Are insectovores carnivores ?


Valued Senior Member
An insectivore is an animal with a diet consisting mainly of insects.
A carnivore is an animal with a diet consisting mainly of meat, whether it comes from living animals living or dead ones (scavenging).
So can they be said to be carnivores ?

Edit: Misspelled insectivore in the title :eek:
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Depends on whether the insects they eat are comprised of mainly meat or not.
If so, they are carnivores.
i would say so yes. its still feeding off another animal as such... But then again maybe not. Not sure if bug goo constitutes the insect as an animal.. since its an insect. oh ive had a long day so far.
They aren't carnivores because insects aren't made of meat, they're made of shells, wings, legs and slime. Insects aren't animals, they're insects.
Why aren't insects animals ?

they're too small and different from animals. for example, there's no animal that has a net eye like flies have. and no animals have weird transparent wings like insects have.
Yorda = bollocks.

Yes, they are carnivores. Similarly, although Yorda is composed seemingly entirely of poop, a living creature devouring him would indeed be considered a carnivore. Although by that definition one could argue that syphilis is a carnivore.
What about other small creatures such as spiders, millipedes and worms ?

spiders are insects, millipedes are insects (because they have legs and other insect attributes) and worms at the same time. ordinary worms are neither insects or animals, they're just worms.
spiders are insects, millipedes are insects (because they have legs and other insect attributes) and worms at the same time. ordinary worms are neither insects or animals, they're just worms.

I'm curious, what are snails ?

And if all the creatures are not animals.. what are they ?
I never thought carnivores as meat eaters. I thought of them as 'other animal eaters' And since bugs are animals, then yep, they are carnivores. What if they kill the animal, but don't eat it. They eat the plants in the stomach of the other animal. What are they then?
I'm curious, what are snails ?

snails kinda look like worms, but because they come out from a shell, they're not entirely worms. they are snails.

i should also say that dolphins are fish, because most people usually think they're something else.

And if all the creatures are not animals.. what are they ?

they are lifeforms and creatures.
Yorda is God man, it says so in his title, no wonder he has his own strict definitions of things, he is the grand authority.
Yorda, give me some examples of actual animals..

dogs, cats, pigs, lions and tigers. these are earth element animals. fish are water, and birds are air element. i'm not sure what the fire animals are.
Why, salamanders, of course. Usually you have attack them with a Water sword +3 to be able to damage them. Unless you wear the ring of aqua damage.
So any creature that can fly or swim is not an animal ?

sure they are. like i said, there are 4 types of animals, for each element.

and i've also mentioned before that there are 4 lifeforms: matter (earth), plants (water), animals (air), humans (fire).
Yorda, you're talking crap.

Basically, if it can walk, eat, shit, and have sex, it's an animal. Insects do all of those. :D

and i've also mentioned before that there are 4 lifeforms: matter (earth), plants (water), animals (air), humans (fire).

Please, pleeeeeease tell me you are being sarcastic.