Are Mormons Christians?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
I heard that they are not considered Christians by all Christians.

In that Christian id defined by acknowledging that the New Testament is the teachings of Jesus Christ, and those teachings are deemed divine, yes, they are Christian.
The real name of the chuch is not the Mormon Church, it is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

They certainly follow Jesus, Joseph Smith's book ADDED to the story of Jesus the Book of Mormon is an addendum to the Bible.
Joseph Smith claimed that Jesus visited the Native Americans after the resurrection.
The Book of Mormon chronicles that story.
Most Mormons are not born-again. They do not accept/receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus said in John 3:3 'I assure you, unless you are BORN AGAIN , you cannot see the Kingdom of God.' This verse is ommited from Mormons bibles.

The LDS teach Jesus Christ was born as a mere man, and he worked his way through good works into godship. They believe if they just do enough good works and are perfect, even as He is perfect, they will become gods themselves.

Mormons never used to describe themselves as born-again Christians. Many
are now because they want to gain access to mainstream Christianity, now that their church is facing difficulties. They want to infiltrate regular Christian religions so they can bring those Christians into Mormonism under the impression that they're Christian, too. They're not.

Christianity is of Jesus Christ. Mormonism is of Joseph Smith.
Catholicism is a religion. A man-made religion. Christianity is Christ-made. Some Catholics are born-again Christians. Most are not because they are taught not to read the Bible (the Bible is interpreted for them by priests.) The Pope is their head/leader. Jesus Christ is the only leader of born-again Christians.
What about the other branches of Protestanism?

All the Catholics I know read the Bible.

Also, are born again Christians "born again" as adults?
Christians love to say that anyone who doesn't agree closely with their particular brand of Christianity "isn't a real Christian." Indeed, there are plenty of Catholics who would say that protestants aren't real Christians and plenty of protestants who would say that Catholics aren't real Christians. It’s kind of like the villagers in one Scottish town saying that the villagers in the neighboring town aren’t real Scotts because they put sugar on their porridge...

Do you live in Scotland? Then you're a Scott. Do you worship Jesus because you believe him to be the divine son of God? Then you're a Christian.
What about the other branches of Protestanism?
All the Catholics I know read the Bible.

They say they are branches of Christianity but they are man-made too: Lutherans, Episcopalians, Pentacostals, Baptists, Jehvah's Witnesses, everything from the Amish to the Way, etc...
I think there are over 1300 denominations and 35,000 different Christian groups.
It's great your Catholic acquaintances read the Bible. In the past they were told not to.
Catholicism is a religion. A man-made religion. Christianity is Christ-made. Some Catholics are born-again Christians. Most are not because they are taught not to read the Bible (the Bible is interpreted for them by priests.) The Pope is their head/leader. Jesus Christ is the only leader of born-again Christians.

Oh Jesus, they are all man-made. Mormonism is just too new to hide it's origins. It's creator was a convicted con-man, and a complete goofball (what else is new?), but it's followers have made a semi-coherent religion of it. Just like Scientology.
They say they are branches of Christianity but they are man-made too: Lutherans, Episcopalians, Pentacostals, Baptists, Jehvah's Witnesses, everything from the Amish to the Way, etc...
I think there are over 1300 denominations and 35,000 different Christian groups.
It's great your Catholic acquaintances read the Bible. In the past they were told not to.

I added this edit:
Also, are born again Christians "born again" as adults?
Romney has faced rejection since day one. Christians don't trust him. He has flip-flopped on many issues and governs one of the most liberal states in the country. Many Born-again Christians reject Mormonism as a man-made cult.
The problem is Romney is the most 'presidential' candidate we have. He has everything except Jesus Christ. If he was a Christian, I believe he would be a shoe-in.

People become "born again" when they make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of their lives. They say it, confess it, believe it, and live it. This can only happen after the age of reason (10-12?) when the person knows/completely understands what they're doing.
We want a Christian as a candidate. Many don't consider Mormonism as Christian.
His religious beliefs are huge. We will not elect a non-Christian.
Most Mormons aren't born-again. They don't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They follow the teachings of Smith, not Jesus Christ. They think you work your way into heaven. They have some "interesting" beliefs that Christians will not accept.

Personally I disagree with him about about almost everything from abortion to homosexuality.

I like that he's attractive: mentally, emotionally, financially, intellectually etc..
But I don't think he can win. Barbara Bush said there is room for all kinds of religions in the White House. I disagree.
I don't think the winner has announced yet. We still have a year and a half. It's WAY too early to predict a winner.
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