Are atheists pagans?

theres a difference........................................ do you just post things for the hell of it sometimes? what do you think the word pagan means?

Pagan means (according to The New World Dictionary) "a person who has no religion". Well, that's an atheists - is it not?
pa·gan /ˈpeɪgən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pey-guhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
3. an irreligious or hedonistic person.
4. pertaining to the worship or worshipers of any religion that is neither Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim.
5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of pagans.
6. irreligious or hedonistic.

So pagan is not as precise a definition as athiest
If so, why don't you call yourself pagans?

Pagan originally meant "country dweller".

Pagans worhsip a variety of various Gods/Goddesses and belief systems(wicca,hellenism,celtic pantheons,etc) and normally recognize the great pantheon of Gods out there. For personal reasons or whatever they may embrace one particular God or Goddess over another.

How does atheist (non belief in God(any God)) equate to this??
Isn't calling yourselves "atheists" really a new age label for paganism? Aren't atheists really just trying to run away from the negative perception on pagans - instead of embracing their ancient heritage?
Man you certainly like reaching.

Let it be said for the record that you can call me anything you like. It wont mean what you call me is accurate, but it does mean that I really have no care what name or label you want to apply.

As for your last question:

"Aren't atheists really just trying to run away from the negative perception on pagans"

I can't personally see anything negative about the word. It isn't an accurate label for atheists but I see no reason for anyone to need run away from it.
I have never thought of athiests as pagans.

A pagan is a hindu or a wiccan or a nature worshipper. A pagan is someone who worships something other than the God of Abraham. A Pagan always has a religion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Isn't calling yourselves "atheists" really a new age label for paganism? Aren't atheists really just trying to run away from the negative perception on pagans - instead of embracing their ancient heritage?

No pagan is most commonly associated with polytheistic religious belief so it doesn't provide as exact a description as atheist does.
Well, theists includes all sorts of religions, and yet we group them together? Why not pagans? This is a double standard!
There is a pagan festival here every spring. Those people are seriously weird. It seems like those idiots embrace everything from wicca to goth to druids and have no idea why.
I think it has to do with guilt free sex. ;)
O.K. I think "pagan" has negative connotations. Maybe I'm wrong. What do the rest of you think?

It was given a negative image by "crafty" men who were trying to push their own agenda and image of God upon their people. ;)