Are men gods


SF's Incontestable Pimp
Valued Senior Member
I believe organized religion had started from what we would consider to be occultism. My friend explained to me the original man had been the black man and that white men should if anything be considered the colored man. He explained that man was god because not only do we create the physical world through consciousness but we could also create the world through physical laws.

He states there is 360 degree of knowledge which is symbolic for lessons taught to "5 percenters" such as Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, etc. and it is true knoweldge of self. It is said that masons go up to 33 degrees (Age Jesus died, the sun sets or something like that) and that some may go higher to elevated degrees once they have proven themselves. Anyway I believe it is more likely that men have thought consciousness as being the source of god given the fact we can dream and think essentially doing what our senses percieve to be real in our fully awake state.

The first ten degrees are this supposedly.
1. - Knowledge
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts thru observing, learning, and respecting. Knowledge is the foundation of all in existence, for it must be "known" in order to make it manifest. 1 or Knowledge is also Man. (1)(Knowledge)

2. - Wisdom
Wisdom is Knowledge acted upon. Wisdom is Water, or the vital building block of life. 2 or Wisdom is also Woman. (2)(Wisdom)

3. - Understanding
Understanding is the addition of Knowledge & Wisdom (1+2=3), complete comprehension. 3 or Understanding is also Child. The highest form of Understanding is Love. Understanding is built from Knowledge first-and-foremost. (3)(Understanding)

4. - Culture and/or Freedom
Culture is a way of life practiced. It can also be Freedom in certain contexts, because the greater your Knowledge-Wisdom-&-Understanding the closer your Culture will be to True-Freedom. Your Understanding stems from your Knowledge (1+3=4). (4)(Culture/Freedom)

5. - Power and/or Refinement
Power is force or creative energy. To Refine is to perfect. 5 or Power is also The Truth. Wisdom & Understanding give you Power (2+3=5). (5)(Power/Truth/Refinement)

6. - Equality
Equality is the state, or quality of being Equal or possessing an Equilibrium. Meaning to deal or reach Equality with all in existence. Equality is reached through common Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding ((1+2=3)+(1+2=3)=6). 6 can also be The Devil, as it has the power to be equal to man, but not to God. (6)(Equality)

7. - God & Perfection
7 is God & Perfection, the Supreme Being/Energy which is the origin of all the universe. G is also the seventh letter in the alphabet, God sees with the seven colours of the rainbow and hears with the seven notes on the musical scale. Love-Culture (3+4=7). (7)(God & Perfection).

8. - Build or Destroy
To Build is to elevate the mentality & material of ones self, others & the planet. To Destroy is to ruin the mentality & material of ones self, others & the planet by allowing negativity to outweigh the positive. Your Culture can Build or Destroy (4+4=8). (8)(Build or Destroy)

9. - Born
To be Born is to be brought into. It takes 9 months to make a baby. 9 is the only number that gives birth to itself (9+9=18(1+8=9)(9x9=81(8+1=9). (9)(Born)

0. - Cypher (Cycle/Circle)
0 is Zero, it is also the completion of a circle consisting of 360 degrees (120 degrees of Knowledge, 120 degrees of Wisdom, 120 degrees of Understanding). All in existence pertains to a cypher. A circle with no circumference.........

with indivisual lessons etc. and 5 % nation of islam gods and earths are obsessed with sacred geometry (Cross, circle =360 degrees) and astrology which they say is based upon morrish science or alkemet times ancient science of the mind and space.

Jesus they claim was a 5%'er as well as an original man who taught we were sons of god and that god is the father. The son or sun is symbolic for an astrological event that is based upon the cross constellation. Jesus was stoned for blasphemy for claiming he was the son of god and that yee were too sons of god though he was of flesh and its basically taught in "higher degrees" how to interpretate the bible, quran, torah, etc. for occultist summoning of spirits, practices and general advice for those who have attained knowledge of self.

He claims black man is god becuase of the melanin and pineal gland upon activation will set forth the creation process which is what the true nature of the human being is intended for and has been evolved for. All great masters or 5%'ers tried to enlighten while the 10%'ers maintained there agenda of keeping the majority of human kind in bondage to create there dynasties. 85% are sheeple like you and I controlled by media programs and religion systems., etc.

He claims that black men were disenfranchised by european colonizing this and that and changing not only ancient religious texts but true knowledge of the origin of humanity as well as other claims I wont get into.

Angels or either symbolic or actual people who have attained function of there pineal gland and can otherwise excercise it upon will.

Now for me if I was new to the earth without any knowledge of history in early tribes I would assume that I am a master in the world given the fact I dream and think and its correspondance to the physical world. I would look to the skies and not neccessary a physical entity watching over me. It would be the sun, stars, moon..........earths rotation I think that religion is more the product of trying to control people. I read the bible today and literally read how to do a curse on a woman who is suspected to be impure for having committed adultery it involved a scroll with a curse, holy water, etc.............
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I dont think its more wooey than religious dogma taken at face value.

Allah = Arm, Leg , Leg, Arm, Head
His "fratertinity" (not exactly the 5% nation of islam) claims to have secret knowledge of self that can be decyphered in the quaran and bible using numerology and sacred alphabet or something.

I skipped through the bible and seen alot of references to sacrafices and even how to test a woman if she has been impure by giving a curse to her that would only affect her if she has been unfaithful.

What they believe in essentially is a form of buddism but they claim the original mans "religion" even had predated that. They dont neccessarily believe in a mystery god but believe "heaven" and "hell" to be a state of life and conditioning in the mind..

They also claim that white men are "devils" and "asianatic men" are "gods" having to do with there true nature and not reffering to an actual divine entitity. There are alot of themes consistant with this "religion" : numerology, astrology, occultism... During egyptian times it was essentially the same thing....

It just makes me wonder where this "God" thing had come from if buddism is supposedly predating that popular concept I reduce it has to be a form of mental conditioning, just an obstruction for the 85%. All great people that were involved in occultism were also involved in masonry and ancient al-kemet (alchemy) practices, etc.

Here is that reference to how to check if a woman is unpure from the bible.

"The priest will have the woman come forward and stand in the LORD's presence. 17Then the priest will take holy water in a piece of pottery and put some dust from the floor of the tent into the water. 18The priest will bring the woman into the LORD's presence and loosen her hair. In her hands he will put the offering used for a confession (that is, the grain offering brought because of the husband's jealousy). The priest will hold in his hands the bitter water that can bring a curse. 19"Then the priest will say to her, 'If no other man has had sexual intercourse with you and you haven't been unfaithful to your husband, you're not guilty. This bitter water that can bring a curse will not harm you. 20If, in fact, you have been unfaithful and have had sexual intercourse with another man, 21may the LORD make you an example for your people to see what happens when the curse of this oath comes true: The LORD will make your uterus drop and your stomach swell.' "Then the priest will administer the oath and the curse by saying: 22'May this water that can bring a curse go into your body and make your stomach swell and your uterus drop!' "Then the woman will say, 'Amen, amen!'

23"The priest will write these curses on a scroll and wash them off into the bitter water. 24Then he will have the woman drink the bitter water that can bring the curse. This water will go into her [and] become bitter. 25The priest will take the grain offering she was holding, present it to the LORD, and bring it to the altar. 26The priest will take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial portion and burn it on the altar. Then he will have the woman drink the water. 27If she has become unclean by being unfaithful to her husband, the water that can bring the curse will go into her and become bitter. Her stomach will swell, her uterus will drop, and she will become cursed among her people. 28But if the woman is not unclean and is pure, she is not guilty and will be able to have children.

29"These are the instructions for how to deal with jealousy. They tell you what to do when a woman is unfaithful to her husband and becomes unclean. 30They also tell you what to do when a husband has a fit of jealousy and is suspicious of his wife. He will make his wife stand in the LORD's presence, and the priest will do everything these instructions tell him to do. 31The husband isn't guilty of doing anything wrong, but the woman will suffer the consequences of her sin."

Sounds crazy. How can people believe in the bible all it talks about is sacrafices, battles & war, etc.... How come there are so many interpretations?? My bible didnt have the same interp. as the one above. Why is there so much dispute as to what is being said in the bible..............:shrug:
Some examples from another current thread of interpretations that Men are gods or "sons of god".
The Greek form Babylon (Βαβυλών) is an adaptation of Akkadian Babili. The Babylonian name as it stood in the 1st millennium BC had been changed from an earlier Babilli in early 2nd millennium BC, meaning "Gate of God" or "Gateway of the God" (bāb-ili) by popular etymology

He claims that greeks stole everything from the egyptians and thats why they believed in multiple gods as mind states and frames of mind (The god of war, etc.) and he goes on and on and on about Man being like the most high only after complete understanding of 360 degrees of knowledge and wisdom.

Ancient civilizations like babylon also believe in multiple gods

An or Anu - the god of Heaven
Enlil - The god of the air and storms. He normally was portrayed in human form, but also appears as a snake to the human eye
Enki - The god of water and the fertile earth
Ki - The mother-goddess representing the earth
Ashur - Main god of Assyria (sky god)
Ninlil or Nillina - The goddess of air (possibly the south wind) and wife of Enlil
Inanna - The goddess of love and war
Ea - The god of Wisdom
Marduk - Originally Ea’s son and god of light. He was the main god of Babylon and the sender of the Babylonian king
Nanna - The god of the moon
Utu or Shamash - The god of the sun, as well as god of justice
Ninurta - a solar deity

But they werent meant to be taken as literal gods but as abstract concepts of a particular state to be used in certain practices, alphabet and numerology. These people were able to predict eclipses so I dont think they were religious zealots or atleast the minority in control werent anyway. Astronomy and Religion dont seem to come hand in hand.
there is such a thing as overthinking something..
(so claims the poster child of overthinking..:rolleyes:)
The bible seems like an occultist book IMO. Reading that shit all I see is war, punishment, lineage history, names, rituals, sacrafices, trading of ox, even talk about slavegirls and shit (saying its a sin to have sexual relations with a girl that is not freed as a slave or who is promised to another man) lol... Religious dogma ties in with too many occultist themes and cant be considered "the word" of some random mystery god with no true record of existance. Id believe the bible contains knowledge on aliens "spirits, angels" or people who have opened there pineal gland and have more control of there brain than some mystery god that used to love showing up and causing havoc and stopped all of a sudden.......
Yes, men are gods. Or rather the gods are a human vision of the ideal man, it's an idealized version of the perfect leader or king.
I believe organized religion had started from what we would consider to be occultism.

The word 'occult' literally means 'hidden'. It refers to medieval and more modern Western beliefs about the supernatural that aren't consistent with one of the major religious traditions, historically Christianity, Judaism and Islam. There's usually the idea that this knowledge is only made available to a small number of initiates.

My own speculation is that the Western occult traditions arose in late antiquity when ancient paganism was forced underground by increasingly draconian Christian laws forbidding pagans from teaching. So pagan theology could only be taught in secret, and was probably only taught to pupils that the teacher had come to know and trusted not to turn him in to the authorities. Hence the succession of gradual initiations into the secret lore.

In other words, I think that the occult traditions are a fairly late development in the history of religions. They probably don't represent the earliest forms of religion.
That would be consistent with the 10%'ers trying to control the 85% and get rid of the 5%'ers....

In other words, christianity, islam and judaism were fairly newer religions what about the ones that predated those religions? Science deprived from occultism or/and "alchemy" its not a long stretch to base religion on the same premise if there is consistent themes. Christmas is nearly during the equinox, etc. themes like Sacrafice, Worship, Spells, Chants, Songs, Rituals, Spirits or Angels, those elements are always there. It makes sense to me that original men of this earth was more concerned with what they can see (vs) imagining a physical god ruled the earth or taking someones word that they had spoken to such an entity.
Allah = Arm, Leg , Leg, Arm, Head

His "fratertinity" (not exactly the 5% nation of islam) claims to have secret knowledge of self that can be decyphered in the quaran and bible using numerology and sacred alphabet or something.
So what?
There's always fraternities of cranks. These claims are nothing out of the ordinary for cranks.

He claims that greeks stole everything from the egyptians
Yup, another crank claim.
He explained that man was god because not only do we create the physical world through consciousness but we could also create the world through physical laws.

I'm not even going to touch on the rest of the post, but I will say this...

We do not create anything. Seriously. We merely alter. We take was is already in existence and we alter its shape, form consistency. In all reality, humans have never created anything. We've merely just transformed things, as any living being does.
I'm not even going to touch on the rest of the post, but I will say this...

We do not create anything. Seriously. We merely alter. We take was is already in existence and we alter its shape, form consistency. In all reality, humans have never created anything. We've merely just transformed things, as any living being does.

So what is the difference between creating and transforming?
Creating means to bring something into existence. Transforming is taking what is already in existence and altering it.

What do you think you are doing by transfroming?

When you paint you start with a blank canvas.

If i make a new shoe did i not bring it to exists?
That would be consistent with the 10%'ers trying to control the 85% and get rid of the 5%'ers....

In other words, christianity, islam and judaism were fairly newer religions what about the ones that predated those religions? Science deprived from occultism or/and "alchemy" its not a long stretch to base religion on the same premise if there is consistent themes. Christmas is nearly during the equinox, etc. themes like Sacrafice, Worship, Spells, Chants, Songs, Rituals, Spirits or Angels, those elements are always there. It makes sense to me that original men of this earth was more concerned with what they can see (vs) imagining a physical god ruled the earth or taking someones word that they had spoken to such an entity.

It was the Man with a plan world just like today . Royal blood in the beginning was them that stepped up. Then they obtained hero status first and as time went on there names were deified . Wala the God is born . Most the world in ancient time I believe were relative worshipers, or better explained ancestor worshipers. I think we see the remnants of this cultism in china . I don't know how far back the divide goes but something tells me china is right there forefront. I also think pre civilization humans were wayfarers and trade routs existed . To what extent I don't have any idea , but I believe it was more cohesive and developed more than the average human gives credit to
What do you think you are doing by transfroming?

When you paint you start with a blank canvas.

If i make a new shoe did i not bring it to exists?

No. Both the canvas and and paint are combinations of other things from the Earth. You just arrange them to where you see what we call "art".

And no, the shoe always existed, just in different form. We took different things, combined them, and made what we call a shoe.