Are the miracles in the Gospels true?

No they aren't true. Why? Same reason the miracles reported by the other some odd 60 gospels are rejected as untrue. Writers back then believed in all sorts of magical stories, especially when they were embellished urban legends passed down by word of mouth for around 40 years. The Jesus legend had plenty of time to accrue many miraculous details by gullible christians. Not one independent account exists that they ever occurred at all.
Magical The Jesus legend had plenty of time to accrue many miraculous details by gullible christians. Not one independent account exists that they ever occurred at all. [url said:[/url]

You seams to me you equate 2000 years ago with the present time . Do you know how literate was the world before , were at that time many people able to write ?
Let me add you some personal experience . I am retired there is no evidence were and when I was born yet I am here . I am trying to tell you not every thing is recorded and not every body have a personal biography even at this time . Now you are been so positive about your knowledge of the past.
No they aren't true. Why? Same reason the miracles reported by the other some odd 60 gospels are rejected as untrue. Writers back then believed in all sorts of magical stories, especially when they were embellished urban legends passed down by word of mouth for around 40 years. The Jesus legend had plenty of time to accrue many miraculous details by gullible christians. Not one independent account exists that they ever occurred at all.
Granted there are "stories" passed down. But there were amazing things that had happened.
You seams to me you equate 2000 years ago with the present time . Do you know how literate was the world before , were at that time many people able to write ?
Let me add you some personal experience . I am retired there is no evidence were and when I was born yet I am here . I am trying to tell you not every thing is recorded and not every body have a personal biography even at this time . Now you are been so positive about your knowledge of the past.
It's possible for written stories to be true, it's also possible for them to be fiction. The fact that you exist is irrelevant to the point.
As I said the Holocausts ended in 1945 . The Jews from Europa started to flock to Palestine in 1946-47 1948 was formed an independent Nation.
As I said, countries form all the time. It's a normal part of human culture. They often form along religious lines too. The Mormons went and occupied a large part of Utah.
Jesus can transform water into wine,
Science does not deny this possibility,
because everything is made of atom.
Jesus can transform water into wine,
Science does not deny this possibility,
because everything is made of atom.

What do atoms have to do with it?

And suppose Jesus did make water into wine "because everything is made of atom." That would mean there was nothing miraculous whatsoever about his feat, reducing it to a mere parlor trick. Is that how you picture your savior? As a Roman-era Criss Angel?
Can you re-arrange the water molecules into wine molecules?
If Jesus can do that, he must be God.
I just assume what the bible says is true,
water became wine.
Jesus, did it with a command.
Possibly he has power above natural law.
Technically wine contains water already. So Jesus just added some instant mix to give it a wine flavor.