Are insectovores carnivores ?

sure they are. like i said, there are 4 types of animals, for each element.

and i've also mentioned before that there are 4 lifeforms: matter (earth), plants (water), animals (air), humans (fire).

You just made the fire type up..
So what type is an insect ?
Yorda, you're talking crap.

Basically, if it can walk, eat, shit, and have sex, it's an animal. Insects do all of those. :D

Please, pleeeeeease tell me you are being sarcastic.

I'm surprised some guy hasn't said "well, fish don't walk, so they aren't animals then right" :rolleyes: Anything to keep arguing.
I'm slightly interested, Enmos, in why you keep bringing petty semantic discussions up? What point are you trying labouriously to make?
While I wouldn't classify all of these related threads as "petty", I too am intrigued.

Enmos, clue us in. What are you trying to accomplish? I suspect there is some underlying common direction that you are trying to lead people in, but what is it? Surely not to show the complete and utter ignorance of biological taxonomy amongst certain members of SF? If that's the point, I think you have made it - many times over.

So please reveal what's next. I'm pretty sure there is another level here... ;)
I'm slightly interested, Enmos, in why you keep bringing petty semantic discussions up? What point are you trying labouriously to make?

While I wouldn't classify all of these related threads as "petty", I too am intrigued.

Enmos, clue us in. What are you trying to accomplish? I suspect there is some underlying common direction that you are trying to lead people in, but what is it? Surely not to show the complete and utter ignorance of biological taxonomy amongst certain members of SF? If that's the point, I think you have made it - many times over.

So please reveal what's next. I'm pretty sure there is another level here... ;)

It's the product of frustration and being deeply shocked and alarmed I'm afraid..

Randwolf, your initial suspicions are right, but it's not only certain members, it's the astonishing number members..
And it's not only ignorance of taxonomy, but an apparently lack of common sense. Ask a number of 8 year olds these questions and most, if not all, will give the correct answers, and the large majority with even be able to explain why to a reasonable extent.

The "other level" is that they get away with spouting their nonsense in Biology & Genetics, while addressing the matter by making a thread about it results in being called a troll and in thread-lock.
In other words.. I'm "acting dumb".
Consider it an alternative strategy to get these issues out in the open.

Anyone asserting that:
- trees are not alive
- humans/insects/fish are not animals
- spiders are insects
- dolphins are fish
- millipedes are half insect half worm etc etc
in Biology & Genetics should be called a troll and receive the proper warnings, not the ones confronting these people.
They also should get 50 lashes..

I am shocked by the wide scale ignorance of the bare basics here.
I believe it reflects a worldwide trend of ignorance where nature is concerned and I think these matters should be addressed before they do too much damage.

My apologies for the drama, and any possible typos (I just got out of bed, I can barely hold my eyes open).. ;)
I am shocked by the wide scale ignorance of the bare basics here.

It's surreal! I alternate between astonishment and disbelief that people are really that ignorant. I understand the polarization of beliefs regarding religion, politics, etc. But is a tree alive? Are humans animals? (biologically, taxonomically speaking) A millipede half worm?

How did this state of affairs arise? Am I being parochial in my viewpoint? Is this stuff taught in school anymore? Or in most places? Or what?

It's surreal! I alternate between astonishment and disbelief that people are really that ignorant. I understand the polarization of beliefs regarding religion, politics, etc. But is a tree alive? Are humans animals? (biologically, taxonomically speaking) A millipede half worm?

How did this state of affairs arise? Am I being parochial in my viewpoint? Is this stuff taught in school anymore? Or in most places? Or what?


Yes, and what also astonished me is that this is allowed here. And that bringing this problem to the public attention is frowned upon.. and reason to be called a troll and for your threads to be locked (and in one case outright deleted).

I'm alternating between astonishment and disbelief myself, but there is also anger on my part.
I am not an aggressive person at all but statements like that almost makes me want to bash their skulls in..
The "other level" is that they get away with spouting their nonsense in Biology & Genetics, while addressing the matter by making a thread about it results in being called a troll and in thread-lock.

SAM, could you elaborate on your reasoning behind locking the thread? In my opinion, all Enmos did was poke around under a bridge with a stick, and lo and behold, the trolls came charging out. I don't think he was trolling here.

Let those whackos go debate the question of whether trees are alive in Free Thoughts or even Philosophy, not in Biology & Genetics, of all places.
Anything that prompts people to act as trolls should also be considered trolling. I don't think Biology and Genetics needs that kind of attention, or this kind of posting. But, maybe I am just stuck in the "good old days".

Only a handful of the true biologists post anymore.
Terms like scavenger, carnivore, and insectivore are used for describing relationships between animals in ecology. When doing so; a carnivore is NOT an insectivore. They actually have very different physiological structures (compare an anteater's mouth with a wolf's, or a sparrow's with a raptor), as well as different behavior and life styles.
Terms like scavenger, carnivore, and insectivore are used for describing relationships between animals in ecology. When doing so; a carnivore is NOT an insectivore. They actually have very different physiological structures (compare an anteater's mouth with a wolf's, or a sparrow's with a raptor), as well as different behavior and life styles. viewed at 2:28 PM EST
An insectivore is a type of carnivore with a diet that consists chiefly of insects and similar small creatures. viewed at 2:28 PM EST

You people really don't give a fuck if you spout absolute nonsense, do you?

I give up. Hopefully I won't get banned for trolling. Fuck it.


Roman, sorry for attacking. I'm just so fed up with this crap. Anyway, there are nuances to the words as used in ecology, but they still do not contradict the usage in biology. They only refine it.

Again, sorry for the nasty post, it was not personal, I'm just frustrated. I'm going to bed now. Have a good day, night, whatever...
Anything that prompts people to act as trolls should also be considered trolling. I don't think Biology and Genetics needs that kind of attention, or this kind of posting. But, maybe I am just stuck in the "good old days".

Only a handful of the true biologists post anymore.

I don't know if you include my threads, probably though..
But I don't see it as trolling, more like anti-trolling actually. I'm trying to make a difference here.. although I'm not particularly successful so far..
Why, salamanders, of course. Usually you have attack them with a Water sword +3 to be able to damage them. Unless you wear the ring of aqua damage.

You are overlooking the most obvious example of a "fire" animal; it's called a phoenix.
Enmos, Randwolf, I totally concur.
It would be freaky, this lack of common sense, knowledge or reality, if it wasn't played out in all other areas of human endeavour.
I fear that the gulf between educated and uneducated is widening faster even than that of rich and poor and, sadly, the awareness of the natural world is casualty number one.
That it is manifesting on sci is not at all surprising.
* laments the loss of reality and reason*
So what type is an insect ?

according to my definitions, there's only 4 life forms, so of course insects are animals. but scientists study the world, so they need lots of more definitions. i don't agree with these definitions because i'm not a scientist, i'm just an ordinary human, so i see the world differently. a millipede is obviously a worm because it looks liek a worm, and spiders are insects because they look like insects.
according to my definitions, there's only 4 life forms, so of course insects are animals.

No, you said insects are not animals earlier.

but scientists study the world, so they need lots of more definitions. i don't agree with these definitions because i'm not a scientist, i'm just an ordinary human, so i see the world differently. a millipede is obviously a worm because it looks liek a worm, and spiders are insects because they look like insects.
So you now admit that you don't know shit, don't want to know shit and don't care about learning shit.. but that you still insist on trowing around absolute statements of which you know that they are scientifically false..
May I suggest you stick to "Free thoughts" then ?