Are Religious People Happier?

Baron Max said:
But the question isn't "are they happy", but are they HAPPIER than those in similar conditions. I.e., we all know that starving people probably aren't happy, but of all of those unhappy, starving people, are those who are religious happier, stressing the -IER, than the other starving people?

i think so.humans like having the answers to questions and if you are religious you have an answer to the question that bugs most people the most "why?".i would say that if a person is religious but doesnt truly believe then they would not be happier but if someone truly believes then they are generally happy as a pig in shit.(from people ive met)
Religious people are not nessasarily happier....

just more likely to be kind, compassionate and nice... and less likely to kill you..
or rob you... you rape your mother and wife....

the ones that do evil... may claim to be religious... but it means nothing without repentance.. and the accepting of all the positive programming....

oh please.....
what if that religion requires followers to be violent and offensive towards nonbelievers or some other people?

and what about Moses ordering to rape the women and kill all men and boys?
wasn't Moses a religious man?

you talk shit, Mosheh Thezion
Since ignorance is a bliss, I guess religious people are happy- happily ignorant.
well... it depend on which religion you speak of... and the particular interpretations of scriptures...

But, seriously... do you think for a moment that our world, western world, could be as it is.. without the long term influence of Jesus?

Were the arabs better of as Pagans before Mohammed... no.. they were all barbaric savages.. they treated women as slaves and cattle...

no... religion is a good influence... generally.. but its not perfect.

But, seriously... do you think for a moment that our world, western world, could be as it is.. without the long term influence of Jesus?
I would have prefered it to be left alone without the influence from semite religions, they make weak individuals and easy controlable crowds.
Actually that's all that the big 3 are - psychological crowd control tools.
just more likely to be kind, compassionate and nice... and less likely to kill you..
or rob you... you rape your mother and wife....

Why then are prisons filled with theists?

Were the arabs better of as Pagans before Mohammed... no.. they were all barbaric savages.. they treated women as slaves and cattle...

And what exactly has changed?
Mosheh Thezion said:
Religious people are not nessasarily happier....

just more likely to be kind, compassionate and nice... and less likely to kill you..
or rob you... you rape your mother and wife....
sorry mate you've got that arse about face(back to front) 99.9999% of serial killers are and were religious, you be hard pushed to find a non believing serial killer.
Mosheh Thezion said:
the ones that do evil... may claim to be religious... but it means nothing without repentance..
take a long hard look, you'll find this is the whole reason they will do evil, cause they can always repent after, life mean very little to those who believe thay will be at a gods side when they die.
and is it not a good thing to have a calm, peaceful society?

rather than allow males to form violent gangs of warriors that fight and take what they want by force...

I too long for the days of ancient adventuring... but those kinds of free lives have no place in a civilized world.... they are anti-peace and prosperity.

so again... religion is a good thing.

and you are obviously not chained down.. and forced to believe are you? no.

rather than allow males to form violent gangs of warriors that fight and take what they want by force...
Crusaders? American soldiers in Iraq? Islam jihaad fighters in Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan? Israeli army?
Do not confuse political ambition that wears a cloak of religion.. that is using religion, and actual religion.

do not blame the religion for the evil that men do, while ruling its dogma.

You are nobody to tell me what to do and what to think or speak.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are used for controlling individuals into obedient masses, the key factor in them is fear, the reasons for that control have always been the same and they've always been political whatever the good intentions of Jesus or some other philosophers were.
and so i suppose Islam is keeping people passive???

are you afraid of the old preacher man,.... does he want to control you?

Why should it keep people passive? Those in control use it against other powers.

I'm not afraid of anything. There is nothing to be afraid of.
If you think that the christian religion has been nothing but a positive influence on the world. You don't know your history to well. Lets not forget the crusades which, fueled by the catholic church, pillaged and killed anyone who did not believe as they did for of power, wealth, and territory. The usual christian retort to this is "They were possesed by demons". No they were possesed by money and power("THEY" being the Catholic Church). If you don't think this has carried on till today your naive. Find me a religous organization who would not take every dime you own if you were to be so dissilusioned that you would give it to them. They may not pillage and kill any more but I'm pretty sure money and power is still priority ONE, not Faith.
According to them if I were to leave myself broke, my Faith alone would see me through. Why then does this not apply to the Organizations. I challenge
any christian org. to give up all their wealth and just have faith God will sustain them. Ha ha ha :D
We're losing the thread, huh? :)

Please, this ain't about any of that stuff y'all are arguing about's about plain ol' people being happy. It's not about the crusades or the jihads or any of that crap.

Are people who are religious happier than non-believers?

A few people answered quite appropriately, then the thread disintegrated into....??? :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Ya' know, I've heard that comment many, many times in my life and from some very intelligent, knowledgeable people. I've also known many religious people who do seem to be more content than those who do not believe in some religious doctrine. Do you suppose that it's true? And if so, why?

And, please, this is NOT about radical extremists, etc., but just good ol' fashioned belief and basic good ol', plain, ordinary, church-going people.

Baron Max

I think they are happier. I mean some people believe that after they die, their just dead. Surely people who believe their going to live forever in paradise are happier, I'd think so.
I think that unhappy people turn to religion as a saviour.

I would be very unhappy if i was

Christian: Having to get up early on sunday morning

Jewish: Not being able to do anything on the sabath and being denied bacon

Muslim: Having to pray a lot and having the racism against you
I mean some people believe that after they die, their just dead. Surely people who believe their going to live forever in paradise are happier, I'd think so.
Why should I be sadder than those believing in their illusionous fantasies?
As I stated before: I'm fascinated of how this universe works, disintegration is a vital part of that.
For example, the absolute majority of the atoms on this planet are the same as when the planet was formed some 4.5 billion years ago, if it weren't for rearrangment of atoms it would all still be boiling rock, water vapour and lava, now the same atoms have assembled into forests, rivers, and all life that you see and will never see. And it's possible that some part of your body is of atoms that were a part of a t-rex. If stuff didn't change, atoms didn't rearrange, nothing would be as it is, no stars, no Earth, no life and no you. Humans are made of nuclear waste products of "dead" stars. Death must be, those who wish to live over all are egoists consciously or unconsciously against this universe, nature and all future generations.

I'm content with all of the existance. No fears, no sadness, no longing.
Are christians?
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