any wiccans here

Hold on, in your previous paragraph you said conversion wasn't changing your views, but in this one you say it's abotu shedding views and
No, I said that a ceremony of conversion is the symbolic act of shedding one's views. Normally, changing one's views takes place beforehand, and an act of conversion is mere symbolism.

The true shedding of one's views is simply changing one's mind.

However, that is no reason to say that he cannot convert to Wicca.
Wicca is a difficult religion to define, as there are many different aspects of Wicca, Witchcraft and Neo-paganism. When we refer to "the Old religion", we aren't speaking of a particular religion with a specific name... instead what we are referring to is the ambiance of certain religious practices that predate modern religions... most notably on one hand we speak about primal, or tribal gatherings, encompassing worshipping aspects of Diety in connection with the Earth, and on the other hand we speak about worshipping the Divine by various aspects represented symbolically by their specific attributes. The "Old Religion" refers to these sorts of practices, such as oral traditions, folklore, mythology, circular communities. Some people mistakenly assume this term "The Old Religion" means that Wicca predates Christianity. But what we are really refferring to is that the ideas that are interwoven into the Wiccan religion predate modern Judeo-Christain customs.

In my younger years, i've read over fifteen different books of shadows.

I guess that would have made me a warlock, other than wiccan.

Hmm, as warlock means 'oath-breaker'* and is generally regarded as a 'poser term'; and
Wiccans don't refer to 'white magic' and/or 'black magic', and a 'book of shadows' is generally a private* (read "not to be shown to others") book of rituals composed by the owner... Hmmm.

Please list some authors; The Farrars? Buckland? StarHawk? Amber K? Silver Ravenwolf? (Don't remember if she uses an 'e' -wolfe.)
There are many more.

*To be fair; there are a few folks who have written a 'Book of Shadows' primer for beginners, (hence the book's 'primer' status:D)
Still, they tend to be books of rituals, and limited on theory.

*Old Scottish word. So I've read in a couple of places, tho admittedly not book on linguistics.
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look to your self

As a separate choice you may wish to look into Druidism.

As a path in life or a belief system it has worked for me. it's a spiritual way of thinking rather then a practiced religion. Though it does not embrace any specific code or doctrine it is similar to Wiccan/Pagan beliefs on one side and Buddhism on the other. Here is a link that can give you the basic idea:

Though this path is solitary {as is life} and it *seems that you are looking to others to share in your belief structure.

I would be leery to jump into any religion that would surround you with people you do not know who share a belief you are not sure about. Doing such a thing could not only lead you down the wrong path, it could lead you to the end of yours. Be careful.

My suggestion is look into what YOU believe/feel is the right spiritual mind set for YOU. Then look on the net for more information to lead your path. Good luck!

As for having to be Pagan or Christian NOT both, I laugh :p
Pagan beliefs are so interconnected with Christian doctrine it is not even funny. I was born and raised Roman Catholic. I still attend mass,
{sometimes :shrug:} BUT I follow my own path while still believing in the BASIC principles and beliefs as the Christian main stream.

One of my favorite portions of the Bible is Matthew 6:1, 6:5, and 6:6.

6:1 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven."

6:5 “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."

6:6 “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Just be careful of what you are getting yourself into. All these things are Entries. Look into a bit of demonolgy before opening yourself up to it.

Just a quick question for anyone in the know. My ex girlfriend used to be into white-witchcraft a while before she met me. What is that?
One of my favorite portions of the Bible is Matthew 6:1, 6:5, and 6:6.

6:1 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven."

6:5 “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."

6:6 “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."


I'd have to agree that the sermon on the mount is full of good stuff.

I also find these very passages very cool.
Fundy thumpers really don't like to be reminded of them.

One thing; when the OP says s/he's thinking of "converting" I give a, oh some where between a head shake and a full shiver.
While I think I understand what you mean, pjdude1219, "conversion" is not the best word to use. Not really. The vast majority of us/those who claim Wicca as our 'faith' will quickly say "Umm, I'm not looking to 'convert' you or anyone for that matter". In fact I've never met anyone who'd fit that description.
Tho I once heard of a Wiccan who actively pursued converts. But that was a third hand account, making it now 'fourth hand'.
Just be careful of what you are getting yourself into. All these things are Entries. Look into a bit of demonolgy before opening yourself up to it.

Just a quick question for anyone in the know. My ex girlfriend used to be into white-witchcraft a while before she met me. What is that?

Something curious Christians and posers have dreamed up.

I strongly advise anyone interested in Wicca, or its variants to get ahold of True Magic by Amber K. I forget if she uses a 'k' on magick.

Silver Ravenwolf has a couple of good books on the subject as do... I'll get back to ya on this, as, while I have some of these books it's late and I'll look in my library for titles and authors tomorrow. Or rather later today.
so what is white-witchcraft? It just sounds like a watered down version of normal witchcraft to me. Is that right? No one line smart arse answers please.
so what is white-witchcraft? It just sounds like a watered down version of normal witchcraft to me. Is that right? No one line smart arse answers please.

See my previous post. Gotta go for now I will respond more later.

BTW: I was not being a smart ass with the "Christian/poser" response
As a separate choice you may wish to look into Druidism.

As a path in life or a belief system it has worked for me.
Ive been reading this link Flint.
In the intro it says:

"One of the most striking characteristics of Druidism is the degree to which it is free of dogma and any fixed set of beliefs or practices. In this way it manages to offer a spiritual path..."

How does it manage to offer a spiritual path if it has no fixed set of beliefs or practises???
Ive been reading this link Flint.
In the intro it says:

"One of the most striking characteristics of Druidism is the degree to which it is free of dogma and any fixed set of beliefs or practices. In this way it manages to offer a spiritual path..."

How does it manage to offer a spiritual path if it has no fixed set of beliefs or practises???

Follow your personal Tao.
The path of the self.

How does it manage to offer a spiritual path if it has no fixed set of beliefs or practises???

Respect towards all of life, nature as the cradle of life. You would see the same type of spiritual engagement in Buddhism and the American Indians. The wheel of life, Karma, respect of nature, oneness with the self, and a personal spiritual path are concepts held by both American Indians and Buddhists, so to with those who follow the path set by the druidical faith.

Take the basic fundamentals you find in the ten commandments they are just moral concepts and from them several religions with different sets of fixed beliefs have been created. With those beliefs the basic concepts have been blurred and for a different reason for each religion.

The biggest concept of Druidical thought is that of neutrality, the ability to look at everything around you in a third perspective. The idea being that only by being neutral can one see the truth hidden behind self illusion and preconceptions. How different would world history be if it was rewritten by a third perspective neutral view instead of that of the conquerors?
How does it manage to offer a spiritual path if it has no fixed set of beliefs or practises???
While neodruidry has no set doctrine, and definitely not dogma, most neopagan druidic organisation have a common ideal, which, while not official or set, is generally accepted.

I forget if she uses a 'k' on magick.
I personally find the use of the "k" at the end of the word an idiotic, presumptuous thing to do. English is full of words with multiple meanings, but the same spelling. I see no reason to add the terminal "k".

Silver Ravenwolf has a couple of good books on the subject as do.
I absolutely cannot stand that woman. She is, in my opinion, a liar and a fraud; A lot of what she talks about is blatant falsehood, taken from Margaret Murray's works, which were repeatedly disproved decades ago, and she is, quite frankly, a religious bigot.
And bigotry has no place in Wicca.

so what is white-witchcraft?
Total bollox, resulting from applying Western dualism onto an inherently pluralistic philosophical view.
I personally find the use of the "k" at the end of the word an idiotic, presumptuous thing to do. English is full of words with multiple meanings, but the same spelling. I see no reason to add the terminal "k".
ABSOLUTELY. Crowley was just fucking with people, (as he so enjoyed) when he came up with that. Quite the jokester.

Total bollox, resulting from applying Western dualism onto an inherently pluralistic philosophical view.

And resulting from people unable to unite themselves into a whole, unable to be yin AND yang at the same time.

It is only when we deny and repress our shadows that they convolute, and emerge with malevolence.
Ive been reading this link Flint.
In the intro it says:

"One of the most striking characteristics of Druidism is the degree to which it is free of dogma and any fixed set of beliefs or practices. In this way it manages to offer a spiritual path..."

How does it manage to offer a spiritual path if it has no fixed set of beliefs or practises???

Still unable to add any of your own thoughts, hmmm?