Are Mormons Christians?

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Most Mormons aren't born-again. They don't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They follow the teachings of Smith, not Jesus Christ. They think you work your way into heaven. They have some "interesting" beliefs that Christians will not accept.

Personally I disagree with him about about almost everything from abortion to homosexuality.

I like that he's attractive: mentally, emotionally, financially, intellectually etc..
But I don't think he can win. Barbara Bush said there is room for all kinds of religions in the White House. I disagree.

So you would pick a candidate who was Christian if he were liberal over a candidate who was not Christian but Republican?
I don't believe liberals can be Born-again Christians. Our beliefs are opposite of theirs. (Babies, homosexuality, welfare, etc...)

So all born-again Christians have the same beliefs? All are conservative? But aren't Mormons conservative too?
Oh, and Romney is the hottest Republican candidate. Edwards is the hottest democrat candidate. I doubt either can win.

Another thing I didn't know. Romney donated his governor salary to charity and said he would not take the 400k POTUS salary. I think he's worth 300M.
Catholicism is a religion. A man-made religion. Christianity is Christ-made. Some Catholics are born-again Christians. Most are not because they are taught not to read the Bible (the Bible is interpreted for them by priests.) The Pope is their head/leader. Jesus Christ is the only leader of born-again Christians.

as a roman-catholic i have a duty to state your wrong catholics are christians. and when you say catholic you do realize more then one religion refers to it's self as catholic?
We're different because we confess/profess acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have His spirit living inside us. We obey His voice and Word. We attend church up to 3x/week. We program our brains/spirits with the Word and Christian teaching. We don't just go to church Easter and Christmas. We LIVE His word. Most of us are not freaky-deaky spiritual weirdos.:D
We're different because we confess/profess acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have His spirit living inside us. We obey His voice and Word. We attend church up to 3x/week. We program our brains/spirits with the Word and Christian teaching. We don't just go to church Easter and Christmas. We LIVE His word. Most of us are not freaky-deaky spiritual weirdos.:D

So basically you follow Jesus Christ. So do all Christians, is that not right?:confused:
Um, no, they don't. Some think Jesus was just a man or prophet.

We don't just follow Jesus Christ. We LIVE Him. We try to be more like Him. We confess Him and promote Him. We try to get people back to Him. (Saved.)
We have a personal relationship with Him. Not just a weekly visit.
Um, no, they don't. Some think Jesus was just a man or prophet.

We don't just follow Jesus Christ. We LIVE Him. We try to be more like Him. We confess Him and promote Him. We try to get people back to Him. (Saved.)
We have a personal relationship with Him. Not just a weekly visit.

If you try to be more like Jesus why are you against electing a president who is not born again? Surely Jesus would not discriminate?
If you try to be more like Jesus why are you against electing a president who is not born again? Surely Jesus would not discriminate?

:D Since I am trying to be more like Jesus I want a President who is also trying to be more like Jesus. I want one that has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just someone who shows up at church once in a while and professes to be a Christian.
:D Since I am trying to be more like Jesus I want a President who is also trying to be more like Jesus. I want one that has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just someone who shows up at church once in a while and professes to be a Christian.

But wouldn't you rather have a president who was capable of running the country efficiently regardless of his beliefs?
But wouldn't you rather have a president who was capable of running the country efficiently regardless of his beliefs?
The president is the most powerful man in the world. He has veto power. But he still has a cabinet and congress.

I will take the Christian president over any other one even if he is less "efficient."

I believe a born-again Christian is the only one who should be POTUS.
The president is the most powerful man in the world. He has veto power. But he still has a cabinet and congress.

I will take the Christian president over any other one even if he is less "efficient."

I believe a born-again Christian is the only one who should be POTUS.

And what if there is no candidate who is born-again? What would be your choice in that case?
The one who best exemplifies a Christian. The one who most lives like a Christian. The one who most acts like a Christian. I would have to meet him first. I can tell a lot about a man when I meet him. That's why I love Bush so much and find Kerry creepy.
Sandy, you say being “born again” is all it takes, why then Mathew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" So then good works are the only way to be saved according to those verses, and one should not just quote one verse, John 3:16, and forget the rest that follows, which says that ignoring the rest leads to not wanting to come into the light, because their deeds are evil. Since most every so called Christian doesn't want to quote the rest of John 3:16, doesn't that make you suspicious? It sure makes me wonder. What do you say?
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