Anyone notice that the bible doesn't make a lick of sence?

that depends on who you are. for instance, god told me that i was the chosen lady in 2 john. read this...

the only thing vague about it is that i don't have a crystal ball. but god wasn't being vague when i heard it. it was meaningful and extraordinary, and certainly no coincidence. i think i'm perfect for the job. though at first, the idea almost made my head explode. it was impactive.
It is your name . Your birth rite . Rock on . If the world could only hear the song . They will the song is getting loud now and louder by the day
So, are non-Christians forbidden from entering your house?

no. no person is forbidden to enter my home as it stands currently. i'm actually a very welcoming person.

i take that scripture to refer to my vessel, my temple, or what belongs to the church, which is i, and it's different from a structure, or environment, or community i live in.
no. no person is forbidden to enter my home as it stands currently. i'm actually a very welcoming person.

i take that scripture to refer to my vessel, my temple, or what belongs to the church, which is i, and it's different from a structure, or environment, or community i live in.

Right on Girl . The new Wine in the new bottle. Yeah that is what I talk about . The Great house. The new Temple not made with human hands is almost complete. You ! You! YOu1 Your new name You . and out of the middle came a lady. She put something in my ear something Crazy . Spill the wine dig that girl, Spill the wine dig that girl.
no. no person is forbidden to enter my home as it stands currently. i'm actually a very welcoming person.

i take that scripture to refer to my vessel, my temple, or what belongs to the church, which is i, and it's different from a structure, or environment, or community i live in.

It says "house" and it says not to. Why would a non-Christian want to go to church?
You don't have to spidy . She is offering you to come into her House. It is her gift to you . You can stay out side of her love if you want . I am talking for you Lori , I mean You. Correct Me if I am off base
Right on Girl . The new Wine in the new bottle. Yeah that is what I talk about . The Great house. The new Temple not made with human hands is almost complete. You ! You! YOu1 Your new name You . and out of the middle came a lady. She put something in my ear something Crazy . Spill the wine dig that girl, Spill the wine dig that girl.

you're funny; i like you.

"spill the wine dig that girl" is so metaphorically laden with death. :eek:
You don't have to spidy . She is offering you to come into her House. It is her gift to you . You can stay out side of her love if you want . I am talking for you Lori , I mean You. Correct Me if I am off base

oh no, spidey's my boy for sure. :D
It didn't say 'Lori' in there.

Yeah it did. You just haven't realized the full implications of how language morphed . I know you know a lot about language and the jump to seeing this is right at your fingers . You are sitting on top of it like an elephant . Your skills are beyond mine in this respect and your knowledge of history is grand too. The linkage of event streams is all that is left to consider. Things like how the Stono rebellion led to the Negro act of ? can't remember the date and how that made it so a white slave owner could kill there slave after that. In fact before that most slaves where indentured servants. Big difference , but after the Stono rebellion perception changed. It is over reactive world and it still suffers from over reaction. The point is morph-age of language by slag of the generations becoming proper and except-able. Yet it carries old connotations with it as the change occurs. As a group we decide what is except-able and what is not by usage. Did you hear Viral as pertaining to the internet is trying to be band by a satellite group of college kids . Yeah man . I just started using it. Now that would be a tragedy. Over usage I suspect . That is my name don't wear it out
No 'wicked' may enter Lori's house, but that might not count in-laws, kids, or Jehovah Witnesses getting a foot inside.

I'm sure she'd let SciWriter, Spidergoat, and Me-Ki-Gal in.
It says "house" and it says not to. Why would a non-Christian want to go to church?

Well, speaking from experience, I went to church as a Christian and a non-Christian. I went as a non-Christian for a variety of reasons. The reason I think you are looking for though is to question and to learn by gathering the experiences of others to see if there is any correlation or validation in the testimonies. I quit going as a non-Christian because I couldn't stand hearing the praise music first. Then, I quit going to Sunday School because the teacher made the assumption that everyone in class had faith. It really wouldn't have been so bad if the teacher had not made that assumption when he taught. It was annoying, so I quit going altogether and took a seat on my position. I creeped away from my completely agnostic position.

Suffice it to say, I wouldn't recommend a non-Christian go to church unless they were looking for a reason to have faith.

Anyone who is looking: I've got plenty of reasons to quit looking.
Well, speaking from experience, I went to church as a Christian and a non-Christian.
? how does that work?

The reason I think you are looking for though is to question and to learn by gathering the experiences of others to see if there is any correlation or validation in the testimonies.
Then, I quit going to Sunday School because the teacher made the assumption that everyone in class had faith.
um you expected them to teach to atheist? why would atheist attend church? the assumption is if you go to church, you this kinda strikes me as 'DUH!'

I quit going as a non-Christian because I couldn't stand hearing the praise music first.
again ??
my church does bible study in the morning then when that is done we go upstairs and do the worship songs (christian rock) then after the pastor gives his message then we go home.(worship and message is main part of services)

why is it such a block to have music first?
would you consider an electric guitar or a drum set a block?
what about a pastor who does his message in burmuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt?

Suffice it to say, I wouldn't recommend a non-Christian go to church unless they were looking for a reason to have faith
i submit you were already set to dismiss that church before you even attended.

Anyone who is looking: I've got plenty of reasons to quit looking.
this is why i made the above comment.
you had already found reasons to quit before you even joined..

but seriously..
finding the 'right' church is a process,i can pretty much guarantee you will not find god in just any random church. the right church must be searched for.

i define the 'right' church as one whos beliefs line up with your own..
(not necessarily about god) IE; i believe to be educational the ppl in the church MUST NOT get offended very easily, this is the FIRST thing i look for when searching for a new church, if you find that church where the ppl are quick to get offended, RUN as fast as you can away from it. being offended is a very selfish state of being and to be focused on how one feels means they are NOT focused on God.
? how does that work?
Different instances of time, silly.

um you expected them to teach to atheist? why would atheist attend church? the assumption is if you go to church, you this kinda strikes me as 'DUH!'
Think about it.

Now, let me give a few details:
I was at one point in time a closet atheist. At that point in time, I professed my faith, but it was a lie because I wasn't sure what I believed. I had faith due to indoctrination and brainwashing. It was the only life I ever knew.

Another point in time I was an agnostic atheist. I went, as I said before, to compile other people's experiences to see if there was something I could draw on to arrive at the truth.

why is it such a block to have music first?
would you consider an electric guitar or a drum set a block?
what about a pastor who does his message in burmuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt?
What I meant is I first stopped going to church, but maintained bible study. The words was the block. I didn't believe them, I couldn't say them, and I couldn't stomach hearing them because I knew without a doubt that there were some people there who were using Christianity as a bandaid and continued to sin knowingly. There is a vast variety of attitudes people have. There are some people who bear no resemblance to any sort of Christian, but they say "I believe in God and I am a Christian." Casting Crowns sings quite a few songs of people like this and how the Christians need to not forget them. You should check them out if you like "Christian" music (ie music with a Christian message).

i submit you were already set to dismiss that church before you even attended.
Do you really think people are that simple?

In response, no. I am to this day not against attending any church, provided the belief in God was not assumed to already exist in its members. I would be glad to have a forum there to share experiences. By assuming that everyone who attends church believes is segregation. Anyone who does not believe will not be so welcome.
this is why i made the above comment.
you had already found reasons to quit before you even joined..

but seriously..
finding the 'right' church is a process,i can pretty much guarantee you will not find god in just any random church. the right church must be searched for.
No, the reasons came after leaving. I didn't realize them, until I started living without God. They didn't make sense to me as a believer.

The realization of the real meaning of life comes after the faith fades and the belief in God is but a memory of a life long past. It makes no sense as a believer, so it cannot even be realized, much less assimilated.
Now, let me give a few details:
I was at one point in time a closet atheist. At that point in time, I professed my faith, but it was a lie because I wasn't sure what I believed. I had faith due to indoctrination and brainwashing. It was the only life I ever knew.
so my argument still stands as you had told them you believed..
if you had communicated your disbelief with a desire to know more, how would that have influenced how they taught?

What I meant is I first stopped going to church, but maintained bible study. The words was the block. I didn't believe them, I couldn't say them, and I couldn't stomach hearing them because I knew without a doubt that there were some people there who were using Christianity as a bandaid and continued to sin knowingly. There is a vast variety of attitudes people have. There are some people who bear no resemblance to any sort of Christian, but they say "I believe in God and I am a Christian."
do you realize you have just put yourself in the same category by saying that you believed when you didn't?
can you understand now why that is so?
IOW, ppl are your faith in ppl or god?

Casting Crowns sings quite a few songs of people like this and how the Christians need to not forget them. You should check them out if you like "Christian" music (ie music with a Christian message).
i like Casting Crowns..

Do you really think people are that simple?
yes.the simplest concept i can break it down to is ppl are looking for their sense of worth.
some ppl learn to talk the talk and it gives them a sense of worth,this does not speak to them walking the walk,confront them on this and you make them feel worthless and hence are talking to a brick wall..

In response, no. I am to this day not against attending any church, provided the belief in God was not assumed to already exist in its members.
a church that doesn't believe it members believe??
i think you are wanting a church that can communicate silent assumptions,
and does not get offended cause you ask a 'stupid' question (stupid being relative and subjective) there are churches like this,but again i say they are far and few between,gotta hunt for them.

By assuming that everyone who attends church believes is segregation. Anyone who does not believe will not be so welcome.
actually there are churches like that, they turn their noses up at new believers, again i say run from these types of churches..
so my argument still stands as you had told them you believed..
if you had communicated your disbelief with a desire to know more, how would that have influenced how they taught?
I was forthright with my pastor while I struggled with wavering faith towards the long end. I wasn't so forthright as an unbeliever because my goal was not to dissuade believers as a class. I didn't want to affect other people's beliefs on account of my own unbelief. Whenever an opportunity to question came up, I took it with fervor, but I stepped on eggshells because there were folks there who didn't understand enough of Christian living and thinking. Hearing my thoughts might have caused them to have more doubts and stumble in their walk. It just isn't the appropriate place to bring up topics that were not the topics of the day. Which, most of the time was beyond the simple reason to believe or have faith.

yes.the simplest concept i can break it down to is ppl are looking for their sense of worth.
some ppl learn to talk the talk and it gives them a sense of worth,this does not speak to them walking the walk,confront them on this and you make them feel worthless and hence are talking to a brick wall..
Yes, you can break things down to the core. But, the sum of the person is layered in many different things. Each layer is important to understand, and even its core. IOW, you cannot successfully judge a person's motivation for a given action so hastily and summarily. Neither can you judge a church which is made up of people. Just because I say possibly negative things about a church I attended doesn't mean the church wasn't the best, or that I wasn't the most open that I could be.

a church that doesn't believe it members believe??
i think you are wanting a church that can communicate silent assumptions,
and does not get offended cause you ask a 'stupid' question (stupid being relative and subjective) there are churches like this,but again i say they are far and few between,gotta hunt for them.

actually there are churches like that, they turn their noses up at new believers, again i say run from these types of churches..

I know there are. But, churches are not so black and white. There are shades of gray with the turning of the noses. It is a good thing for anyone theist or atheist to run from a blatant nose turning church.