Anyone notice that the bible doesn't make a lick of sence?

Common meme on the forum: why won't you believe as I do?

Well Geoff I think you had it right from the begining.

I did not mean for my public quandary into my belief structure, to spin off into such a bone of contention with some folks here. But all in all after reading each and every post (missed a few of lori's because they seamed crazy off the get go ;-)) just razzing you lori. But I have drawn a clear conclusion to the matter that I believe all parties involved will accept. The bible as we understand it today, Whether you or atheist, agnostic, or had a past life as some girl from the bible or something like that. The underlining messages of the bible deliver a decent way for someone to live a life. Do onto others as you would have them do unto you, do not cast the first stone. and all the other millions of "golden rules" you could pull out are really good ways in which you could live and get along with everyone else around you. I mean if you want to live meekly. If not then drink till your pants fall off and have all the unprotected sex you want. As much as the bible delivers a good message message to live your life and be respectful. For me the chance that there is nothing after my heart stops is enough to not let me waste time in prayer. But to go out and be proactive in my life. Go throw ball with your friends; not pray you will make it to the field.

after all as huckleberry fin put it. "I was dead for millions and millions of years before I was alive and it didn't bother me at all"
Well Geoff I think you had it right from the begining.

I must bow to your clearly well-developed powers of perception and discrimination.

I did not mean for my public quandary into my belief structure, to spin off into such a bone of contention with some folks here. But all in all after reading each and every post (missed a few of lori's because they seamed crazy off the get go ;-)) just razzing you lori. But I have drawn a clear conclusion to the matter that I believe all parties involved will accept.

I would certainly accept it: empirically sensible or not, the Bible does possess altruistic properties we would do well to consider, whether as Christians or within our own distinct religious spheres under whatever name such concepts are there represented.

Much of the bitching about religion on here does dissemble to why people won't follow in line with the author's clearly and logically-arrived-at preconceptions. This would be fine, if every author were sufficiently Solomonic (Solomonesque?); regrettably, it is only I that is so well-balanced as to seem nearly divinely inspired. It is a curse, yes.