Are the miracles in the Gospels true?


Valued Senior Member
Are the miracles in the Gospels true?
The charismatic churches Christians always try to repeat the same miracles like divine healing,
do you think it is possible?
Pray and healed!
Is that true?

I would classify it as being akin to the placebo effect. People really do get positive benefits, but it is a psychosomatic effect. Basically, the comfort from thinking that we are being helped enables us to be more relaxed and at peace, which helps the body function better, and heal if necessary. I've thought that if it were real, there should be believers around who are way older than the oldest nonbeliever.
But if you pray for a sick baby who does not know anything, and if he get healed, what can u say?
But if you pray for a sick baby who does not know anything, and if he get healed, what can u say?

That the parents knew about the prayers and gave the baby better care, or that the baby would have gotten well anyway.
What about the many cases of those who relied on prayer alone to heal their children or themselves, and death resulted?
They would say this is God's will that the sick died.
But if the sick was healed, they will sing halleluyah to praise God.
If Christians claim that their God is effective to heal, why not they ask Discovery to do a documentary to witness it?
Of course they would. It's very convenient. You can't test God.

Of course what opinion should we have of a God then who would do some of the things he does to newborn babies? What kind of higher motive needs to cause that kind of suffering?
Christians may say that God just wants to manifest his power and make people to believe in Jesus and be saved.
God seems very selective. His healings are always around believers, not skeptics. Not the best way to win over new converts.
They would say this is God's will that the sick died.
But if the sick was healed, they will sing halleluyah to praise God.

So basically, they will believe in God no matter what happens. And this is supposed to be convincing?
But if you pray for a sick baby who does not know anything, and if he get healed, what can u say?
I can say that your incantations have no medical effect. One data point isn't statistical evidence of anything. This is why we need the scientific method to find out things. You need two groups of sick babies, the larger the better. Pray over one group and don't pray over the other. Then compare outcomes.

In fact this prayer test has already been conducted, and no prayer effect was shown.
Are the miracles in the Gospels true?

No. They are superstitious non-sense tacked onto the story by believers in miracles and actually detract from the true teachings of a human called Jesus, where some wisdom can be found(though not everything he is said to have said is wise).

There is such a thing as bio-energy, it is within all of us, this is not just "brainwaves" or electrochemical interactions within the body. This is interaction of all beings on our planet between each other through a field. God is what we feel when we sense other beings around us and throughout entire universe.