any religion taught this


Registered Member
Dear Friends,
now some people belong to some religion trying to spread out the terrorism and killing innocent people.they are saying that GOD ordered them to do that and if they do like that GOD will praise them.

under the mask of terrorism they are doing all this non-sense.
but is any religion preached its followers to kill orther people?.we are all humans.even animals wont kill the same kind animal.then being humans why we are killing our people.

is any religious book said to kill other religion people.up to my knowledge,every religion will say "God is one".all these religions are the ways to reach Him.

being in 21st century we have to think moderately.we shuold not have barbareous,ancient thoughts.our minds should be enlightened.we have to take care of ourselves,our family.
but the people who dont like to deveolp are doing all this kind of inhuman activities.

we shouldnt allow them to that kind of activities.there is no place in this world for such things.think big.
best wishes
Aswani Kumar:)
Educational level in Afghanistan

first you need good education to understand and think about your actions. I have a russian television at home so I wach wht they ahve to say. Unbeleivable or not but Russians tell more truth than Anericans ever wanted. The completely opposite is about chechen war.
I saw a few interviews. Firs they questioned one talibi terrorist who was from Pakistan. When he was questioned why he joined talibi and bun laden, he answered tht they promissed him to give meet every day. Later he angrily said tht everyone heere gets meet and tht he was tricked. He was also told tht to Afghanistan have attacked Jews, but he said tht he was very dissapointed when saw no Jews here either.

Other very interesting interview was with one high school and school proffesor in science. He teaches both schools to get 2$ a month from each. He was interviewed because the journalist asked some kids[14, 16 year old] how world was made. They answered tht world lies on a back of a giant?turtle?[don't remember what animal exactly. About America, they said tht they know who Americans are, but they have no idea where US is.

When proffesor was asked if it was true tht world lies on the back of a giant turtle, he smiles and says tht tht is wrong, only tales to tell children because the real model of universe is very difficult to understand and he tells>>>>read it>>>>> tht the centre of universe is earth and all planets are orbiting around it. the furthest is the sun. And the light of the sun is reflected by ?5? spinning and orbiting around earth cristals.
When asked why sun isn't in the centre, he smiles again and says tht he has heard of smth like tht, but to his mind it is all nonsence and should not be taken seriously.

Know, how do you propose to tell them tht killing americans is bad, when they beleive tht they are agressors from far away and never seen land who want to kill them all.

I saw this a week ago on NTV or RTR.
*Originally posted by aswanikumar
under the mask of terrorism they are doing all this non-sense.
but is any religion preached its followers to kill orther people?
is any religious book said to kill other religion people.

Yes, the Koran, the book of Islam says to do that.

---Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult or oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.---
don't be so quick to say tht only for koran. I'm sure tht in bible the same is mentioned about egyptians, philistians[i think it spells different], inhabitants of sofom and gomor and so on. in bible there are descibred many battles and wars.
And koran was mainly taken from christianity.
When Muhamed saw how christians were expanding he thought of new religion to unite his peole.

Ah, and you of course have figured out that many parts of bible are from other myths and legends of another cultures.
I'm sure tht Moses didn't spend his time wastely when growing near the royal library of Egypt.
*Originally posted by avatar
don't be so quick to say tht only for koran. I'm sure tht in bible the same is mentioned about egyptians, philistians[i think it spells different], inhabitants of sofom and gomor and so on.

Nope, sorry.
It doesn't tell us to go around killing Egyptians, or philistines.
As for inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrha, there aren't any.

*And koran was mainly taken from christianity.*

How come the koran is against Christianity for the most part?

*Ah, and you of course have figured out that many parts of bible are from other myths and legends of another cultures.*

No, sorry.
I have figured out that other myths and legends are distortions of Christianity, though.

*I'm sure tht Moses didn't spend his time wastely when growing near the royal library of Egypt. *

He probably didn't, but why does Egypt end up looking like a loser, if the Bible was borrowed from Egypt?
"How come the koran is against Christianity for the most part? "
that is laid on the basis, the basic princips are the same.

"I have figured out that other myths and legends are distortions of Christianity, though. "

Christianity is about 2000 years old, but ancient cultures and theit myths 5000 and more years old. take Giglamesh for instance

"He probably didn't, but why does Egypt end up looking like a loser, if the Bible was borrowed from Egypt?"

I didn't say tht he liked egyptians. there are links which lead to assume tht in ancient egyptians gathered scrolls from all around.
So Moses had a lot myths, ceremonies etc to copy from.
Tony, just out of curiosity...... In the Old Testament, God clearly interacted with men, thru a promise made to Abraham, Isreal being the chosen people were led by Moses who was called by God and who was in fact devinly inspired to write the scriptures.

My thinking is that although it was Abraham who stood in the gap and recieved the promise finding favor with God and had his seed blessed and chosen by God.......there were in fact other people in the world, other cultures and countrys, or areas......God being the only God and creator of ALL men. Where in the Bible text does it say that God had no interaction with any other men any where in the world. Could not these other men have made personal accounts of things and tried to also write down their experiences and things they learned from their love of God to pass down to their children?
Even Paul attested to writting in a few personal notes beyond the divine inspiration.
Ok, So none of these men stood in the gap, or recieved the great promise or had their seed chosen to bear the savoir. But that doesn't nullify the fact that they may well have loved and worshipped the one true GOD! Correct? Perhaps that explains why we have similarities in acounts and teachings from way back in other cultures or ethnicitys. God does not change so it stands to reason that if they worshiped the one true God that their ideas and teachings would in fact closely resemble teachings in the Bible with out haveing been plagerized or twisted copies. ???????????
*Originally posted by Taken
there were in fact other people in the world, other cultures and countrys, or areas......God being the only God and creator of ALL men. Where in the Bible text does it say that God had no interaction with any other men any where in the world. Could not these other men have made personal accounts of things and tried to also write down their experiences and things they learned from their love of God to pass down to their children?

Oh sure.
Since it all started with just two people, Adam and Eve, then by definition, everyone's creation accounts should be very similar.
Major differences would be accounted for by serious drug use, demonic inspiration or just plain lying (the dog ate my Bible, so I had to write a new one).

*But that doesn't nullify the fact that they may well have loved and worshipped the one true GOD! Correct? Perhaps that explains why we have similarities in acounts and teachings from way back in other cultures or ethnicitys. God does not change so it stands to reason that if they worshiped the one true God that their ideas and teachings would in fact closely resemble teachings in the Bible with out haveing been plagerized or twisted copies. ??????????? *

They might not be plagiarized, but that doesn't mean that they haven't been twisted.
Might I point out that the many many many denominations of the Christine church have done the same twisting to the divinely inspired account of the difference would be what? The men loveing God and setting it to word for the teaching and edification of their seed had the best of intentions and then the generations that followed changed it to conform to their wants and needs. Either route you take you still gotta learn to eat the fish and spit out the bones.
*Originally posted by Taken
Either route you take you still gotta learn to eat the fish and spit out the bones.

Of course, on the broad way that leads to destruction, it is all bones and no fish.
That's a tough way to learn that lesson.
I'd rather eat fish.
its upto us

Dear Friends,
Actually the religious books said so many things which will be helpful to us to know about us and truth of the God.

We can take any number of meanings from words of those books.
Its depend on our way of thinking.I dont think that either
Bible or Kuran taught the people to kill the other community people.

We have to think once and twice before coming to a conclusion.
If something is there in the books we have to consider so many things.on which occassions that books have been written,what are the situations there at that time?, How is the social life,
like this we have to see so many constraints.

So,whether a book taught to kill others or a person taught ,
it is barbareous in present day world.
*Originally posted by aswanikumar
I dont think that either Bible or Kuran taught the people to kill the other community people.

You said that earlier.

---Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult or oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.---

The last time I quoted that I only boldfaced the relevant comments.
This time I underlined them, too.

We'll see if you read what's there, or if you read what you want.
By the posts you are posting one can assume that you are either Muslin, or you have found a place in the bible which says you to slay and kill others.
It is relly no difference - do it physically or spiritually.
But really Tony, I don't think tht Jesus wanted his ideas to be so offensive as you show it to us.

I replace "christianity" with "ideas of Jesus", when talking about real beleifs of Jesus, because what today is christianity, it is an insult to Jesus and Gods/God
*Originally posted by Avatar
By the posts you are posting one can assume that you are either Muslin, or you have found a place in the bible which says you to slay and kill others.

I used to think that only atheists thought backwards, but now I see I'll have to add pagans to the list.

Just out of curiosity, how did you come up with the most opposite possible meaning, assuming you weren't talking about cloth?

Ordinarily "opposite" needs no qualification, but after seeing your post, I may have revise my thinking.
Ah, so Jesus shares his Lordship with God? Or is he kinda like God's runner up? Public relations guy right? :rolleyes:
*Originally posted by Xelios
Ah, so Jesus shares his Lordship with God? Or is he kinda like God's runner up? Public relations guy right?

For God has placed all things under Christ's feet. (But, when it is said that all things have been placed under Christ, it is plain that God is excepted who placed everything under him.)
And, when everything has been placed under him, the Son will place himself under God who placed everything under him, that God may be all in all!

(1 Corinthians 15:27,28, TCNT).
---Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult or oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.---

Where does it say to kill others without reason. It says to kill those who fight you. And it also states that there are limits.

And didn't christianity take over all of europe, forcefully. Didn't christianity perform the brutal witch trials, forcing people trough foltering to confess.
Didn't they slay everyone in europe who wouldn't convert to christianity???

The Koran only says here to kill those who oppose you, something every country does today. Isn't america out to destroy Bin Laden for the attack on the 11th, And for other terrorist acts.