Any unbrainwashed theists out there?

Seriously, back to topic....I am looking for theists to tell their side of the story. Some theists who have agnostic tendencies...appologetic theists even. Specifically, I would like to find post-modern Christians, if they truly exist. I'd like to know their take on God. Perhaps this is the wrong place, but it doesn't hurt to try.

I will respond, but only to an unbrainwashed atheist. Haven't found one yet.
The "universe" being a word defined by man. Okay, I'll go with you. God exists within the universe. Anything outside of the big bang is part of the universe. So now how does all of the power that we're convinced He has become moot (irrelevant)? Since God is inside of the universe, is he contained by physics? Is the state of being outside of the big bang, constrained by the physics we've come to know? If you do not know, how then is God irrelevant if you know not whether he is constrained by the physics you've come to know?

You used moot. The OP used moot. Please explain.

OP said:
If God is real, he exists by the same chance that we do (that's our best guess), and is on a higher plane than the universe, which is claimed to be its creation. If we are still discovering the secrets of the universe, how can we measure anything outside it. For all intent and purposes, nothing exists outside the known universe. This is a pointless and moot debate.
So, "If God [..] is on a higher plane than the universe* [..] This is a pointless and moot debate."

The OP said that there is nothing outside the known universe. I corrected him and said there is only the universe.

Furthermore, and I didn't even intend to make this point, if God is part of the universe his characteristics as described in the bible don't hold up.

* i.e. if that is part of the definition of god.
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M*W: You're wrong. Atheists don't play the religion card. That's something theists do. Once in a while, a theist might just use the brain he was given to realize that he might be able to think for himself.

that's the good step freethinkers take and become atheists.. i ask them to keep walking i.e as you said think for themselves. when they do that correctly and heavily, they will realize they can't -aren't able to- think for themselves, and so they return in line with sheep, but with a more intelligent stand and a better sense of self.

that realization (the second one) is what most atheists fail to do, and is what intelligent, highly scientific theists successfully did.

note that the whole realization of one's ability thing is partial, somethings religion says you can't reach with a satisfactory answer by yourself, and so gives you dogma, which proves being satisfactory against any other answer a humans try to reach by themselves. like i demonstrated in the thread: heh heh heh.

those are the first part, the second part is what religions keeps open for competition and improvement, simply; science. dogma doesn't tell you how a plane should be, where a bridge should be put, what corpses to plant, what wife to marry, what sport to play, what medicine to give to which disease, what best method of communication is, and so on, there's a big space for advancement, and for choice and difference.

but the other fields of knowledge which can't be reached, let alone advanced, and don't contain the luxury of difference, dogma dictates.

so yes you can think for yourself, and no you can't think for yourself.

that's why we have "dumb" "sheep", we have atheists, and he have "smart" "sheep".
What do you mean by "to some degree"?

i just mean that there's no such thing as perfect knowledge on this earth, and that we live in a world full of lies. people are brainwashed by alot of things...the govt, the media, their own emotions, their own egos, and their own perceptions. i guess i'm equating brainwashing to believing something that's not entirely true, and i think that everyone does that to some degree about everything.

What else could you call it if you wanted to?

i don't know...i could call it "it". i could call it "the universe". i could call it "bob". lol. god is just a's a word...a part of a language that we use to communicate, but that label doesn't define it. it defines itself.