Are angels natural or supernatural?

So it's either angels are the same physiology as men, or you're not interested in the discussion. :rolleyes:
I don't recall making anything up about the descriptions of angels, and, we're not discussing religion.

They aren't any kind of life form. They are words in a book.
Do angels sleep in a bed or on a perch?
Do angels have feet like a bird to help landings, are they able to wear shoes?
Can angels hide their wings if say they go to the shops?
Do angels lose their feathers each year and replace them with new feathers.
Are their features all white or do they have markings say to show their rank.
How far can angels fly? Could an Angel fly to the Moon?
Do angels marry and have children?
Can angels be gay?
Did the angel who took Joe Smith to the location of the gold bible fly in front of him, walk with him or did they go by horse and cart together.

Not quite....but I've heard and seen an Angel sing! ;)

That Groovy's a lucky fella! :D
sorry :( Just gave myself an uppercut.
It took a long time for the penny to drop for me but I finally got it ...but don't beat yourself up any humour has to be good for this thread.
Angels are either spirits of good, just men made perfect, or resurrected men with immortal perfect bodies. Or they may be mortals sent on errands from the Lord (I'm not sure about the latter). They do not have wings. They have immense power and authority from God. Some familiar angels are Michael the archangel (Adam), Gabriel (Noah), Moroni and Nephi. All of us used to be angels living with God in the "Pre-existence." Satan was once an angel in authority before he rebelled against God and became the devil.
So it's either angels are the same physiology as men, or you're not interested in the discussion. :rolleyes:

I'm surprised spidergoat lasted this long

Even more supprised I'm in the post.

But my negotiations with Donald Trump to buy his jet when he upgrades to Air Force One are quiet hence I have a bit of spare time.

Angels are nothing like men. I think you're confused because they appear as men.
Remember where you started. You said angels are subject to natural laws. Are you back-tracking on that now, to say that angels fly using magic?
Angels behave sort of like dark matter and dark energy. We can't see either in the lab to prove their real. However, we infer all of them from affect. Physics also has made provisions for theorized, yet unseen places, like alternate universes, multi-dimensions and even something from nothing. It is not clear whether these physics theories were spawned from classical thinking, or whether classical thinking has found a place in science, as science gets more and more advanced. Science can't just say angels, since this is taboo in the atheist religion, and may result in a witch hunt and witch burning. But science can set the stage and wait for the actors.
I have always understood angels to be hypothesised beings, described in Jewish and Christian scripture, consisting only of spirit and thus not material creatures in any way. It seems obvious this is a supernatural concept.

Supernatural means NOT natural, by definition.
Angels are nothing like men. I think you're confused because they appear as men.


Then find me an angelic corpse, and we will have ourselves an autopsy.
Or do you presuppose that they do not have physical bodies...?
James said:
Remember where you started. You said angels are subject to natural laws. Are youback-tracking on that now, tosay that angels fly using magic?

Actually I asked why they wouldn't be subjected to natural law.

Do you know any creatures that use 'magic' to fly?

If you can't get past existence, then say so, so we don't waste each others time.

Then find me an angelic corpse, and we will have ourselves an autopsy.
Or do you presuppose that they do not have physical bodies...?

So if angels do exist, they can't have physical bodies? Is that what you're proposing?

Jan, give an example of something that you do consider to be supernatural. Or is no concept supernatural in your view?

Angels are supernatural because there is no evidence for them, they aren't tangible, no one has seen them, there is no indirect evidence for them, they are not of this world, etc.
Angel.JPG Here is a natural angel? . . . . appears as visible when the light angle is just right . . . ps/a real image - NOT Photoshopped! (see next post)
What is left when a pigeon hits a window and the window is too resistant to break! . . . . guess the image could be '"angel dust'? Perhaps someone will post this on the WWW as a 'real' angel!! (HAHA!)