Are Christians nihilists?

I believe I asked you a question.. :bugeye:
I thought it was obvious.

In short, if you think you can talk specifically of the location of perception you are referencing something other than empiricism .... what to speak of the chemical make up of a particular perception

... but that said, feel free to point to your "I".
I thought it was obvious.

In short, if you think you can talk specifically of the location of perception you are referencing something other than empiricism .... what to speak of the chemical make up of a particular perception

... but that said, feel free to point to your "I".

So you refuse to answer ? Figures..
Well you can try and point to your "I" but its certainly rings closer to a claim of belief than empircism .... what to speak of elaborating on the fundamental chemical basis of perception.

It's pretty mainstream science though.
It's pretty mainstream science though.
issues of the conceived self (ie the expression of selfhood) begin to make their entrance into mainstream science

issues of the self as context (ie the ultimate substance of selfhood) are on par with abiogenesis however (IOW nice idea but not an evidenced claim)
issues of the conceived self (ie the expression of selfhood) begin to make their entrance into mainstream science

issues of the self as context (ie the ultimate substance of selfhood) are on par with abiogenesis however (IOW nice idea but not an evidenced claim)

Oh I thought we were talking about perception. My bad.
more specifically you were talking about where it is located


I'm guessing you disagree with perception happing in the brain then ?
Take sight for example. Light enters the eyes, triggers photosensitive cells to produce neurotransmitters that, in turn, cause an action potential. The action potentials arrive at the visual cortex and get translated into images.
You with me so far ?
I'm guessing you disagree with perception happing in the brain then ?
I disagree that perception can be evidenced as a materially reduced phenomena

Take sight for example. Light enters the eyes, triggers photosensitive cells to produce neurotransmitters that, in turn, cause an action potential. The action potentials arrive at the visual cortex and get translated into images.
You with me so far ?
Even a camera can work in a similar way.
Does that mean a camera has perception?

If so, what do you think of the racist perceptions of this camera?


I wasn't finished.
So you agree that the data arrives at the brain via the senses.
You will also agree that the available data is compared with memory etc and presented to the consciousness.
You have a point if you say that we don't know exactly where the consciousness resides within the brain. But why would anyone assume otherwise given our knowledge of the workings of the brain regarding perception ?
It would be an extraordinary claim to say that consciousness does not reside within the brain.

I'm off to bed now :zzz:
I wasn't finished.
So you agree that the data arrives at the brain via the senses.
You will also agree that the available data is compared with memory etc and presented to the consciousness.
You have a point if you say that we don't know exactly where the consciousness resides within the brain. But why would anyone assume otherwise given our knowledge of the workings of the brain regarding perception ?
I guess it has something to do with the absolute, 100% complete absence of
anyone ever examining life as having came from anything else other than something else that is alive.

It would be an extraordinary claim to say that consciousness does not reside within the brain.
On the contrary, simply because an element is utilized by an object does not mean it is sourced there.

There are millions of examples.

For instance electricity is not sourced in a lamp.
Water is not sourced from a tap.
etc etc

(even though you can regulate the flow of water/light/etc from such a vessel.)
On the contrary, simply because an element is utilized by an object does not mean it is sourced there.

There are millions of examples.

Yes, it seems so, more examples:

Google Anencephaly (the images can be quite gory, so I didn't live-link them). Some of these beings have nothing but the brain stem. Yet it is undeniable that there is an expression on their faces, and an intelligible one.

I once witnessed a chicken being slaughtered, his head was cut off. But he still ran around without the head for a while before he fell to the ground.

It is hard to say that anencephalic children and headless chicken prove anything about the brain being the seat of consciousness or selfhood. After all, robots can also be said to have intelligble expressions on their faces, and they can move.

Yet I find the expressions on the faces of those children very interesting, despite the official:

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) describes the presentation of this condition as follows:

A baby born with anencephaly is usually blind, deaf, unconscious, and unable to feel pain. Although some individuals with anencephaly may be born with a main brain stem, the lack of a functioning cerebrum permanently rules out the possibility of ever gaining consciousness. Reflex actions such as breathing and responses to sound or touch may occur. [2]
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I guess it has something to do with the absolute, 100% complete absence of
anyone ever examining life as having came from anything else other than something else that is alive.
What does that have to do with anything ?
But, if you want to pursue this, I have a few questions for you.

On the contrary, simply because an element is utilized by an object does not mean it is sourced there.
Then where would it be sourced ? What would be the explanation with the least amount of additional assumptions ?
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