Are ethics real or are there just winners and losers?

perlexity, so?
If they come at you with stupid ideas, let them suffer a little for it. Give at them what they give to you. Maybe they'll see themself in the mirror. Or then they'll just suffer, but they really had it coming with that kind of an attitude. I mean, the world doesn't pull any punches either. What was coming at them would've come sooner or later. And the next time might be something they really care about.

You gotta follow the rules of cause and effect, unless you have a better idea.
Ogmios said:
Yes, it is!

The real trick is understanding how some means of survival threathen your future survival. As for ethics, they are the means by which the winners survived (and maybe won, too). The ones who thought diffrently are no longer here to contest about it :)

Only way to know is to find out. And you can't find out without living long enough to find out. And sure, you can do that. Nothing's stopping you. But threathen my existence and know you threathen your own.

Ethics are just a notebook on successful methods. They might seem stupid, but then again, they have mostly been written by people who have more experince than you (ie. they lived longer). Good action is a good action, action done well. A well done job won't come back to haunt you. Likewise, a good action does not require you to later fix things, or contribute more energy than already contributed. The "good guys" keep their slates clean so when shit hits the fan, they don't have to worry about extra suprises backstabbing them. They can FOCUS on the subject at hand. They also only use necessary energy and do not need to constantly fix and change what they've done. They plan so that every action benefits them and that not one ounce of energy they spend is wasted. Possibly even planning it so that what they've already done will suffice for them to win (by, for example, using energy to learn how to properly respond to all situations, instead of thinking every occurance as a separate event).

lol thats just my opinions.

They are eager to teach you! They want to improve you! They might also be stupid, but they might also be right. That is to say, two men war in order to agree or determine who is right. If you view an attack only as an intention to hurt, you'll only be hurt.

I know plenty about ethics, I'm majoring in bioethics, and I was raised ethical.

Ethics are about the future, the question is, why is it that only some of us care about the future?
Ogmios said:
perlexity, so?
If they come at you with stupid ideas, let them suffer a little for it. Give at them what they give to you. Maybe they'll see themself in the mirror. Or then they'll just suffer, but they really had it coming with that kind of an attitude. I mean, the world doesn't pull any punches either. What was coming at them would've come sooner or later. And the next time might be something they really care about.

You gotta follow the rules of cause and effect, unless you have a better idea.

I think Hobbes described a world without ethics at all. Ethics are not a universal trait, as it is quite obvious that some of us have ethics and some don't.

Compassion is not really valued much, because it is considered a feminine or weak emotion. Then you have concepts like race, which further reduce the value of ethics, and class, and many other dividers. The end result is that the ruthless rise to the top in a ruthless hateful environment. Thomas Hobbes make it perfectly clear if you read his books.
TimeTraveler said:
Ethics are not a universal trait, as it is quite obvious that some of us have ethics and some don't.

Hmm, I'm going to have to disagree with that statement. Even the most vicious, hardened criminals and psychopaths and sociopaths have some form of ethics. Perhaps not ethics that you'd agree with, but ethics nonetheless.

I'd also say that it's impossible for a group of more than one human to even exist without some form of ethics ...if it's only "Do not Steal", it's ethics. Ethics is a simple (or complex) system or understanding that allows two or more people to co-exist. Even roommates in a college dorm form their own system of ethics.

Baron Max
perplexity said:
Some perhaps, but most of us think of a sociopath as somebody short of ethics by definition.

So what's that mean? We now measure ethics by the foot or the yard? "Hey, I gots more ethics than you, dammit! Wanna measure? Then pull out yer' ethics and we'll measure 'em!" ....LOL!

And I'm sorry, but your statement about "intellect over emotions" went right over my head! Surely you don't mean that animals don't have ethics, do you? I mean, how could pack animals even exist without their own form of "right n' wrong" within the pack? That's ethics! But your statement is quite confusing and, I might add, can be twisted into most anything I want, can't it?

Baron Max
perplexity said:
"lack" implies a measure; I did not invent the notion.

Yeah, but you repeated it as if it actually means something .....which it doesn't! And you can't explain it without just repeating the same ideals using a few different words. That ain't good enough.

"I have a longer ethic than you do!" ....LOL!

I keep wondering just who is doing all this measuring ......and, frankly, I think you should also wonder instead of just repeating the words.

And, Ron, that's one of the problems with discussing ethics. Who, what, where, when, how,.....? One isolated group could have totally different ethics than another isolated group, they might both feel that their system is the best, yet both groups function perfectly well within their environment. Which one is correct? Why? And according to whom?

Baron Max
perplexity said:
LACK .....deficiency or absence of something needed, desirable, or customary:

Who makes that determination? How do they measure it?

Ron, you're doing nothing in the way of checking yourself and your thoughts. You could ask yourself exactly those same questions, yet you don't. Why? Are you so willing to accept those definitions/words without giving them any thought?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hmm, I'm going to have to disagree with that statement. Even the most vicious, hardened criminals and psychopaths and sociopaths have some form of ethics. Perhaps not ethics that you'd agree with, but ethics nonetheless.

I'd also say that it's impossible for a group of more than one human to even exist without some form of ethics ...if it's only "Do not Steal", it's ethics. Ethics is a simple (or complex) system or understanding that allows two or more people to co-exist. Even roommates in a college dorm form their own system of ethics.

Baron Max

I'm not so sure. If a person does not care about themselves or their species, sure they might have some sorta ethics, but it's not the rational sort of ethics that you can make sense of. Aren't ethics based on rationality? The most rational behavior is the behavior which aids in the survival of the individual and the species.
Baron Max said:
Hmm, I'm going to have to disagree with that statement. Even the most vicious, hardened criminals and psychopaths and sociopaths have some form of ethics. Perhaps not ethics that you'd agree with, but ethics nonetheless.

I'd also say that it's impossible for a group of more than one human to even exist without some form of ethics ...if it's only "Do not Steal", it's ethics. Ethics is a simple (or complex) system or understanding that allows two or more people to co-exist. Even roommates in a college dorm form their own system of ethics.

Baron Max

You are correct it is impossible for a group of humans to exist without ethics.

Now you see why humans can't exist, we aren't the most ethical species.

Ethics are vital to the continued existance of our species, without ethics, humans will slaughter each other out of existance. It took the invention of the bible and religion to scare humans into being ethical (you sin and you burn in hell for eternity). Ethics for perhaps most humans, is not a natural trait, and it's more that a lot of humans simply do what they are told to do because they fear what would happen if they don't do it. That is not ethics, that is obedience.

Ethical ability, is the ability to calculate cause and effect, and to find out what not only is in your best interest as a singular entity, but also what is in your best interest as a group entity. Each one of us exists both as a singular cell entity, and as a group entity. The most ethical among us are masters of the calculus of logical decision making, based on cause and effect, based on game theory, and in some cases experience and wisdom. Culture has little to do with innate or natural ethical ability just as culture cannot make someone a math genius, or a writing genius. Ethics are like physics, if you get it wrong, you'll damage your future self, you'll damage your future environment, you'll damage your reality, so if you want a certain reality, and a certain life, you have to live in a way which allows you to function in the wheel of life.

Sociopaths or Psychopaths, have manners, polished manners, cultural based rules, but they cannot feel right and wrong, so this is similar to how you can learn calculus and not remember any of it a year later because you aren't good at that math stuff. Some people are not good at making ethical decisions, or at predicting the results of their decisions, or understanding cause and effect. Some people are good at it and deliberately try to damage themselves, and these people are not psychopaths or sociopaths, but simply people who live in apathy and self hatred.

It's complicated, too complicated for someone like me to describe, but if you look at the writing of Hobbes, you'll understand that ethical ability is not universal, it's not even normal, it's a rare ability, very much like math ability is rare, or musical ability is rare, or writing.

Most people, only care about winning. Macheiveli wrote in the prince the perspective that many winners have. Perhaps not all of us, or even the majority of us, function in a win at any cost sorta way, but I'm sure each of you have met this sort of competitive individual, who will do anything to win.

What I'm saying is, if you'll do anything to win, you'll be more likely to win. It's not a mystery, if you are willing to do anything for a million dollars, you'll have a million dollars,as most people make a decision that there is something they'll refuse to do, due to ethical concerns, or just their conscience.
TimeTraveler, I think ye're beginning to catch on. Think about it some more, study it some more, think about it and observe humans in action, and think about it some more. Humans must be forced to adhere to anything like ethics, and those ethical standards must be formed by a committee or a group of elder leaders, etc. Humans simply can't control their own wild and vicious emotions.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
...and those ethical standards must be formed by a committee or a group of elder leaders, etc. Humans simply can't control their own wild and vicious emotions.

Including the wild and vicious emotions of the committee or a group of elder leaders?
Nickelodeon said:
Including the wild and vicious emotions of the committee or a group of elder leaders?

It's admittedly a problem. But as you can see from history, it seems to work out for some unknown reason! But then again, you might also say that it hasn't worked out ....because has there ever been a powerful regime in the past that hasn't had major problems?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
TimeTraveler, I think ye're beginning to catch on. Think about it some more, study it some more, think about it and observe humans in action, and think about it some more. Humans must be forced to adhere to anything like ethics, and those ethical standards must be formed by a committee or a group of elder leaders, etc. Humans simply can't control their own wild and vicious emotions.

Baron Max

That's just it. Stoics can control their emotions, and I guess I'm the stoic type of human. I think you are right that ethics usually are created by groups of people, I don't know if they have to be elders. That's just how things are I guess.

Emotions are the problem,as they make people delusional, but they also make people more ethical, for example compassion is an emotion which can make a person more ethical.
Ethics are vital to the continued existance of our species, without ethics, humans will slaughter each other out of existance.

WHY would they? I mean... Why WOULD they? I sure hate some people but I wouldn't go around KILLING them. It would be a waste of my time.

Humans simply can't control their own wild and vicious emotions.

WTF! WHAT visious emotions!? Do we all have the instictual need to SLAUGHTER EVERYONE AROUND US?!
perplexity said:
Yes, that is exactly how I think of it.

In the long run they've all got what is coming to them so it may well be kindest to be cruel enough to speed up the process,
especially with some who put it off for a long time already.

The doing, the actual feel of it is then another matter.

Never underestimate the resentment of authentic pity.

Pride goes before the fall.

--- Ron.

So you're just abandoning them to their fate? That's exactly my point. Compassion is supposed to be a virtue, so you have to smack them a little. THAT's the reason we have Anger, it's an instictual correctional mechanism.

And you seem to resent anger, and bury it somewhere. THAT's what I hate.

So yeah, pity is the strongest kinda pain. But you're just being wimpy about it.
TimeTraveler said:
Emotions are the problem, as they make people delusional, but they also make people more ethical, for example compassion is an emotion which can make a person more ethical.

Hmm, I don't think so ...even if compassion "seems" like a good example. I think emotions are the last thing that one should use in determining the ethics for a group of people (or even an individual). The more emotions are involved in decision-making, the less likely any compromise will be found ...and compromises are mostly what any group of people MUST do in order to co-exist.

Baron Max
Ogmios said:
WHY would they? I mean... Why WOULD they? I sure hate some people but I wouldn't go around KILLING them. It would be a waste of my time.

Well, ye're speaking from only your own ideals ....without considering the differences of others around you. Many people will lie and steal without giving it much thought ...even if they don't murder and rape. But even so, as you're quite well aware, there ARE people who DO murder and rape. So how does one stop them without a system of ethics and the power to control it?

Ogmios said:
WTF! WHAT visious emotions!? Do we all have the instictual need to SLAUGHTER EVERYONE AROUND US?!

It's not something that we walk around displaying at every moment. But humans are very emotional, and when someone does something to us, we get angry. And some people get angry enough to kill. Again, ye're seeing things from your own emotional viewpoint .....think about others like, say, Genghis Khan or Hitler or Saddam or Osama or ....? See?

I would also have you take note of your own highly emotional outburst in your post. You think that isn't expessing a lot of emotion and anger? How do you think others might react to that outburst? and you imply that ye're a nice guy??????

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hmm, I don't think so ...even if compassion "seems" like a good example. I think emotions are the last thing that one should use in determining the ethics for a group of people (or even an individual). The more emotions are involved in decision-making, the less likely any compromise will be found ...and compromises are mostly what any group of people MUST do in order to co-exist.

Baron Max

The reason I say compassion as an emotion may help with ethics is because if you can feel right from wrong, it actually aids you in your calculation ability. I'm not saying that you can rely simply on emotion to decide right from wrong.

If you feel like killing your neighbor is wrong, this means you have internalized ethics, but you still need to have the ability to logically figure out why it's wrong. You need to be able to feel it, and rationalize it. It's irrational to kill your neighbor who could help you out later on, or save your life someday. It's irrational to kill out of anger or any emotion.

Actions such as killing, are only rational when you are put in a them or you situation, from which you must choose who stays and who goes. In the situation where you must choose who lives and who dies, this is when it's rational to kill. Emotion, despite what anyone says, does influence a persons ability to kill, and helps them decide who to kill.

You'd kill to protect your family, because you love your family, and you'll kill anyone to protect them, this is fear and love expressed here. It's rational as well because people need their families, and family is irreplaceable to any individual.

Baron since we seem to agree at least on the need for ethics, what we need to do is further develop the science and logic of ethics. What we need are ethical scientists, people who can calculate right from wrong based on the amount of harm a person is doing, and perhaps make a job out of it. Perhaps we could make ethical consulting or ethical advisor a job, and have business professionals and people who want to do the right thing, but can't figure out what that is, come to those who specialize in ethics.

We would then be able to take a computer, and crunch numbers to figure out what ethical living actually is. I don't mean just being ethical towards humans, I mean how we treat the planets, other animals, and everything around us. Each person could have an index or level, and be encouraged to learn damage control if they are naturally destructive. If they are naturally ethical then perhaps they should learn to apply it better.

Sadly, ethics are almost completely ignored in school, in college, at the workplace, etc.
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TimeTraveler said:
...what we need to do is further develop the science and logic of ethics. What we need are ethical scientists, people who can calculate right from wrong based on the amount of harm a person is doing, and perhaps make a job out of it.

We already have such people! They're called lawyers and politicians, teachers and preachers, city councilmen and mayors, voters and candidates, among many others.

TT, please try to understand ......ethics is the invention, INVENTION, of society's as simple as that. It's not science, it's based somewhat loosely on emotions, as well as our basic upbringing and social learning.

You're trying to make ethics into a universally accepted science, and that just ain't gonna' work. There are just too many different people with too many different opinions about each and every thing in their lives! One code is not, repeat, NOT, going to work for each and every society.

Hell, TT, just get five or seven of your friends together and see how difficult it is to agree upon something as simple as what to order on the pizza! That alone should give you some idea about how difficult it is to get people to agree ....much less on something so important to society as ....ethics!

TimeTraveler said:
Sadly, ethics are almost completely ignored in school, in college, at the workplace, etc.

That's because they're smart enough to know that it would be nothing but a long, emotional, maybe even violent, and neverending argument! All to teach nothing about ethics.

Baron Max
Perplexity said:
It is usually me who is abandoned, along with and because of my correctional mechanism, criticism eschewed, truth not allowed.
I don't know what it is, but from your last couple of posts, I hate you.