Are theists afraid of atheists?

M*W: If theists believe that atheism is not a legitimate belief, why do they seem so afraid of it?

There are many reasons, but all of them stem from the Bible saying that if you don't believe you are doomed. It also says to avoid socializing with hethens. It also says, "wide is the gate, but narrow is the road". Meaning that you can easily be lost or deceived. It is a common theme that you must be focused on God to make it into heaven.

These reasons alone are enough to be afraid, not of atheism, but of God's "justice" foretold concerning non-believers. The only reason I stand here today as an agnostic theist and not as many other theists here is that I am willing to accept that there is no God because of reason and common sense. I don't fear God (if he exists) because I am what I am because of God and there really is nothing I can do about it, or there is no God. Either way, there is no point to fear my imaginary friend. I am doomed to whatever fate lies in store for me if he manisfests itself.

Sure, I can take Pascal's wager, and believe because there is nothing to lose by believing in an imaginary God. The problem I have is my imaginary God has a historical document that says a lot of things about how he proved his existence, but has nothing for me today. His excuse is "...You believe because you have seen. Blessed are those who believe, but have not seen."

What about people like me?? Willing heart, but born a skeptic as a result of my imaginary God. Pssshhh.. it's much easier just to side with the facts.

Other believers...all they have is their faith. If you threaten their relationship with God, it is game on....they become defensive.

There's a lot of fish tales in the Bible.
M*W: You bring up a good point. Atheists are for the most part independent in their belief. Theists, however, have a desire to belong to a group. That seems to be co-dependent to me.

mw, you are so full of crap. you're the most co-dependent one out here! you're practically on a campaign! give me a break...really. :confused:
Hmmm. Fear? No. I'm scared of Bears, they might eat me. Atheism? Just another religion. Atheists, here anyway, seem to need to attack theists, as if in fear, why is that? I'm not going to eat anyone. Not without dressing you up some first anyway.

dress me up and eat me? you're an interesting fellow. ;)
whoa-that one ended up in the cesspool too!? no, the fucktard club- Crotchless unitard. Although two jars of creamy and one crunchy would work too.
Because atheists are obviously instruments of the anti-christ.

M*W: I understand your point, but I am just curious if you think it could be possible for a theist to also be an instrument of the anti-christ?

To answer your post further, I have no problem being called an anti-christ. I admit I am one. I deny everything about JC--his mere existence, his lifestory, his salvation of humankind, his being a god.

I don't see how an atheist could not be considered an anti-christ.
Because atheists are obviously instruments of the anti-christ.
M*W: Oh, I just thought of something else. You use the word "instruments" when you refer to atheists being anti-christs. I don't think this is correct. Atheists are anti-christs, but they are not "instruments" of anti-christs. "Instruments" would imply that atheists are used in the destruction of religion. Atheists don't do that. Atheists can only express their beliefs and viewpoints. The destruction of theists and their religions can only be accomplished by the believers themselves.
mw, you are so full of crap. you're the most co-dependent one out here!you're practically on a campaign! give me a break...really. :confused:
M*W: When and where have I ever needed anyone else on this forum to justify my opinions? I'm not on any campaign. I have my rights to my opinions and beliefs, and I have a right to express them. If you don't like what I have to say, you can report me. Lori, you sound paranoid. BTW, what does being on a campaign and being co-dependent have to do with anything? What are you afraid of?
I understand your point, but I am just curious if you think it could be possible for a theist to also be an instrument of the anti-christ?
The pope certainty thinks so. Back when he was a cardinal he published an essay referring to protestants as "instruments of the anti-christ."

I got the phrase from he...who speaks for God on earth.
M*W: Oh, I just thought of something else. You use the word "instruments" when you refer to atheists being anti-christs. I don't think this is correct. Atheists are anti-christs, but they are not "instruments" of anti-christs.
THE anti-christ is not just anybody who happens to be anti-christian.

The anti-christ is the apostle of hell...foretold in the book of revelation.

ALL who do not not follow Christ must by necessity be followers of Satan.

For there can only be ONE it is written.
I don't know of any theists afraid of the atheism. I think most theists are afraid of other theists.
M*W: I can understand this concept. When I was a christian, I always felt that others were more christian than me. I felt inferior to them, even though I didn't know what was going on in their hearts. Then there were the others who had a more lackadaisical approach to christianity. Even though I didn't know what was in their hearts, either, I felt superior to them. This was the absolute worst thing I could have done. I should have paid more attention to my own faith and not that of others. Of course, I can understand my feelings now.
Sure, I can take Pascal's wager, and believe because there is nothing to lose by believing in an imaginary God. The problem I have is my imaginary God has a historical document that says a lot of things about how he proved his existence, but has nothing for me today. His excuse is "...You believe because you have seen. Blessed are those who believe, but have not seen."

Pascal's wager is absurd.