Are men gods

RE: Title.

Yes men are what's known as "false gods". :)
hey now !!!!! I am not a false God . I am the real deal . My word is my bond and that is what makes it so. You might be surprised how my utterances have away of becoming reality.

they say Satan is the God of Earth . Do you understand that ? How bout the evil of Man ? How about the Man of sin that must come before anything is fulfilled. You understand any of that ? Gimme your take ? Who is this Man of sin ?
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Im not trying to offend you Me-Ki but your posts are barely coherrent. Does anyone else notice that or is it just me?

Anyway people need to expand there line of thinking.

What were the "religions" before buddhism, christianity and other mainstream religions? What predated those ancient texts? What kind of role does society play in your frame of thinking? If you were an original man would you "create a religion" based upon a "god state" or a seperate entity of god. Who first introduced the concept of a "single mystery god" ?

I doubt many people know anything at all about religion but love to bring empericalism in a premise that is beyond its scope and reassure themselves they knew "something" though its truly nothing at all.....

I could give you several examples of famous occultists even former inventors and presidents.... you simply dismiss them as cranks and continue your living because your apart of the 85%??? Especially, especially Dwy hes a special product of the brainwashing scheme.

Joey 420:
Im not trying to offend you Me-Ki but your posts are barely coherrent. Does anyone else notice that or is it just me?

Pot/ kettle.


Joey 420:
Who first introduced the concept of a "single mystery god" ?
Hmm: Ra/Osiris? Ahkenaten? Orphic Mysteries? Mithras? Astarte?
Somewhere in the Mediterranean basin...
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No. Both the canvas and and paint are combinations of other things from the Earth. You just arrange them to where you see what we call "art".

And no, the shoe always existed, just in different form. We took different things, combined them, and made what we call a shoe.

The shoe always existed?
I believe organized religion had started from what we would consider to be occultism. My friend explained to me the original man had been the black man and that white men should if anything be considered the colored man. He explained that man was god because not only do we create the physical world through consciousness but we could also create the world through physical laws.

He states there is 360 degree of knowledge which is symbolic for lessons taught to "5 percenters" such as Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, etc. and it is true knoweldge of self. It is said that masons go up to 33 degrees (Age Jesus died, the sun sets or something like that) and that some may go higher to elevated degrees once they have proven themselves. Anyway I believe it is more likely that men have thought consciousness as being the source of god given the fact we can dream and think essentially doing what our senses percieve to be real in our fully awake state.

The first ten degrees are this supposedly.

with indivisual lessons etc. and 5 % nation of islam gods and earths are obsessed with sacred geometry (Cross, circle =360 degrees) and astrology which they say is based upon morrish science or alkemet times ancient science of the mind and space.

Jesus they claim was a 5%'er as well as an original man who taught we were sons of god and that god is the father. The son or sun is symbolic for an astrological event that is based upon the cross constellation. Jesus was stoned for blasphemy for claiming he was the son of god and that yee were too sons of god though he was of flesh and its basically taught in "higher degrees" how to interpretate the bible, quran, torah, etc. for occultist summoning of spirits, practices and general advice for those who have attained knowledge of self.

He claims black man is god becuase of the melanin and pineal gland upon activation will set forth the creation process which is what the true nature of the human being is intended for and has been evolved for. All great masters or 5%'ers tried to enlighten while the 10%'ers maintained there agenda of keeping the majority of human kind in bondage to create there dynasties. 85% are sheeple like you and I controlled by media programs and religion systems., etc.

He claims that black men were disenfranchised by european colonizing this and that and changing not only ancient religious texts but true knowledge of the origin of humanity as well as other claims I wont get into.

Angels or either symbolic or actual people who have attained function of there pineal gland and can otherwise excercise it upon will.

Now for me if I was new to the earth without any knowledge of history in early tribes I would assume that I am a master in the world given the fact I dream and think and its correspondance to the physical world. I would look to the skies and not neccessary a physical entity watching over me. It would be the sun, stars, moon..........earths rotation I think that religion is more the product of trying to control people. I read the bible today and literally read how to do a curse on a woman who is suspected to be impure for having committed adultery it involved a scroll with a curse, holy water, etc.............

No we are not.
Im not trying to offend you Me-Ki but your posts are barely coherrent. Does anyone else notice that or is it just me?

Anyway people need to expand there line of thinking.

What were the "religions" before buddhism, christianity and other mainstream religions? What predated those ancient texts? What kind of role does society play in your frame of thinking? If you were an original man would you "create a religion" based upon a "god state" or a seperate entity of god. Who first introduced the concept of a "single mystery god" ?

I doubt many people know anything at all about religion but love to bring empericalism in a premise that is beyond its scope and reassure themselves they knew "something" though its truly nothing at all.....

I could give you several examples of famous occultists even former inventors and presidents.... you simply dismiss them as cranks and continue your living because your apart of the 85%??? Especially, especially Dwy hes a special product of the brainwashing scheme.

I am not offended so no worries . I talk in the abstract so yeah it has the appearance of non cohesiveness . What you can't get through your thick scull is that I am God . You can't believe I am here for the world to see right on time like your father predicted . So it all looking incoherent to you cause you have a lack of faith that I would be at the right place at the right time . It was your Fathers that made the wish . I just am the one that makes wishes come true . Look in your Bible real close now . Underline all the Me's that are capitalized . Then Come look at my name again and contemplate what I said . The go google Me-ki-gal and see what you come up with . Your going to find that I am the only Me-ki-gal that is living . There was one other in the beginning . Beginning of What ? The Agriculture revolution is what . He was called the Lord of the Harvest . I am the new improved version . I got like this from red car phenomena. That all by its self caused it to be . Which is the meaning of my first name . My last name means Equal . So my name means To Be Equal . Could you ever see Me as equal ? That is the question that is put before humanity . Am I out side your Monkey sphere or could you make a decision to include Me in your circle of influence . You would have to love Me even with all the faults you your self perceive to be wrong with Me.

There was that anywhere coherent for you . Made perfect sense to Me , but then again I am the one that cries for acceptance so I am kind of selfish in a way . I want to be excepted . Will I ever is the think that haunts Me . My father caused that in Me . Jesus too

O.K. you got to know your Bible really good to understand Me . I pretty much Assume anyone talking about Abraham type religion has read there Bible really good . It is not the case I have found even though people spout off like they know it all . I tell you what . I have found that some Atheists know there Bible way better than Christians that take every thing on hear say . I was shocked at the Atheists that could defend eating Pig by new testament scriptures . They fucked up Islamic dogma about eating pork like a Adventist who studied the Bible for 40 years . One of Our poor Islamic Friends on this Forum was speechless and let the the thread go to the birds because of it
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Hmm: Ra/Osiris? Ahkenaten? Orphic Mysteries? Mithras? Astarte?
Somewhere in the Mediterranean basin...

Ra is the Sun god, Osiris is the god Pharaoh? They are not the same person. In fact the "god Pharaoh" is specifically killed in the bible, and the godhood of his son (Horus) is killed. Whoever the Egyptian god Seth is he was sent by God.
Seth is more of a back up singer dude . I know cause I am Pharaoh . Thats my name don't wear it out . King Pharaoh to you squirt . Me Pharaoh . Is that so hard to understand ?
Seth is more of a back up singer dude . I know cause I am Pharaoh . Thats my name don't wear it out . King Pharaoh to you squirt . Me Pharaoh . Is that so hard to understand ?

Im Seth rightful ruler of all Egypt, patron of Upper Egypt, patron to the kind travelers of my land. I was demonized from propaganda by corrupt Pharaohs to gain control of my people.
The shoe always existed?

In essence, yes. The potential to be a shoe always existed because the matter that makes of the show has always existed. So, in essence, we didn't create the shoe.

When we chop down a tree and turn it into paper, did we invent the paper? No because we transformed the tree into paper. Thus, we did not actually create the paper. We did not bring the tree into existence.

Think about it like this. When we manufacture paper, are we actually creating it? No. To create something means to bring something into existence. The paper always existed, just in the form of a tree.
" No because we transformed the tree into paper. Thus, we did not actually create the paper. "

It is creating. The tree didnt turn into paper on its own. Inanimate objesct have no potential on their own and really wont transform on their own either. Transformation can be the tree growing (sun, water, dirt), the humna throwing the seed (that would never have existed had the human not used his hand to throw the seed.

Chicken egg is an egg. Egg hatches chicken is created. Before hatching egg was an egg after hatcheing egg is a chicken. Chicken was created. I take the egg, break it and fry it. Eggs sandwich was created.
" No because we transformed the tree into paper. Thus, we did not actually create the paper. "

It is creating. The tree didnt turn into paper on its own. Inanimate objesct have no potential on their own and really wont transform on their own either. Transformation can be the tree growing (sun, water, dirt), the humna throwing the seed (that would never have existed had the human not used his hand to throw the seed.

Chicken egg is an egg. Egg hatches chicken is created. Before hatching egg was an egg after hatcheing egg is a chicken. Chicken was created. I take the egg, break it and fry it. Eggs sandwich was created.

Still wrong. The chicken, and thus the egg came from the nutrients from the earth the the hen ate. She did not "create" the chicken. Her body merely rearranged elements of the earth and herself into the specific configuration that is the chicken.
Her body merely rearranged elements of the earth and herself into the specific configuration that is the chicken.

So that is not creation\ing?

My literary work is not creating?

My song put to record is not creating?

According to your logic creation never takes place.