any wiccans here


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
are there any wiccans here because i'm thinking about converting to wicca and i would like some advice on how to find a coven from a wiccan

In my younger years, i've read over fifteen different books of shadows.

I guess that would have made me a warlock, other than wiccan.
Integrating, i could tell you anything you wanted about it.

well i'm looking into finding a coven but i don't really know what to look for as outspoken as i am i happen to be very shy like what would be a good place to go to see if i can bump into a wiccan
Righty then...

there are many ad hoc sites on wiccanism. Varying from color magicks, black magicks and white magicks, elemental magicks and even stone magicks.

Finding a coven (are you a girl)? is difficult. You would need to find one located close to were you live to make things easy. :)
Righty then...

there are many ad hoc sites on wiccanism. Varying from color magicks, black magicks and white magicks, elemental magicks and even stone magicks.

Finding a coven (are you a girl)? is difficult. You would need to find one located close to were you live to make things easy. :)

i'm a guy
Oh... and you are probably wondering (maybe not) how a scientist like me could believe in such woo woo...

Well, simple. Observer creates reality. This is the fundamental rule of quantum physics. So if it states that ''to name a thing'' is to create a thing, then spells also have significant quantum mechanics.
Oh... and you are probably wondering (maybe not) how a scientist like me could believe in such woo woo...

Well, simple. Observer creates reality. This is the fundamental rule of quantum physics. So if it states that ''to name a thing'' is to create a thing, then spells also have significant quantum mechanics.

What kind of scientist are you?
I am not a scientist, but have a lay interest - that sounds like a straight line - and my impression was that the observer affects reality. I had not read any QM texts that took it to the place you have. Did I miss something? I hope I did. If it seems better to keep this on topic by including wiccan concepts, feel free to.
Converting is bollox, you either know what you are, or you do not.
Seriously, does anyone choose to become a christian before being a christian?
Oh, good ol faith you have there, I think I'll become a christian.

Any way, what's wicca? I read the wiki article on it and didn't get it.
It says that wicca comes from old European witchcraft religion, but there was no such thing,
so it seems that it was invented in 1920s to accommodate for the newly emerging eco movement.
Converting is bollox, you either know what you are, or you do not.
Seriously, does anyone choose to become a christian before being a christian?
Oh, good ol faith you have there, I think I'll become a christian.

Any way, what's wicca? I read the wiki article on it and didn't get it.
It says that wicca comes from old European witchcraft religion, but there was no such thing,
so it seems that it was invented in 1920s to accommodate for the newly emerging eco movement.

There were certainly pagan religions that lived even up to the present in various segregated or secret forms.

And of course some people choose to become Christians or Jews or athiests. Unless you are coming from a hard determinist position most people consider some people choosing to participate in this or that system of belief.
Pagan religion is a flawed term, esentially meaning non-christian-religion.
Putting all the nature cults under the same name is very broad, not to mention if that word is "witchcraft". There are witches or wizards in almost any culture.

Imo wicca is a new religion which has taken some themes from the old "pagan" cults, some from christianity (the case in Latvia with our coincidentally 1920s Dievturi religion ), some from eco movement, and some from hippies, and also a few fairy tales. Put it all together and voila! It's a recreation of an old idea, but it's not the same thing, not at all.

most people consider some people choosing to participate in this or that system of belief.
Really? I've never done that.
So it means that people are choosing the way they want to think, yes? I.e., I want to think there is only one god and his name is Allah, and I also want to wear a towel or whatever that thing is called?
Pagan religion is a flawed term, esentially meaning non-christian-religion.
Yeah, that's what I meant. The non-Christian, one could even say indigenous religions in Europe before and then under duress during Christianity. However flawed the term is, you got what I meant.
Putting all the nature cults under the same name is very broad, not to mention if that word is "witchcraft". There are witches or wizards in almost any culture.

Imo wicca is a new religion which has taken some themes from the old "pagan" cults, some from christianity (the case in Latvia with our coincidentally 1920s Dievturi religion ), some from eco movement, and some from hippies, and also a few fairy tales. Put it all together and voila! It's a recreation of an old idea, but it's not the same thing, not at all.

So you're saying it doesn't have the right kind of pedigree for you to consider it a bona fide religion. I'd hesitate to take such a stand myself. Most religions strike me as pretty hodgepodge, especially when you add on lateral investigations of different branches and sects and denominations to the historical roots approach.

Really? I've never done that.
So it means that people are choosing the way they want to think, yes? I.e., I want to think there is only one god and his name is Allah, and I also want to wear a towel or whatever that thing is called?

I actually do think some people choose what they want to think. The whole affirmations crowd and Christianity has many autobiographies where people struggle with their doubts and even disbelief. And one can certainly decide to let down a skeptical guard, begin to explore something and decide to be more open to it and so on.

But choosing to be Christian, of course. Of course their are converts. That word certainly has more than imaginary uses.

Converting is bollox, you either know what you are, or you do not.
Well no. Adopting the label of any particular religion requires satisfying a long list of criteria. One might easily satisfy all that list and have no problem identifying with the label, many might have discomfort with some or most of the criteria and do not feel confortable with the label even though they had perhaps at one time felt they met the criteria.

Conversion simply means coming to a recognition that one label is not appropriate and that another set of criteria is more attractive. If that new set of criteria has an appropriate label then one might correspondingly feel happy thus labeled.

Seriously, does anyone choose to become a christian before being a christian?
Of course they do, I did, after a lot of thought. And after even more thought eventually rejected it.
Really? I've never done that.
So it means that people are choosing the way they want to think, yes?

Then there is the fairly common experience of people deciding to ignore evidence. ON some level they realize they just experienced something that contradicted their belief but they choose to cling to a certain belief anyway. Only later are they able to cop to this. I have known people who chose beliefs to rebell against their parents. Some admitted this but noticed later that the beliefs stuck for other reasons. Some admitted this and dropped their conversions. (and these conversions included to athiesm and to a couple of different monotheisms).

You can certainly choose to particpate in the rituals of a religion with the intent of joining. These rituals lead to experiences (sometimes very satisfying) and this in turn leads to a more and more distinct choices to be a part of that religion.

I am sure many people who went from the WEst and joined Eastern religions, in fact I know a few, started out hoping they would believe. They liked the sound of what they heard and chose to participate in systems that had beliefs they liked the sound of. Their experiences seemed to did confirm these intended beliefs. I think it is fair to say they chose their beliefs. This doesn't mean it is random. But religions are set up, especially the more experiential based ones, to give people experiences that solidify beliefs. Meditation, chanting, etc.
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What kind of scientist are you?
I am not a scientist, but have a lay interest - that sounds like a straight line - and my impression was that the observer affects reality. I had not read any QM texts that took it to the place you have. Did I miss something? I hope I did. If it seems better to keep this on topic by including wiccan concepts, feel free to.

Well, i've been called a ''sceintist,'' only because i work in this area: Psychophysics... the study of the mind from a quantum physical sense.

You're right. The observer affects reality, but it turns out that from a Copenhagen Viewpoint, she ALSO creates it! By observation or even mindless ponderings :)