Any helpful life hacks?

dont give money to churches because they dont pay tax which takes money away from sick children who need hospital care but there is not enough money to pay for it because you have helped a church dodge their fair share of tax.
this is stealing health care from children.
get better health care for children by not giving money to churches.
dont give money to churches because they dont pay tax which takes money away from sick children who need hospital care but there is not enough money to pay for it because you have helped a church dodge their fair share of tax.
this is stealing health care from children.
get better health care for children by not giving money to churches.

Every kid in my country would be looked after. For FREE! All civilized countries have free healthcare (even Mexico), but I agree religions do more harm than good. People in my country probably live years longer than people in whatever country you reside in. Not caring for children is sick.

I could take a bum off the street to a hospital and he would get royal care, free x-rays, and healed. Same in Mexico.

Buy bulk black socks all the same to avoid sorting them. White socks if you are a sneaker person maybe. Then just pile them all in a drawer and save much time.

Google Home: Or similar. You can ask for timers/alarms/reminders. I couple mine with spotify so I can simply ask for a song or hum/sing a few chords if I forget name and it will play it.
Better than any jukebox. You can control lights. Create shopping lists.
I have one in most every room.
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Every kid in my country would be looked after. For FREE! All civilized countries have free healthcare (even Mexico), but I agree religions do more harm than good. People in my country probably live years longer than people in whatever country you reside in. Not caring for children is sick.

I could take a bum off the street to a hospital and he would get royal care, free x-rays, and healed. Same in Mexico.

Buy bulk black socks all the same to avoid sorting them. White socks if you are a sneaker person maybe. Then just pile them all in a drawer and save much time.

Google Home: Or similar. You can ask for timers/alarms/reminders. I couple mine with spotify so I can simply ask for a song or hum/sing a few chords if I forget name and it will play it.
Better than any jukebox. You can control lights. Create shopping lists.
I have one in most every room.
Nah, those are aubergines.
Buy bulk black socks all the same to avoid sorting them. White socks if you are a sneaker person maybe. Then just pile them all in a drawer and save much time.
Or gray.
Create shopping lists.
The cashier at the grocery store asks me if I found everything. I tell her I found everything I could remember. She says I should have a list. I used to tell her I do have a list; it's on the fridge. Now I tell her I have a list on my phone; it has everything I bought last week.
Buy bulk black socks all the same to avoid sorting them. White socks if you are a sneaker person maybe. Then just pile them all in a drawer and save much time.

I used to do this, but after awhile some socks would get more worn than others, and it was hard to try to match them up in pairs. I would have to study them and say, "These two look approximately equally worn," and it took way too much time.

I'm a sneaker person so I buy bulk white socks, all the same. Then I open the package, and use a permanent marker to write the same number or letter on each pair so that I can easily keep them paired up. It saves a lot of time.
You should all debate this in Latin. Oops, wrong thread. :oops:

Clever! Plugging your other thread in this thread.

From my favorite movie, The Exorcist...

"Mirabile dictu, don't you agree?"

Father Karras:
"You speak Latin?"

"Ego te absolvo."

Father Karras:
"Quod nomen mihi est?"

"Bon Jour"

Father Karras
"Quod nomen mihi est?"

"La plume de ma tante."


Keep the plastic lid from a can of shaving gel by the kitchen sink. Use it to scrape baked-on food off of hard to clean pans and dishes. Because it is plastic, it will not scratch the pans like scraping it with a metal spatula would. Because it is round and flexible, it can even get into the corners. If you use it on melted cheesy messes, the cheese comes right off the smooth plastic, unlike a sponge which the cheese would stick to and ruin. Best kitchen tool ever, and its free.

If you like Subway's Veggie Delight sandwich, you might have noticed that its price is the same as some of their other subs, such as the meatball sub, for example. So you can order a meatball sub instead, and ask if they can put the meatballs in a separate container. Then go ahead and get the cheese, veggies and whatever condiments you like on the bread. Now you have a Veggie Delight sandwich, AND a side order of meatballs, for the same price as it would have been without the meatballs.

You could also do this with a BLT which means you have free bacon instead of free meatballs. I don't know why they set their prices like that, but it practically forces you to get some meat.

After doing laundry, hang all the tee shirts on hangers. This way you don't have to fold them up, which takes too much time, and puts creases in them. Likewise, you can pull the sheets out of the drier and put them right on the bed, instead of folding. Likewise, you can take towels out and hang them in the bath room, rather than folding.

After doing laundry, hang all the tee shirts on hangers. This way you don't have to fold them up, which takes too much time, and puts creases in them. Likewise, you can pull the sheets out of the drier and put them right on the bed, instead of folding. Likewise, you can take towels out and hang them in the bath room, rather than folding.
A friend of mine used to say that she stored her clean clothes on the bed (she was very small) and her dirty clothes on the floor. I told her I store my clean clothes in the dryer.
A friend of mine used to say that she stored her clean clothes on the bed (she was very small) and her dirty clothes on the floor. I told her I store my clean clothes in the dryer.

Did she store the clothes on the bed in a pile, or fold them all? Hangers are quicker and easier for me, because it takes too much time to fold everything.

I would think storing clothes in a pile (even in the dryer, lol) would tend to make them wrinkled. Hangers keep them nice and wrinkle free.

When I said to put the sheets right on the bed, I didn't mean in a pile. I meant to make the bed up like normal, rather than folding the sheets and putting them in the closet.