Are Mormons Christians?

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Of course you have to live a decent, Christian life but you don't work your way into Heaven. Yes you should do good works but they don't get you there.
Hi, I see then you believe that faith is all important. The apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:5-8 said "to your faith add virtue, and to that knowledge, and so on to love. ...that you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." So we need knowledge, to see if we may have a false faith. Peter said, 2 Peter 2:1 that false prophets will come, and bring heresies. So what if the Catholic Church is false? Emperor Constantine was a warrior, who even killed his son on the day of the Council of Nice, or Nicaea, 325 AD, and later killed his wife. That council started the Roman Catholic church and almost every church follows those ideas found in the Second Council, where murder to convert others to the new so called faith was allowed, or murder to defend property, and life was allowed, like Bush defends the USA today, but Jesus, and the apostles never killed anyone. Doesn’t that show that a false faith has been in place since about 325 AD? That would mean that since 325 AD most Christians will have Matthew 7:19-21 spoken to them after they die. Well it looks like it don’t you think?
No, Christians are instructed to be "good citizens," unless the state forces you to do something plainly against what the Bible teaches, so fighting in an arguably unnecessary war is not plainly against Biblical teaching.
The state, in this case Bush, says they are Christian. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world, but the Roman Catholics then made the world to be the Kingdom of Jesus, which can not be found in the NT, and since then Presidents go on like the NT includes the Second Council, when it does not. By saying some of these things, where they are not found in the NT, then is to break the laws of the NT, and that makes one doers of lawlessness. I believe the state should protect its self, as it is a instrument of God, but where in the NT does it say the church is the state? The Second Council, and thereafter created that pattern, but it is not found in the NT. From the time of Moses, until false prophets enter Judaism, which happened right after Solomon died, there past 300 years. From the time of Jesus to the Second Council there past 295 years. In 2 Peter 2:1 he even prophesied on that event. IS Peter a false prophet, and it never happened, or did it happen pretty much as history has proven it happened in 325 AD? Don‘t you think Christianity is a game today, where words are tossed around, but facts prove things different? The founders of the US were Masons. They would not take communion with those professing to be Christians. They made the state, not Christians, but today Christians say they are the state. I think Christians are mixed up, and they don’t know their Bible, or their history, which has mislead many otherwise good people. Don’t you think maybe we should be Masons if we wish the best of both worlds? Can one say they can kill to defend if the state, when Jesus said you should not if a follower of Him, because one makes the excuse that the state can? How can you be the state and a Christian at the same time? Yes a Christian can be a soldier, and kill, and defend the state, but you can not be both. The founders knew it was an impossibility, but then they were geniuses. The founders said that the average person was not qualified to pick the correct president. Don‘t you think they proved to be correct?
Of course you have to live a decent, Christian life but you don't work your way into Heaven. Yes you should do good works but they don't get you there.

if your refering to the good works that catholics do that's not because they think it will get them into heaven isn't true. they are acting like christ would as afermation of their faith. you really don't have a good understand of what catholics believe.
Catholics believe you get to heaven by "being a good Catholic," they do not teach, as Jesus did, that "you must be born again," so pjdude, you appear to be the one without good understanding.
Anyone who perceives Jesus Christ as a deity would be considered a Christian. That's just common sense. The various cults within Christianity, however, are always quick to point their fingers at each other, calling those with whom they disagree "not true Christians," etc. Ironically, they're each cults -none providing any more evidence for their claims than the rest.
I think I'd change that perception: Christian "cults" who have a dualist or physical or spiritual-only concept of Jesus really should be considered Christian also. Maybe the distinction should be whether or not one considers JC the last revelation or what have you.
the LDS church believes in another holy book, the book of Mormon, which distinguishes it from most subsets of religious belief. This would be a good, valid argument for why they may not be Christians anymore than Christians are Jews. They have another prophet. I, however, think that if members of the LDS church consider themselves Christians that is definition enough... Many evangelical Christians read books that have been excessively and purposefully edited and mistranslated... they also follow the guidance of preachers who may or may not be interpreting the bible correctly.

The idea that Roman Catholicism isn't a Christian religion is ridiculous. Roman Catholicism is much older than the evangelical sects. I have never encountered a priest who asked Catholics not to read the bible.

Do NOT listen to anything Sandy says.


So you would pick a candidate who was Christian if he were liberal over a candidate who was not Christian but Republican?

Basically, some evangelical Christians believe it is impossible to be born again and not republican.
Of course GeoffP, Revelation says anyone who adds to or takes away from this book (the Bible) shall be anathema.

Exploradora, if not for the Protestants, Catholics may still not be allowed to read the Bible, they weren't allowed to for centuries, until the Protestants came along saying that prohibtion is nonsense.
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This seems to be turning in to "my cult is better than other cults" so its closed. Otherwise I'm sure I'll have to keep giving IAC infractions for trolling/baiting/off-topic posts.
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