Are Greys real?

Are Grey's real?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 15 41.7%

  • Total voters
francois said:
I'm kinda surprised by how few people selected "maybe" for poll options.
I was just thinking that.
It's actualy depressing to understand why people instead choose to put "no" as an awnser when they have no way of knowing that for sure.
Such a tiny box 8 people live in.
And anyone that put yes without ever actualy having seen one is lacking some important boundaries.

People (including me) are so interesting. :)
moementum7 said:
It's actualy depressing to understand why people instead choose to put "no" as an awnser when they have no way of knowing that for sure.
It is even more to depressing to witness persons such as yourself, so lacking in critical thinking faculties, or an ability to objectively assess data, or (best case) so anally retentive that they will nitpick the practical equivalence of No and So remotely unlikely, even though I can't prove it, that is might just as well be No.
What other outlandish things do you still entertain as possible, simply because you lack one or more of the above cited attributes?
It depends how often I point out to people that they lack knowledge, critical thinking facilities, and a general absence of gullibility. To be called an asshole by such individuals is evidence that I am getting through, even in a small way. If I convert only one such person out of a hundred to a more thoughtful way of examining data, then all the perjoratives from the rest will have been worth it. After all they are coming from people whose opinion I don't especially value.

Next question.
If you actually watch the Alien Autopsy (2006) film, you'll find some brief accounts from the actual Alien Autopsy "Fakers" at the end of the film, pretty much stating it's fake, although the film will leave you with a "believers" understanding that it's a "remake of an original".
greys are the same astral beings that have been visiting earth for... years. they've changed into a new form, which reflect our consciuosness/thoughts (because they live there, sort of.., or... everything is consciousness, life)

they're not real physical beings, but sometimes they can manifest physically, like men in black guys, loch ness, and all those weirdos..,, then they dissapear after a while. for instance, some scientist was gonna study a metal thing which billy meier got from an alien, but it vanished (
but i heard one of billy's alien friends (quetzal) predicted wtc and many other things.

yeah, his photos look like joke... tin cans... but... maybe they're "real" (real what?), because i'm not sure of anything anymore
Ophiolite said:
You have begun the healing process.
yes but you hnavet cos u still believe in things like 1+1=2 and you bleieve billy faked the ufos... but i also believe in 1+1=2, so i haven't begun the healing process, but who cares about that crap anyway, life is life nanananannanaa

btw. wiki said that billy and his aliens said that WW3 might begin november 2006 if bush continues to do bad things like he does.

wikipedia said:
Billy Meier has repeatedly warned of an impending Third World War beginning in November of either 2006, 2008, 2010, or 2011 if the USA and Israel continue their war crimes and international interference in the policies of other nation-states. This is part of the Henoch Prophecies, widely considered to be one of his most important Contacts, which also predicted the September 11, 2001 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon almost two decades before they occurred. He, and through him Ptaah, still hold that this disaster is imminent if Israel and the USA are not stopped on their rampage through the Middle-East. He has also denounced the terroristic activities and vigilante behaviours of various Muslim extremist groups, which he says only foments the possibility for war. At present, Billy's Contacts suggest that this November (2006) is the most likely time for the beginning of World War III, if measures are not undertaken to stop the USA and Israel. According to his latest reports, the 2006 Israel-Lebanon Conflict is very possibly only the beginning of what will eventually spiral into full-fledged World War by 2008, if the major first event begins this November. [6] He has said, specifically, that 4 world-leaders will die within 7 days of one another in November of some year (see above), and that this is the sign that World War III has begun.
francois said:

What do you mean 'if'?

If you display such a lack of critical thinking you are beyond hope. There has never been any doubt that this was a fake amongst anybody but the most delusional of conspiracy theorists.

Ray Santilli, the guy that hawked this film, approached various newspapers with it for an exclusive (cash upfront of course) but when they checked out his name, he'd also offered information about the location of 'The Holy Grail', and a few other 'mysteries'. He was obviously intending to make some cash by hawking shite to the gullible, and has made money twice off this effort, once for the original film release, and secondly for the dramatisation of the scam. Except of course he throws the delusional tinfoil hat brigade a bone by implying it was a remake, as Stryder mentions. Allegedly, the 'original' footage caught fire in the projector while they were watching it, and somehow, he didn't manage to save one single frame. Hmmmmmm.

Oh, and on greys, 'grey' is understood to be the little Steven Spielberg inspired aliens that visit earth and anally probe people. So 'no' is a perfectly valid answer, as Ophiolite points out. Yes, some little grey men that fit the bill might exist somewhere in the Universe, but whether they come here and butt rape people is a different question. Well, 'No' is the answer to that question.
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phlogistician said:
Oh, and on greys, 'grey' is understood to be the little Steven Spielberg inspired aliens that visit earth and anally probe people.
but the greys aren't extraterrestrials from outer space, they're psychoterrestrials from inner space.
I must say, In all the years I've lived, I've never seen an alien from outerspace, but I have seen many humans who have values and goals which are alien to the way of life of the common man, so in a way, I have seen many aliens, but they are the corporate aliens which infest our world, the corporate aliens who indeed have secret technology(which I have seen), but they are no more alien in species than you or I, they just have alien values, remember that.
i think i might have see na UFO over the summer.

I was laying on the dock of a lake up at boy scout camp looknig at the stars, and there was a very bright whitish blue light so i stared at it, and i have come to 3 conculssions of what it was

My eyes were palying tricks on me ( very likkly)

A star went supernova hit a planet and the planet has no idea wha tthe fuck its doig or where to go (very unliklly)

and lastly it was a UFO inprobable and probably unliklly as well, but thats hwta i saw. who knows, i want ot belive that aliens are out there, i dotn want to think we are trully alone.

One day one alien species will amke contact with nother alien species i hope
riku_124 said:
i think i might have see na UFO over the summer.

I was laying on the dock of a lake up at boy scout camp looknig at the stars, and there was a very bright whitish blue light so i stared at it,

And what did it do ?

Did it just sit there, in the sky? Move? Zig Zag? Land? Change colour? Make a noise?

Because the 'F' part of UFO is Flying , so unless this thing moved in anything other than a parabolic/ballistic type arc, it does not qualify as Flying and therefore was not a 'UFO', got that? Static lights in the sky are not UFOs. Shooting stars are not UFOs. If you want to tell us you have seen a UFO, you actually have to describe what you have seen, including it's motion, don't be vague.