Are People Just Resources?

Are People Just Resources to Be Used by Corporations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
This thread is in response to what Baron Max said in another thread...

"People ARE resources"

Are they? So people can be manipulated like any other resource? They can just be thrown out if they are not needed anymore? Or just left in a street if they are not needed at all?

Is that why corporations don't care about people and the planet? Because people and the planet are just mere resources to be used to the fullest extent for their own profits? Are we putting abstract organizations before people?

And, of course, what are the consequences of this materialistic culture? Is it ethical?

PS: In the poll, I'm asking whether they are considered resources, not whether they should be considered or not.
What are the ethical implications of such materialistic culture?

None to anyone with any common sense. And to those who ain't got no common sense, we don't care about them.

Humans are resources every single sense of the word. How you can't recognize that is ....well, beyong my poor powers to fathom.

Baron Max
The "human resources" department used to be "personnell". "Personnell" reflected the fact that, while any useful item (plant, animal, mineral) can be a "resource" people were more than simple resources to be used like a lawn mower. The transition to "human resources" to me reflects a dehumaniuzation of the very people that are the only reason for the existence of any company. I for one hate the term "human resources". I have needs, wants, desires, etc. unlike the common idea of a resource like packing tape.

Most corporations exhibit an astonishing degree of corporate stupidity toward their most valuable "resources" - people.
None to anyone with any common sense. And to those who ain't got no common sense, we don't care about them.

Humans are resources every single sense of the word. How you can't recognize that is ....well, beyong my poor powers to fathom.

Baron Max
Baron, you would manke an excellent modern corporate manager. Callous, selfish, ineffective, despised, and completely uncomprehending as to why your employees hate you. Good job.
I for one hate the term "human resources". I have needs, wants, desires, etc. unlike the common idea of a resource like packing tape.

Interesting. But all resources have "needs" ...such as being covered in a rain storm or properly oiled or properly cleaned or properly fed or ......

Humans might "seem" different, but they're not. It's only your own ego and self-centeredness that makes it so. I.e., you're so hung up on yourself that you don't recognize things and ideas for what they are have to invent bullshit to make yourself feel more important. That's all.

You ain't nothin' more than a single drop in the ocean of humanity. You could disappear tomorrow and only a tiny, tiny fraction of the human race would even know it. And yet, with all of that, you just have to pretend, to talk yourself into, some foolishness that you're important. Why?

Baron Max
Interesting. But all resources have "needs" ...such as being covered in a rain storm or properly oiled or properly cleaned or properly fed or ......
Taken literally, of course you are correct.

Humans might "seem" different, but they're not. It's only your own ego and self-centeredness that makes it so. I.e., you're so hung up on yourself that you don't recognize things and ideas for what they are have to invent bullshit to make yourself feel more important. That's all.
How kind of you. Most normal people have a sense of self that needs to feel wanted and somewhat important, at least to those close to them. And in most cases they really are needed and wanted by their close friends and co-workers.

You, clearly, as an abandoned orphan with prefrontal cortex and hippocampal damage have no such requirements.

You ain't nothin' more than a single drop in the ocean of humanity. You could disappear tomorrow and only a tiny, tiny fraction of the human race would even know it. And yet, with all of that, you just have to pretend, to talk yourself into, some foolishness that you're important. Why?

"For the raindrop, joy is entering the river"

- Bhuddist sentiment
Most normal people have a sense of self that needs to feel wanted and somewhat important, at least to those close to them.

And that's probably one of the bigger problems in the world today ...that false sense of self, that super-ego, that must be fed all the time. And if it's not, or when people finally realize how unimportant they really are, it's too much for them to handle .....and in come the psychiatrists and psychologists to fed that ego once more (which seldom works, by the way!).

Baron Max
And that's probably one of the bigger problems in the world today ...that false sense of self, that super-ego, that must be fed all the time. And if it's not, or when people finally realize how unimportant they really are, it's too much for them to handle .....and in come the psychiatrists and psychologists to fed that ego once more (which seldom works, by the way!).

Baron Max
Yikes! If I look up the word "crumudgeon" will I finally get to see a picture of you baron? :D
None to anyone with any common sense. And to those who ain't got no common sense, we don't care about them.

Humans are resources every single sense of the word. How you can't recognize that is ....well, beyong my poor powers to fathom.

Baron Max

Are they only resources?
Interesting. But all resources have "needs" ...such as being covered in a rain storm or properly oiled or properly cleaned or properly fed or ......

Humans might "seem" different, but they're not. It's only your own ego and self-centeredness that makes it so. I.e., you're so hung up on yourself that you don't recognize things and ideas for what they are have to invent bullshit to make yourself feel more important. That's all.

You ain't nothin' more than a single drop in the ocean of humanity. You could disappear tomorrow and only a tiny, tiny fraction of the human race would even know it. And yet, with all of that, you just have to pretend, to talk yourself into, some foolishness that you're important. Why?

Baron Max

What other resource does this?
Are they only resources?

You seem to have a problem with the definition of "resource". You also seem to think of it as something bad, or wrong, or ....whatever. Why?

As far as I can tell, virtually everything in the world is a "resource" for someone or some thing in some way or other.

Baron Max
You seem to have a problem with the definition of "resource". You also seem to think of it as something bad, or wrong, or ....whatever. Why?

As far as I can tell, virtually everything in the world is a "resource" for someone or some thing in some way or other.

Baron Max

I don't have a problem even being a resource, I often enjoy being that. But to be simply a resource, that seems demeaning to me. It would mean that I am simply something that can be used or or use to something else.
You seem to have a problem with the definition of "resource". You also seem to think of it as something bad, or wrong, or ....whatever. Why?

As far as I can tell, virtually everything in the world is a "resource" for someone or some thing in some way or other.

Baron Max

I don't have a problem even being a resource, I often enjoy being that. But to be simply a resource, that seems demeaning to me. It would mean that I am simply something that can be used or or use to something else.

Further it seems like you, in response to other people's posts above, seem to think our smallness or insignificance is proof of our being resources. But this is like saying something is red because it is small. It is confusing two ways of looking at things (or people).

If there were ten of us on the planet would I be less a resource?
If there was only one solar system and one sentient species in the universe and only a couple of hundred of us would I now be no longer simply a resource?

Looking at each other in ONLY an intrumental way is not pleasant. I doubt you do it either, at the very least in relation to yourself.

Why would a resource ever get irritated or feel misunderstood? It will simply get used some other way.

Irritation is a give away.
Looking at each other in ONLY an intrumental way is not pleasant.

What does "pleasant" have to do with anything?

Why would a resource ever get irritated or feel misunderstood? It will simply get used some other way. Irritation is a give away.

Flies irritate the hell out of cattle and horses here in Texas. But flies, like any and all creatures of nature, are a resource. They help clean up the messes of life, laying eggs which turn into maggots, which eat the dead flesh of animals, thus cleaning the earth. See? But the horses don't think that flies are a resource, do they?

Baron Max
What does "pleasant" have to do with anything?

That is a very telling question.

Flies irritate the hell out of cattle and horses here in Texas. But flies, like any and all creatures of nature, are a resource. They help clean up the messes of life, laying eggs which turn into maggots, which eat the dead flesh of animals, thus cleaning the earth. See? But the horses don't think that flies are a resource, do they?

Baron Max

No, because the flies are not simply resources. Further the horses do not react simply as resources. They do not get irritated by the flies to be of use to something else.

Thanks for the example.