Are People Just Resources?

Are People Just Resources to Be Used by Corporations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
It doesn't matter, really it doesn't. Employers know that everyone lies like a fuckin' rug anyway, so mostly they don't even bother checking references. So ...lie all you want, you would anyway, so what's the difference?

Baron Max

Hire me lmao
Hire me lmao

I've never hired smart-asses, and never will. And most employers that I know wouldn't either.

But see, you can hide here in your anonymity and say anything you want without fear of reprisal. But you'll learn that in the real world, things ain't so simple and ain't so anonymous.

Baron Max
Holy phuck Baron, i'm done with you, take a chill pill and relax. It's ok for you to joke with people but you can't take one? My girlfriend has posted enough information and pictures on this site for you to track me down maybe you can look me up and challenge me to a duel.
Holy phuck Baron, i'm done with you, take a chill pill and relax. It's ok for you to joke with people but you can't take one? My girlfriend has posted enough information and pictures on this site for you to track me down maybe you can look me up and challenge me to a duel.

Duel? at Sundown? July 3rd is good for me...unless it rains .( I better get a new outfit for the occassion)

pssttttt....good thing you watched all those clint eastwood westerns.
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Why? Just because you say so? Give me a good logical, unemotional reason for what you said.
You don't want the species to survive?

We've been using people as resources much, much longer than not, TS, and the world and civilization is rockin' along just fine.
Yeaaaaah... although we barely escaped from pulverizing ourselves and now the world is falling apart anyways...:rolleyes:

C'mon, just admit it ...humans are too fuckin' ego-centric and selfish and greedy to see themselves as they actually are!
Would you think babies would think like that?
And you think calling humans "resources" is going to cause extinction??
Resources get used up. Did you know that? That's why they are called "resources". :rolleyes:

Geez, TS, human babies are THE MOST fuckin' ego-centric and selfish and greedy!
How so?

They have needs and they need to be fulfilled so that they can survive. And? Are you saying wanting to be alive is "greedy"? :rolleyes:

Babies are the epitome of ego-centricism and greed! ...LOL!
How about serial killers? They are angels? :rolleyes:
This thread is in response to what Baron Max said in another thread...

"People ARE resources"

Are they? So people can be manipulated like any other resource? They can just be thrown out if they are not needed anymore? Or just left in a street if they are not needed at all?

Is that why corporations don't care about people and the planet? Because people and the planet are just mere resources to be used to the fullest extent for their own profits? Are we putting abstract organizations before people?

And, of course, what are the consequences of this materialistic culture? Is it ethical?

PS: In the poll, I'm asking whether they are considered resources, not whether they should be considered or not.

How did you ever call yourself a truth seeker? Your only intention is to whine, whine, whine, and whine, not to seek any truths.

1. People truly are resources. Whether you liked it or not, you have been using your parents as resources for food, shelter, education ever since you were conceived; and that was only so that your parents could use you as a resource when they are old. On a bigger scale, in order for you to follow Kant's urge and not use people as means to an end, you must provide all of the goods and services you need to yourself since the moment of conception and until death. You must even stop using your wife as source of gratification of your need for love and sex. That'd be a nice experiment, eh? It turns out, you've been getting everything you could from other people. That's how human societies have been operating ever since stone age: one person does something for you, you do something in return; nowadays, it's best that you thank with a good sum of money. It used to be so that if you were of no use to society you were left behind, ever since stone age. Nowadays, even if you are an absolute drain on society's resources, it still takes care of you; because we have turned "humane." Yes, many find the modern arrangement of things unfair and unreasonable; I'm in this camp.

2. Why do you think that a corporation is an inanimate object? A corporation is made up and operated by people. Without people, no corporation would exist. These people, just like you, work hard to make a living, use and provide resources to many other people. They care about our environment just as much as a regular, average person does, because they share the planet with us.
Resources get used up. Did you know that? That's why they are called "resources".

So think human workers keep working forever?????? ...LOL!!!

All of the Ford Motor Company employees, from the early 1900s, are still working for FMC? They've never been "used up" yet? ...LOL!

Baron Max
What do you all mean by "just" a resource anyway? We've already agreed that people are a type of resource, but just a resource?

Resource is a very vague word. It encompasses anything that can be used for a purpose, which I think covers everything. Its one characteristic of anything that it could be used for "a purpose". But most things have many other characteristics.

It's blatantly obvious that characterizing anything as "just" a this or that is bound to be wrong, simply because there are a variety of categories that cover any one "thing" (person).

Id have to go with this also, there was something inherently 'off' about the inital question which i couldnt quite pin-point, but i think youve put it perfectly.
How did you ever call yourself a truth seeker? Your only intention is to whine, whine, whine, and whine, not to seek any truths.
I'm not whining. I'm discussing a very serious ethical issue.

Why should I talk with you about this?
People are just resources to corporations as they can be manipulated very easily. People like you and me are manipulated without realizing it, the only time people stop being manipulated is when it gets so bad that the lies no longer hold. Also, the rich/corporations will continue to use people and the planet as they will be protecting their positions within society.
Like... 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the population?

Well, perhaps. But see, maybe you're now beginning to grasp the concept of humanity in it's real terms ...instead of how you want or like it to be. We're each about as important, in the whole grandiose scheme of things, as a pimple on an ape's ass.

That's not a concept that's easy to accept for most people, because of the human's overblown egotism and invented self-interest. Humans don't like to accept the reality of things, so they invent all of this bullshit self-importance so as to make themselves feel better. Pretty odd, huh? It's a lot like pickin' up a tiny grain of sand on a huge beach, and proclaiming it as important to the beach as a whole!

Nope ...humans ain't much more important than a pimple on an ape's ass.

But ...well, people can't handle the truth, can they? :D

Baron Max
'Importance' and 'matter'
Since these keep cropping up, Id like to ask, how can one measure the amount that someone is important, or matters? In my opinion:
The fact is these are qualitative ideas invented by humans. If someone belives they matter, there is no way you can prove them otherwise; it's completely relative. Furthur more, even if you find a quantitative means of measurement which you deam as a scale of measuring 'importance' your idea of what to measure may be different than anothers. And no more or less correct. Thus Baron, while you may choose to live your life seeing nothing as 'mattering', don't fool yourself for a minute and think that your view is any more (or less) correct than anyone elses, because it isn't.
As for your grain of sand: who is to say that one grain of sand is less important than the beach, for the beach is indeed made of those grains of sand, remove one and it will make a difference to something, weather you can percieve this difference is irrelevant.
Well, perhaps. But see, maybe you're now beginning to grasp the concept of humanity in it's real terms ...instead of how you want or like it to be. We're each about as important, in the whole grandiose scheme of things, as a pimple on an ape's ass.
I suppose most people... yes. But that doesn't make their lives any less sacred.

That's not a concept that's easy to accept for most people, because of the human's overblown egotism and invented self-interest. Humans don't like to accept the reality of things, so they invent all of this bullshit self-importance so as to make themselves feel better. Pretty odd, huh? It's a lot like pickin' up a tiny grain of sand on a huge beach, and proclaiming it as important to the beach as a whole!
If you take away one at a time eventually there's nothing left.... ;)

Nope ...humans ain't much more important than a pimple on an ape's ass.
I agree. Doens't mean we should go out an kill each other, though.