience required to swallow mormonism results in people with huge holes in their minds.
MW-To coin a wise phrase I heard recently.... Pot, meet Kettle. At least I embrace my laughingstock status. Your religious theories remind me of a certain theory about Earth and such... You'll find there those who wholeheartedly support your theories, as well as your frequent antagonism towards theists.

IOW-It's okay to slap him around, but when the slapping starts, all hell breaks loose, so be careful! :D
M*W: I wasn't necessarily referring to you, but if the shoe fits....

There are some christians who present honest, logical statements. That shows they may have their religious belief, but they are certainly well-tuned to make a positive argument. What I'm talking about here is the fantasy believers who shut out reality. That's really scary.
Mormons are intensely scary. The level of mindless obedience required to swallow mormonism results in people with huge holes in their minds.
M*W: I never met a Mormon I didn't like. Not that I agree with them, but I love those people as a group. In fact, I almost moved to Salt Lake City in the 90s to do medical research. I love that place! I guess it's all in the attitude, but the Mormons welcome people from all walks of life, religious or not.
Jan Ardena
That is an interesting and unusual testimony.
Care to exand on it?

You mean "That is only because you have less faith in your god than I do, and I don't even believe in him."

The part about not believing your outlandish fantasy god?

Or the part where I have enough faith to believe that if by some chance I'm wrong about gods, an actual good god is not going to be nearly as stupid, mean or slimy as you theists make her out to be?

I see no reason to fear any good god. I've no fear of your hell or concern for my soul.

I see not the least evidence for any of your claims for your bronze age myths. They are laughable and in particular your "saving" people for your misogynist, misanthropic, paranoid, jealous, angry, begrudging, symbol of all that is vile in a power monger "god" is completely ludicrous.
ALL who do not not follow Christ must by necessity be followers of Satan.

The false dilemma of a worshiper of evil - you are for me or against me.

A good people are fine with you not being for or against them.
MW I couldn't agree less. Mormons are intensely racist, they just smile a lot while they do it.

Mormons are welcoming only if they think they can score you. Cross them and they are almost as nasty as the scientologists.
We have witnesses to Christ's life and words and His words in print today.


But what historical supporting evidence to evolutionists have?

Yes, the extensive fossil record.

no ancient cultures passing along accounts of their ape ancestors.

Gee, no ancient cultures passing along accounts of their lasers either. What an idiot.

So by your definition of evidence, we don't need witnesses or historical verification.

Actual physical evidence trumps "witnesses" every time.

We can simply say that Jesus is Lord because we say so and it can be considered a fact.

Insanity must be fun.

So what factual support do you have that Jesus is not Lord?

The great god Qerg has said Jesus is not lord. Can you prove it is not so? Didn't think so.
That's like saying that King Kong once ruled the world and that's true.

Slip of the fingers?

Sorry, blanket statements without supporting evidence aren't facts, just statements.

About time you realized this.

So do your research on Jerusalem during the time of Christ so you can tell the world what really happened then. Then you'd be dealing with facts, not fantasy. But since you've already admitted that it's atheists who are afraid of Christians, then there really is no more point in seeing you guys continue to contradict yourselves.

Cite your research.

How do animals react when you preach to them?
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Or the part where I have enough faith to believe that if by some chance I'm wrong about gods, an actual good god is not going to be nearly as stupid, mean or slimy as you theists make her out to be?

:D .
As atheism is a religion (apparently) that makes atheists theists.. uh right ?
So should I be afraid of myself ?
Are Muslims afraid of Catholics ?
Are Christians afraid of Jews ?

lol *shakes head*
I have to agree about Mormons. Ever met a black mormon? Their scarce, at best. :D
M*W: When I visited there, the LDS church had missionaries in Africa. In fact, they brought in busloads of Blacks from other states on pilgrimages. The LDS are in virtually every country in the world doing missionary work.

And then there are those former LDS members who stand outside Temple Square passing out tracts on how evil the LDS are.
Curious, the Mormons I've encountered all have this bizarre idea that black people are black for rebelling against God. Then there's the whole dying and becoming a god thing. Nice people, but the nicer they are, the more frightening.

Atheism is a lack of belief in deity. This could be pursued religiously, I suppose, but would hesitate to call it a religion, Enmos.

Stranger-I wonder if we are sometimes. Confronted with the picture of Him suggested by... I think it was Time?... the reconstruction photo, I know of christians who shied away from it. Then there are the ones who want OT law followed, and don't put their women outside the camp for being unclean one week out of the month.
Curious, the Mormons I've encountered all have this bizarre idea that black people are black for rebelling against God. Then there's the whole dying and becoming a god thing. Nice people, but the nicer they are, the more frightening.

Atheism is a lack of belief in deity. This could be pursued religiously, I suppose, but would hesitate to call it a religion, Enmos.

Stranger-I wonder if we are sometimes. Confronted with the picture of Him suggested by... I think it was Time?... the reconstruction photo, I know of christians who shied away from it. Then there are the ones who want OT law followed, and don't put their women outside the camp for being unclean one week out of the month.

I believe the Mormons have gotten rid of that little bit about black people being black as punishment. I don't know for sure if they have, but in recent years their ad campaigns make me think they have.
We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what annoys me. ---------- Jack Handey