Are men gods

Im aware of that is what my friend mainly talks about.
I dont subscribe to any religious dogma... I believe that aspect of it is basically self-righteous propaganda to up there disenfranchised culture that was destroyed supposedly because of "white devils"............

That means nothing to me I take it as they think black man was the original man. We can all connect to the original state because it transcends the physical state - these people believed in numerology secret rituals astrology god to them is a lifestyle not an actual new entity.

Deeper 360 knowledge is said to contain knowledge on how to open up the pineal gland tahts basically what I got out of it and wanted other peoples opinions
We can all connect to the original state because it transcends the physical state
And you're back to spouting nonsense again.

Deeper 360 knowledge is said to contain knowledge on how to open up the pineal gland tahts basically what I got out of it and wanted other peoples opinions
It's specious unfounded crap.
Your in a religious forum asking to substinate claims??

in religion to substantiate a claim just means to quote from the bible(or quran etc) bring something as a base to your claim.(i suppose dyw would still argue with this..but it is sound(see below))

since one cannot argue religion with science or argue science with religion..
You really want me quote all the fucked up things in the bible??

If I quote magic spellls, rituals, sacrafices, jesus talking about how we are gods, etc. it will be upon deaf ears...

I understand its unfounded such as all things in this forum.... If you dont think we have the potential to use our "pineal gland" than thats your opiniion
i'm a God . I say it and it happens . That is the God in Me . Some things are out of my control and I except that . The things that are not out of my control I think real hard on making what I perceive to be the best choice . Productivity has been my main focus for most of my life . Now I reevaluate that senario . I always new planning was a good idea , but it is only recently I have grown to truly value it. Actions have consequences , choices wisely . Easy to say . Hard work to do
Sumerian history was filled with deities that were worshipped and were symbolic for natural forces, elements and constructs. (God of air, water even God of sexual love)

They had a complicated system of numerology and alphabet that seems more extensive than our own. 3600 deities.

Sumerian scholar Samuel Noah Kramer noted similarities between many Sumerian and Akkadian "proverbs" and the later Hebrew proverbs, many of which are featured in the Book of Proverbs.[16]
= Wikipedia.

The ancient religions had a major influence on more contemporary ones which are influenced by european colonization we can see this when we see white skin blue eyed Jesus and acknowledge that ancient texts has been altered and has had segments of it removed.

The bible has many statements there as well as the quran and ancient religions revealing that man is god basically taken figuratively. I suspect this is the premise of religion and god is taken as the layer of higher level consciousness that makes us human and how to become god is through enlightement something that occultists, real masonic groups, secret orders, thesological groups, etc. which is why they go through intiiations of degrees and so forth.
I suspect this is the premise of religion and god is taken as the layer of higher level consciousness that makes us human and how to become god is through enlightement something that occultists, real masonic groups, secret orders, thesological groups, etc. which is why they go through intiiations of degrees and so forth.
Which just goes to show that there's no shortage of cranks.
Well we have all of the same personality traits as god, and we haven't supposedly committed as many atrocities.

Man commits atrocities, not in the name of God. When God brings his wrath you will have no doubt who committed this act. And his wrath is coming.
Man commits atrocities, not in the name of God.
Self-evidently incorrect. Many atrocities have been committed in the name of god. (And before we get into, it many not).

When God brings his wrath you will have no doubt who committed this act. And his wrath is coming.
Exactly. His justified and righteous wrath. Because we're following his plan. How neat is that?
Self-evidently incorrect. Many atrocities have been committed in the name of god. (And before we get into, it many not).

In the name of "god," but not by God. If I killed a bottle of tequila in the name of Charlie Sheen, I drowned the bottle and killed a few hookers, not Charlie Sheen, I only gave credit to Sheen.