any wiccans here

Because theres no deity tossing you into hell if you abstain from worship.

No deity to flatter in exchange for great blessings...trick or treat! :D

wiccans from my research belive in two dieties a god and goddess
the nonjudgement of the dieties is one of the reasons i like wicca

OK, some information to work with finally. I guess there is more to come, like some dissatisfaction with your existing religion, but you need to fulfill some spiritual element still?

I guess the hellfire and brimstone, God is watching you, everything is a sin confessed to a stranger (even though God knows) stuff is getting tired. Good show, it is all BS.

So Wicca. Well yes it's laid back, because it's a revivalist movement. But coming from a very rigid background, will it satisfy all your requirements? Do you want ritual to re-inforce a community spirit amongst fellow wiccans? How often? They aren't that active to be honest.

You might find a martial art, and buddhism more satisfying. How about Kung Fu? Good exericise, a spiritual element in Chi, and a tie in with Buddhist philosophy. Mind, body and spirit, better than wafers and weak wine, eh?

You'll get to attend every week, twice possibly, and be involved with an ancient and respected tradition still.

Give it some thought, make a list of things you want to keep, and things you want to discard, and then look around.
Could always look into deism:

The religious philosophy and movement that became prominent in England, France, and the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries that rejects

supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and divine revelation prominent in organized religion, along with holy books and revealed religions that assert the

existence of such things.

OK, some information to work with finally. I guess there is more to come, like some dissatisfaction with your existing religion, but you need to fulfill some spiritual element still?

I guess the hellfire and brimstone, God is watching you, everything is a sin confessed to a stranger (even though God knows) stuff is getting tired. Good show, it is all BS.

So Wicca. Well yes it's laid back, because it's a revivalist movement. But coming from a very rigid background, will it satisfy all your requirements? Do you want ritual to re-inforce a community spirit amongst fellow wiccans? How often? They aren't that active to be honest.

You might find a martial art, and buddhism more satisfying. How about Kung Fu? Good exericise, a spiritual element in Chi, and a tie in with Buddhist philosophy. Mind, body and spirit, better than wafers and weak wine, eh?

You'll get to attend every week, twice possibly, and be involved with an ancient and respected tradition still.

Give it some thought, make a list of things you want to keep, and things you want to discard, and then look around.

one of the reason i want to convert is i don't like going to church that much so the inferquency of gatherings in wicca also appeals to me
one of the reason i want to convert is i don't like going to church that much so the inferquency of gatherings in wicca also appeals to me

If you don't like going to church, stop going.

Why do you need to replace Catholicism with something, in order to stop doing something you don't like? That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't like going to church, stop going.
A conversion isn't absolutely necessary, but then again, a conversion isn't the changing of one's views.

It is a useful symbolic demonstration which publicly slows a shedding of the views of your old ideology, and the assumption of those of your new one. It is not, however, the changing of the views itself.

Why do you need to replace Catholicism with something, in order to stop doing something you don't like? That doesn't make any sense.
Just because he doesn't agree with Catholicism doesn't mean he disagrees with every other religion or philosophy as well.
Some people like having an ordered set of philosophical views; it makes it easier to structure one's beliefs. Apparently, his views agree with most of the Wiccan religion's views.

why do you think that
Neopaganism, especially Wicca, doesn't have a set idea on deity, and as such, allows its practitioners to decide on their own, what their relationship to the divine is. Some choose worship, some choose simple reverence, some others even choose a relationship of equality. It depends on the individual, and there is no set doctrine.

wiccans from my research belive in two dieties a god and goddess
For one thing, belief does not equal worship.

Secondly, Wiccan's don't necessarily believe in the God and Goddess.
It depends, not only on the tradition, but from individual to individual. Traditional Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca do hold to the duotheistic idea, but they often associate polytheistic gods and goddesses as avatars or manifestations of the Horned God and Mother Goddess.
However, an increasing amount of Wiccans today, most of which are in the US, are breaking away from British Traditional Wicca, and are exploring more eclectic approaches, often adopting polytheistic pantheons into their belief system. Some others are monotheistic, some believe in only the female aspect of Deity, and some are atheists who view the goddess and god as archetypes.

Wicca, and neopaganism in general, doesn't have a concise, precise, or exact doctrine of faith when it comes to theology. It allows one to decide their own ideas, and still remain a Wiccan.
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So, you want to do something stupid? Magic is non-sense. Don't waste your time on b.s.
A conversion isn't absolutely necessary, but then again, a conversion isn't the changing of one's views.

It might help if you follow the thread before replying? Anyway, of course a conversion is changing one's views! According to his current religion, his new religion is forbidden, idolatrous, evil, and there are specific commands about no tolerating witches ffs! You cannot be a Catholic and accomodate Wiccan beliefs, so a change of view is very definitely required!

It is a useful symbolic demonstration which publicly slows a shedding of the views of your old ideology,

Hold on, in your previous paragraph you said conversion wasn't changing your views, but in this one you say it's abotu shedding views and

and the assumption of those of your new one.

and then compound this lunacy with;

It is not, however, the changing of the views itself.

So 'shedding' one set of views, and 'assuming' another set is not 'changing' your views? When you change your trousers how do you do that? Shed one pair and put on another? What is the difference?

Just because he doesn't agree with Catholicism doesn't mean he disagrees with every other religion or philosophy as well.

He is a Catholic. He has stated so himself, so one would think if he he says he is a Catholic, and goes to church, he must agree with a fair portion of the credo. I didn't imply he didn't agree with other religions either, again it might help if you actually read the thread before quoting people and chiming in.

I said if he doesn't like the frequency of church visits, instead of swapping to a more ad-hoc organisation, why doesn't he just stop going to Church? It's like this guy is looking for an excuse not to go to Church, like he needs to justify it to his parents, rather than himself, and becoming a Wiccan would be an excuse.
It might help if you follow the thread before replying? Anyway, of course a conversion is changing one's views! According to his current religion, his new religion is forbidden, idolatrous, evil, and there are specific commands about no tolerating witches ffs! You cannot be a Catholic and accomodate Wiccan beliefs, so a change of view is very definitely required!

Hold on, in your previous paragraph you said conversion wasn't changing your views, but in this one you say it's abotu shedding views and

and then compound this lunacy with;

So 'shedding' one set of views, and 'assuming' another set is not 'changing' your views? When you change your trousers how do you do that? Shed one pair and put on another? What is the difference?

He is a Catholic. He has stated so himself, so one would think if he he says he is a Catholic, and goes to church, he must agree with a fair portion of the credo. I didn't imply he didn't agree with other religions either, again it might help if you actually read the thread before quoting people and chiming in.

I said if he doesn't like the frequency of church visits, instead of swapping to a more ad-hoc organisation, why doesn't he just stop going to Church? It's like this guy is looking for an excuse not to go to Church, like he needs to justify it to his parents, rather than himself, and becoming a Wiccan would be an excuse.

accually i was raised catholic i never really thought of my self as a catholic and i stopped going to church often long ago
accually i was raised catholic i never really thought of my self as a catholic and i stopped going to church often long ago

Then it would be helpful if you made more accurate statements about yourself. You referred to yourself as Catholic, and stated that the frequency of attendance at church was a problem for you with Catholicism, That implied you were still practising.