SAM, firstly, you use "still" as if you know what was happening in nomadic arabia.Eastern people still routinely murder their female children.
Second, are you suggesting that female infanticide is routinely carried out by most of society in the East. Place give a source, because I'm sure it's not routine.
Thirdly, suppose it is routine, does this justify the British going in a destroying all Temples in the East, eradicating their culture and replacing it with Superior British culture?
Fourthly, some Arab people practice honor killing, if the WHOLE impetuous was to "protect females" one would think that Islam would make it absolutely clear that "protecting females" is "THE" central theme - something the God-head wants you to know so bad it was willing to murder other sentient life forms (aka Humans) to make the point. But that's certainly not the case or we wouldn't have Honor Killings. The central theme is Mohammad is "The" last prophet - this point is driven home to where almost ALL (not all but most) agree. Which ironically (or coincidentally) just so happens to reflect a the typical structure of a cult of personality.
That aside, as Honor Killing is occurring in the ME does this then justify the British going in there and destroying the ME culture and replacing it with Xiantiy? Smashing all of the Mosques and making them Xian places of worship?
Well SAM? Or is this another case of it's OK when Mohammad does it but ooo hooo hooo not when British do it.
Lastly, Roman's did not routinely murder their children. If anything they gave big tax incentives to produce more children and women were given almost equal status as men if they could have 3 or so. So, lets not paint a bull crap picture here.
Your story is so convoluted because you sound like a Slave owner trying to justify White Man's burden - sorry babe, it aint gonna fly in this day and age.