Are sexual fetishes healthy? Just?


Registered Member
Quotation from an anti crush video article:

"It begins with a close-up of a guinea pig lying spread-eagled on the floor, each of its tiny legs fastened in place by sticky tape. The camera slowly pulls back to show that a woman, seen only from the knees down, is pacing around the stricken creature in bright red stilettos. Her voice is soft and low: 'You are my victim. Are you frightened, little man? You know that your destiny is under my heels...'

Squeals of pain ring out as the sharp point of one stiletto is brought down on each leg in turn, shattering the bones. Next, the creature's back is crushed under a toe, cigarettes are stubbed out on its fur and hip and shoulder bones are systematically trampled and broken until, finally, the woman kills it by driving her heel through its skull. The torture has lasted almost 30 minutes.

Known as 'crush videos' or 'animal snuff movies', such chinese-made films occupy the cross-over point between animal cruelty and extreme fetishistic pornography."

Anyone ever hear of this sick crappola? Due to a sexual fetish in China, thousands of Chinese men and women collaborate in order to produce and sell these videos, which are banned in most civilized parts of the world -- but not in China! As far as I understand it, these videos feature Chinese women who stomp on insects, fruit, and tubes of toothpaste... and then work their way up to small animals such as gerbils, reptiles, rabbits, cats and dogs. The fetish is known as a "crush fetish," and it's one of the most depraved things I've ever heard of.

My question is, do you think it's justified for people to act in this way in order to fulfill sexual desire? Some fetishes are weird... but is it right to repress them? Personally, I never even knew about this stuff until I heard about an outfit called "squish productions." Personally I can't even imagine how they live with themselves after performing these acts.

The article about the "kitten killers" and what two of them look like. Warning: some of the images inside the articles can be traumatic.
Hurting someone or something is never okay. Sex with anything that is not a consenting adult is never okay. Anything else goes.

If you have fantasies about doing this kind of shit, either get help or live it out in a healthy way. Go to a butcher's and get a humanely slaughtered chicken. Killing an animal so brutally is just morally unforgivable.
And that's sexually aousing? Strange but I also thought the whole Crash thing was strange.

I dont think its right but I would probably weakly oppose it. There's enough strange behaviour among human beings to worry about this too much at the moment. Lets be glad that it isn't very stimulating for too many people
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It doesn't sound like there's any actual sex going on here. It's just an animal cruelty video.
My question is, do you think it's justified for people to act in this way in order to fulfill sexual desire? Some fetishes are weird... but is it right to repress them?

No it isn't "justified" for anyone to do such sick and disgusting things to animals.

You control your desires if you are in balance with yourself. Some fetishes are just fine like a foot fetish for example.
"My question is, do you think it's justified for people to act in this way in order to fulfill sexual desire? Some fetishes are weird... but is it right to repress them? Personally, I never even knew about this stuff until I heard about an outfit called "squish productions." Personally I can't even imagine how they live with themselves after performing these acts."

I don't think actions such as these can ever be justified. IF you kill an animal for food, clothes, for some purpose, then it can be justified. But this, this is just downright cruel.

This just further proves to me that there is no universal law of ethics and morality, and some people are just completely ignorant of other people and living things.

I am not an animal rights activist but this kinda shit makes me mad.
I don't think the people who enjoy such visuals are looking for a justification or feel the need to be jusified, they are simply getting off on some twisted turn on.

Read this chris

Oli had posted it in another thread and it explains this kind of lack of conscience or skewed moral or ethic outlook...or lack thereof in this case.

i agree with you, if people want to hurt eachother for sexual pleasure and they both consent then good for them.

however this is as wrong as pedophilia and anyone engaged in it deserves LONG jail terms
Yes you would. Feeling moral outrage and being ready & willing to kill are two different ball games.

No, he wouldn't; and I don't blame him.

This is rather disturbing. I am by no means an animal activist and, if it benefits mankind, I do think it is acceptable to take advantage of animals. However this is absolutely unnecessary and cruel.
There is nothing wrong with killing (apart from the legal issues). It is why you kill that makes it "right" or "wrong"
There is nothing wrong with killing (apart from the legal issues). It is why you kill that makes it "right" or "wrong"

Moral relativism is cute up to a point. You've exhausted that point. Look, I don't want an animal to suffer unnecessarily, but killing that person doesn't give us any answers. You think you've shown anyone anything, except given a bad impression of actual animal rights activists?
I'm not advocating anything, I'm simply saying that I wouldn't care if that person did indeed pay.

Moral relativism is the reality of with it.