Are Greys real?

Are Grey's real?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 15 41.7%

  • Total voters
riku_124 said:
i think i might have see na UFO over the summer.

I was laying on the dock of a lake up at boy scout camp looknig at the stars, and there was a very bright whitish blue light so i stared at it, and i have come to 3 conculssions of what it was

My eyes were palying tricks on me ( very likkly)

A star went supernova hit a planet and the planet has no idea wha tthe fuck its doig or where to go (very unliklly)

and lastly it was a UFO inprobable and probably unliklly as well, but thats hwta i saw. who knows, i want ot belive that aliens are out there, i dotn want to think we are trully alone.

One day one alien species will amke contact with nother alien species i hope

I have seen a UFO too, but no grey aliens. There are no "greys", and no "aliens", unless you mean illegal aliens and then maybe there are aliens.

UFO's are government craft. Yes our government has space travel, and saucer shaped craft, yes our government has anti matter engines, yes there were time travel experiments, as well as many others, but the alien stuff is bogus. Have you personally seen a bug eyed alien?
Time Traveler:

There is a tone in your writing that suggests that you KNOW for certain that UFOs are government craft. In fact, they're not. They're unidentified flying objects. Some are government craft, some are not.

And how do you know our government has space travel, and all of this stuff? How do you justify the matter-of-fact tone? You apparently know something we do not. Perhaps you could indulge us.
francois said:
Time Traveler:

There is a tone in your writing that suggests that you KNOW for certain that UFOs are government craft. In fact, they're not. They're unidentified flying objects. Some are government craft, some are not.

And how do you know our government has space travel, and all of this stuff? How do you justify the matter-of-fact tone? You apparently know something we do not. Perhaps you could indulge us.

Hey, it's just public knowledge. I know a lot about the level of technology we currencly have, and yes we do have the technology to make saucers, we had that technology since the 1950s. Aliens are a brilliant cover story, the aliens did it. We could have also just said God did it, or the angels are doing it, or whatever.

Think of it like this, any idea which was ever thought of, or put to paper, or which has been researched, likely has a military application and is being tried.

So lets see, this includes anti matter engines, this might include all the most advanced nano technology, this likely includes quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement allows for what can only be described as, teleportation(being in 2 places at the same time), and this may have a birth in government experiments.

What you know about the universe is limited. Consider the universe a hologram, consider that distance does not really exist, and that there is no such thing as seperate. On the quantum level we are one.

Think about this and how it might influence technology.
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The only plans I've seen for an Anti-matter drive were purely conceptual and the overall outcome was the energy needed to inverse normal matters atomic spin cost more than what energy it would get out.

As for Quantum Entanglement, even the Wiki input states:

paragraph 6 said:
Although no information can be transmitted through entanglement alone, it is possible to transmit information using a set of entangled states used in conjunction with a classical information channel. This process is known as quantum teleportation. Despite its name, quantum teleportation cannot be used to transmit information faster than light, because a classical information channel is involved.

Quite simply it's not about an object "teleporting" or so much about existing in two different places at the same time. Even the Photon teleportation experiment done in Australia a few backs might have a problem with it's outcome in the sense that the photon recieved might be a different one than the one that was sent.

I suggest the majority of UFO's that are regularly seen now adays are people doing pranks just to keep the Genre alive so they can sell merchandise, films, books and support groups etc.
What I asked for, TimeTraveler, was not condescension. I asked HOW you know all of this. I want to know how you know what you know. Supposedly. What are your sources of information, Einstein.

Last I checked, all of those high-tech projects you mentioned ARE NOT public knowledge. If they were public knowledge, they wouldn't be considered UFOs!!!!! Because everybody would know what they were!!! Goooooddddd!!!!
francois said:
What I asked for, TimeTraveler, was not condescension. I asked HOW you know all of this.
I am not certain if it is possible for the certifiably delusional to indulge in condescension, but for sure they do not deal in any recognisable facts. :cool:



According to Wikipedia, these are believed to be real. But the main thing is, this is what people are referring to when they hear or see the word "Grey," in terms of aliens.
Stryder said:
The only plans I've seen for an Anti-matter drive were purely conceptual and the overall outcome was the energy needed to inverse normal matters atomic spin cost more than what energy it would get out.

As for Quantum Entanglement, even the Wiki input states:

Quite simply it's not about an object "teleporting" or so much about existing in two different places at the same time. Even the Photon teleportation experiment done in Australia a few backs might have a problem with it's outcome in the sense that the photon recieved might be a different one than the one that was sent.

I suggest the majority of UFO's that are regularly seen now adays are people doing pranks just to keep the Genre alive so they can sell merchandise, films, books and support groups etc.

The antimatter drive is not conceptual, it's already made. Generally when something is conceptual it means we already have the blueprint to make it, it's just a matter of cost. When you take into account that the government has unlimited money, literally, they can make anything you can think of and conceptualize. Antimatter drives already power some experimental craft, there also have scramjets and all sorts of crafts. There is also HAARP, and many other things of this sort.

Go to a site such as, some of the stuff on that site is real, some of the stuff about aliens is fiction, but the crafts are real. In general if you just, look at some mailing lists and public records of patents you can also see what's in development, it's not that the government keeps what they are developing secret, they keep the actual technology secret, so while we know there are anti matter drive patents and patents for all this stuff, we don't know what they are used for.
The concept I saw for an Anti-Matter drive I think was from NASA with the intention of trying to work out better systems for space exploration, however there were still certain problems with the overall design, like it's all very well generating energy in space but it's no good if you can't apply it to a "drive" system.

Flight in space is obviously different to that of our atmosphere bound flying machines considering that they use the atmosphere to generate the forces in the right places, without atmospheric pressure there is no lift and no drive. Of course rockets are used in space, however they generate their own atmosphere at their exhaust and generate a greater thrust through the compounds being ignited.

Electromagnetic flying vehicles are also reliant upon atmosphere, since the use of the magnetic field around the craft displaces the crafts weight across the atmospheric presense. This is why it's suggested that such craft would require stupid amounts of energy at high altitudes since the atmosphere is thinner they would require a greater field to accomplish the same task as a low altitude.

I'm not saying that any of these craft haven't been thought of, theorised about or perhaps have had prototypes built (accept for an antimatter drive since that was conception and lacked the "Drive") however they all have their characteristic problems which are probably all solvable if it wasn't for overall COST.

I would suggest TimeTraveler that you don't take as your absolute source of all true data, try to find a few reputable hardback published works (that doesn't mean a book entiled "UFO's") to cross reference with.