Are the miracles in the Gospels true?

What about miracles, similar to those in the bible, that were ostensibly performed by saints? For example, Saint Nicholas, who is said to have resurrected murdered children. If these miracles occurred, why do they not occur now'a'days? And if Jesus performed such miracles, what was the point? To persuade people to believe? Couldn't an omnipotent being just magically persuade these people?
There is such a thing as bio-energy, it is within all of us, this is not just "brainwaves" or electrochemical interactions within the body. This is interaction of all beings on our planet between each other through a field. God is what we feel when we sense other beings around us and throughout entire universe.

Bio-energy amounts to the oxidation of glucose plus the ADP-ATP reaction in cells. There are some very faint electromagnetic fields around the brain, but they obviously do not interact with the outside world. (Otherwise we would be able to pick up transmitted signals.)

Notions of God might have some correspondence to the way people sense each other, but that would require a pre-existing acculturation into the concept of Godhood. A person raised in isolation would probably have no innate sense of any other people, much less God. Then again, if just a few people were living in isolation, the sense they would have of each other is whether they coexisted peacefully or as mortal enemies. Severe competition for resources might even turn cooperators into killing machines.

Biologists explain some of this as innate behaviors evolved from lower animals and then further adapted for mammals, then primates specifically, then proto-humans and finally modern humans. A very important genetic trait for species with altricious young is empathy. Without it we would be cold blooded in our treatment of each other. But then most of our children would die soon after childbirth, of neglect.

Biology explains sentience to a degree, although most details of human ideation and behavior are more a matter for psychology. This is where religions leave people believing in fantasies, such as the illusion that they can save their children by faith-healing.
They would say this is God's will that the sick died.
But if the sick was healed, they will sing halleluyah to praise God.

A lot of people have died needlessly by refusing medical care, believing this.
A lot of people have died needlessly by refusing medical care, believing this.

At the moment just this part disturb me..

There are many medical mistake done were people died because so called complication . My brother have a shorter leg because medical ignorance .
Note : I don't crap on medical practice , as a natter of fact I encouraged my younger son to go to medical school this year and have been accepted.
Are the miracles in the Gospels true?
The charismatic churches Christians always try to repeat the same miracles like divine healing,
do you think it is possible?

No rational thinking person would believe either.
Are the miracles in the Gospels true?
The charismatic churches Christians always try to repeat the same miracles like divine healing,
do you think it is possible?

Why don't you ask some who have received a miracle , instead the bunch of nonbelievers in this forum . You are attempting to get water from a rock which is dumb.
Some non-believers could have been believers in the past and witnessed such supposed miracles, so it's not a dumb question. Just because our viewpoint is more skeptical doesn't discount it.
At the moment just this part disturb me..

There are many medical mistake done were people died because so called complication . My brother have a shorter leg because medical ignorance .
Note : I don't crap on medical practice , as a natter of fact I encouraged my younger son to go to medical school this year and have been accepted.
Yes, doctors make mistakes, but simply praying over something is the same as doing nothing (apart from the not insignificant placebo effect).
Some non-believers could have been believers in the past and witnessed such supposed miracles, so it's not a dumb question. Just because our viewpoint is more skeptical doesn't discount it.

So only believers could "witness" a miracle?
Yes, doctors make mistakes, but simply praying over something is the same as doing nothing (apart from the not insignificant placebo effect).

I am sure you believe the brain can secrete hormones which car reduce pain and other discomfort . What do you believe Israel become a nation after 2000 years in matter 3 years after the Holocaust even it was planned for about 80 years , what would you call this
I am sure you believe the brain can secrete hormones which car reduce pain and other discomfort .
The brain can do a lot of things, but it can't cure disease.
What do you believe Israel become a nation after 2000 years in matter 3 years after the Holocaust even it was planned for about 80 years , what would you call this
The people had an idea of Israel for a long time, it was preserved in their mythology, so they acted it out. If I had a dream of being a basketball player all my life and I make it happen, what do you call that? I had a thought of soup and then I had lunch, what do you call that?
Are the miracles in the Gospels true?
The charismatic churches Christians always try to repeat the same miracles like divine healing,
do you think it is possible?

Why do you always start threads based on the bible? It is one more question based thread with no real answer. Some miracles may have happened and a number of others could have been "stretched".
The brain can do a lot of things, but it can't cure disease.

The people had an idea of Israel for a long time, it was preserved in their mythology, so they acted it out. If I had a dream of being a basketball player all my life and I make it happen, what do you call that? I had a thought of soup and then I had lunch, what do you call that?

In case of Israel the circumstances for all the period did not allow it to happen ( would you call it natural law ) . and beside what is a natural law ?
In case of Israel the circumstances for all the period did not allow it to happen ( would you call it natural law ) . and beside what is a natural law ?

There is no natural law against establishing a nation. In fact it happens all the time. Why is it a miracle for Israel and not, for instance, Namibia (est. 1990)?
There is no natural law against establishing a nation. In fact it happens all the time. Why is it a miracle for Israel and not, for instance, Namibia (est. 1990)?

Perhaps it is was a miracle . Just one was professed and written the other was not . In the case of Namibia it was a war for independence by Namibian in case of the Israeli they were not allowed to live in that territory since year 135 ad. A closer comparison would be the Armenian , or in the future the Kurds.
Perhaps it is was a miracle . Just one was professed and written the other was not . In the case of Namibia it was a war for independence by Namibian in case of the Israeli they were not allowed to live in that territory since year 135 ad. A closer comparison would be the Armenian , or in the future the Kurds.
So no one has ever written about Kurdish independence? Israeli independence was certainly an example of good fortune, but it was based on a lot of hard work on the ground, it's not like the skies suddenly appeared and the land emerged from the sea.